Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Inversion

The Weekly Pull : Inversion

The Weekly Pull : Inversion

Earlier this month, I introduced the first book of Marvel Comics latest epic, Axis - Book One : The Red Supremacy. This week, book two of the three part event came to a close, and things in the Marvel U have started taking a turn (hence the Axis - get it?!) in the latest installment, Axis - Book Two : Inversion.  

Picking up immediately after the battle with the Red Onslaught on the island of Genosha, we find our heros back at Avengers tower arguing over the fate of Red Skull. However, something is off ... The All-New Captain America (Sam Wilson, aka Falcon) is making death threats, Thor has lost his humanity and Tony Stark wants nothing more than to drink these troubles away.

The Weekly Pull : Inversion

Across town, stranger events begin to unfold. Spider-Man responds to a robbery only to find that the criminal has already been apprehended by his most unlikely adversary, Carnage, while in Larveria, Doctor Doom make a speech to his subjects announcing their freedom from oppression.

The Weekly Pull : Inversion

However, the icing on the cake is the introduction of KLUH, the Hulk's Hulk, and as Nova quickly realizes, you wouldn't like him when he's sad.

The Weekly Pull : Inversion

The telepathic powers of the Red Onslaught combined against the sorcery of the Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom have spawned a reaction in those present at the battle of Genosha and have the Marvel U turned on it's Axis, where our heroes are villains and our villains are heroes. A big change is coming, and next month we'll see how it all unfolds in the final chapter, Axis - Book Three : New World Order.

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Best Smash Bros. Game Yet

The Best Smash Bros. Game Yet

While everyone else who is a fellow geek in our city was enjoying the Grand Rapids Comic Con, Pop and I (Mom) were tucked away at home hacking away our lungs. As much as we would have liked to join in on the fun, our toddler was also very sick, and so we decided to be boring. However, in the midst of this disappointment, we got to enjoy our newest purchases.

This is just from the 11/21 release. We also have a plethora of new games from 11/18

Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is everything we could have asked for...and more. The GameCube controller functionality was a must, and we are so glad they decided to take this route because it makes fighting fluid and natural. The levels are amazing, the graphics gorgeous...just go freaking buy it already. AND if you don't have a Wii U...now is the time...seriously.

 I have never really been that talented in the arena of Smash Bros. games; however, I do find so much joy in playing it. We have yet to do anything with the Amiibos other than register them to our names (Pop's is Link and mine is Yoshi), but we are excited to level them up. For now check us out doing a bit of classic mode and don't forget to check us out on our other pages!

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

It Happened: Mario Kart Just Got Cooler

It Happened: Mario Kart Just Got Cooler

Downloadable content is pretty much a given with nearly every game that releases, so it comes to no one's surprise that Mario Kart 8 has sported its own season pass. The nice thing about this season pass is that it is only $12 and it comes with a decent amount of content. Releasing in two packs, people who purchase the season pass will get a total of:
  • 16 tracks
  • 8 Cars
  • 6 characters
Pop and I obviously got the season pass and the first pack does not disappoint because it includes our most favorite character, Link. In line with the Zelda theme, there is a Hyrule Cup Grand Prix, which has a pretty epic track. 

Check out the first two races in the Hyrule Cup as we play through the first pack of the DLC and make sure to stay tuned for the rest! Look below to connect with us via social media and as always, feel free to suggest some titles folks!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Nerd Block - November 2014

Pretty excited for this weekend’s Grand Rapids Comic Con. Lots of cool people to meet and see. I’ll be going for all three days. There will be plenty of posts about it following the event. For this week’s post I will be writing about this month’s Nerd Block.

I regret to say that this is my last Nerd Block for a while. They haven’t been super exciting for me besides the occasional POP figure and very minimal amount of Star Wars items. I only kept it around for another month because I knew there would be a Boba Fett themed item and Boba is my main man so I couldn’t give up yet.

This month’s block wasn’t too shabby, there wasn’t one thing I didn’t like.

1. Iron Man Coffee Mug (my wife has an infatuation with Iron Man so this mug is all hers)

2. Super Mario Bros. Boo Slap Watch

3. Deadpool - King of Chimichangas T-shirt

4. Boba Fett Fan Wrap for my car (wish it would have been more than just a sticker for my car)


5. The Featured Item of the Month - Batman plush (Adaaaaam Weeeesssst!!!)

Like I said not too shabby, definitely a step up from previous months. If you are still interested in Nerd Block please sign up it is a great service, just didn’t fit for me. Next month should be great as well, every subscriber is guaranteed an autographed Willow print from either Warwick Davis or Val Kilmer! That’s pretty exciting, but I am going to resist. Now if it were an autographed pic of Wicket or semi-decent looking Batman then I’d be all in.

Stay tuned for our upcoming posts on the Grand Rapids Comic Con!

May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Grand Rapids Comic Con

The Weekly Pull : Grand Rapids Comic Con

The Weekly Pull : Grand Rapids Comic Con

Beginning Friday, November 23rd, Grand Rapids will be hosting its second annual Comic Con! Due to last years overwhelming turn out and success, the event this year has been moved from the Byron Center Home School Building to the much more spacious Delta Plex complete with special guests, historic memorabilia and exclusive art! Although I've had my personal ticket in hand for months, some big talent announcements that have been confirmed that should have you clammering for a 3-day pass as well!

The Weekly Pull : Grand Rapids Comic Con

First on the list is Nichelle Nichols (aka Lt. Uhura) from the original Star Trek television series. In addition to autographs and photo-ops, Nichelle will also be giving a presentation on Star Trek and the Civil Rights Movement, described in the program as :

“... revolutionary television back in the 1960′s with an ethically diverse cast, and Nichelle was at the center of this progressive and controversial casting. Nichelle will speak candidly on the role of Lt. Uhura and how it had an impact on the Civil Rights Movement, how the role changed the face of television, and how it inspired people all over the world."

The Weekly Pull : Grand Rapids Comic Con

On the cinematic side, the Grand Rapids Comic Con is bringing us the great stop-motion animation artist, Justin Kohn! I am really excited about this one. Justin has been at the forefront of many classic animated films such as : James and the Giant Peach, Coraline, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and most importantly (to me) The Nightmare Before Christmas! And the icing on the cake? Justin is signing for FREE!

The Weekly Pull : Grand Rapids Comic Con

In Artist Alley, the hits keep coming with one of my favorite Spider-man cover artists, Ryan Stegman! Ryan is also known for numerous other Marvel series contributions, which include: Avengers Vs. X-Men, Moon Knight, The Incredible Hulk and more! Ryan's most recent work can be seen in the pages of Wolverine (pre- last month's Death of Wolverine event).

If you live in the Grand Rapids area, please come out and support the Grand Rapids Comic Con running November 23rd - 25th! Whether television, movies, comic books, toys, art or memorabilia is your thing, there's something for everyone!

Until next time,True Believers!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Why We Still Love Halo the Most

Why We Still Love Halo the Most

Halo is probably the most iconic FPS that ever has existed. I don't care how many Call of Duty's come out...Halo will still hold a special place in my (Mom) heart. Maybe it is because I spent a majority of my early college days on a 13-inch tube-tv playing Halo 2 online, and kicking ass at that. Or maybe it is because I survived many a midnight release of each installment of the series. PERHAPS it is just because the game has that familiar feeling.

When you start up any Halo game, and hear that nostalgic music, you almost choke up a bit. Wait...you don't? Okay, I might just be a super weirdo, but that's okay.

Halo: Master Chief Collection provides an epic bundle for Xbox One owners, and it totally delivers. Although right now servers are a little jacked up, the graphical upgrade more than makes up for it.

We aren't going to do a full series of this game, but we wanted to at least play online to show you guys some of the upgrades this collection provides. I realized through this endeavor that since I haven't played Halo in a REALLY long time, I suck...like really suck. So I'm going to practice now that I know that I have literally lost any skill I had once acquired in my teen years.

Check out our video below and stay tuned for some exciting new series we will be releasing in line with the hottest releases of this holiday season.

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

NGP's Top 5 RPGs of All Time

NGP's Top 5 RPGs of All Time

In the wake of Dragon Age Inquisition releasing in a couple days I have decided to compile a list of top RPGs (in my mind) that have stood out against the rest. I have spent hours of my life (and in some cases hundreds of hours) on each one of these games and I plan on spending hours more in future RPGs to come. In my mind it is the best genre in gaming and everyone knows it. There isn't a game out today that hasn't taken inspiration from some facet of these games. Just looking at the new Call of Duty you can see signs of RPG influence in their supply crate system (loot drops) and in their progression system (classic RPG level system). With every new game out, the list of great RPGs just grows and gets more diverse and exciting. Given that growth lets take a look at this genre at its best. Here is my list of Top 5 RPGs of All Time.

5.) Mass Effect (2007 - Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

When this game released it was a brand new take on the RPG genre. Most other RPG games took place in some sort of medieval-esque location with swords and shields and pitted you against dragons or some kind of skeletal archers. This game however took you into deep space and allowed you to explore different planets with a crew of your choosing. I think what makes Mass Effect stand out the most is the choices it gave you. Right from the intro of the game you selected what your character looks like, his or her background and upbringing, and what kind of powers and weapons they were best at using. Not only did it give you these initial choices but as the game progressed you made many more choices that shaped how the story plays out. In the dialogue wheel, a system that developer BioWare has now perfected and uses in all their games, you could even choose what you character says in every conversation. If you wanted to be a hardhearted bastard then so be it, just be careful of the ramifications of those choices.

4.) Dragon Age Origins (2009 - Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

I can't talk about Dragon Age Inquisition without mentioning the game that started the entire series. Origins was a game that further developed the dialogue wheel started by BioWare in Mass Effect and allowed you to make many choices but on a whole different level. In Mass Effect you choice to play good, evil, or somewhere in-between didn't have a huge sway over how the main plot of the game would turn out. In Dragon Age Origins however your choices meant life or death for characters and plot lines in the game. DAO also put a small spin on the typical hack n' slash gameplay of RPGs and added a more tactical system to take on foes. At any time during combat you could pause the action and go into a top down battlefield perspective and issue orders to each one of your followers and then play out the action in real time. That combined with one of the best fantasy stories of all time is why this game makes the list.

3.) Diablo 3 (2012 - PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4)

To me this game is not great because of its story or combat but because of the loot system and its easy to operate inventory. This game is constantly rewarding you with new loot like sweet weapons that do more damage to your foes or a new piece of armor that protects you from foes doing damage to you. Nothing gets my heart racing more than when, from out of a pile of loot, comes a bright orange beam of light indicating a legendary loot drop. I drop everything I'm doing and rush to the inventory screen to check out the stats on the new gear and often find it is miles better then what I have equipped already. It's like Christmas but you get to experience that feeling in this game every time you see loot drop from an enemy.

2.) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011 - Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

This game is massive. I have spent well over 300 hours with 3 different characters traveling the lands of Skyrim and I still find new areas that I have never laid eyes on before. The map itself consists of over 15 square miles of terrain to explore and with a side quest system that dynamically creates new missions infinitely this game really never ends. The skill tree is incredibly expansive too. If you want to create a character who is good with two-handed swords but is also good with alchemy you can. If you want to create an archer who knows a few destruction spells you can. You are not pigeon-holed into the typical warrior, mage, rogue classes and then stuck with that class for the entirety of the game. This is one of those games that when they say it's a sandbox they really mean it.

1.) Fallout 3 (2008 - Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

No surprise that the #1 and #2 spots are occupied by games developed by Bethesda Softworks. When it comes to RPGs Bethesda is far beyond their competition in creating expansive sandbox environments. In Fallout 3 we see one of the best environments coming together with one of the best main story lines in what is not only the best RPG but quite possibly the best video-game of all time. Fallout 3 introduced us to the wasteland of post-apocalypse Washington D.C. You start off as a child and a survivor of the apocalypse by way of living in a sealed vault underground. Unfortunate circumstances find you having to flee the vault in your late teens to start life venturing and exploring the wastes to find your father. One of the things that sets this game apart is a system Bethesda added to the game's combat called V.A.T.S. (or Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System). This allowed you to pause the combat and focus directly onto an enemy and aim at specific parts of their body. It would also give you a stat that would show what your percentage likely-hood of hitting that particular spot on the enemy would be. Bethesda also came up with a system of "perks" that went along with leveling up. So now when you level up your character not only are you spending earned skill points on various talents you also get to pick a perk. Perks gave you additional boosts that could not be attained by normally leveling up with skill points. For example there was the Pyromaniac perk which gave you +50% damage with fire weapons or my favorite called Bloody Mess which gave you +5% overall damage and more violent death animations (usually foes exploding into a mess of body parts). With all of these things combined into one epic game it's no wonder why Fallout 3 is considered to be one of the best games of all time.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Not Just Another Lego Game

Not Just Another Lego Game

I know, I know! Another Lego game right? But here's the thing....they are so much fun and you know it! Even though it is the third game in the series, Lego Batman 3 still holds the appeal that every other Lego game holds. I have a ton of Lego games, but no matter how many times I go through frustrating puzzles (that I wonder how kids seem to beat so quickly), I can't help but form anime eyes when they announce a new one.

In fact, they could pretty much make Lego game off of any of my favorite TV shows and it would probably go a little something like this:

I don't know if anyone else sympathizes with my obsession over Lego games and honestly I don't really care. 

But I digress!!

Check out our new Mom 'N Pop Co-Op series and don't forget to connect with us via our other social media pages!

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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Weekly Pull : The Red Supremacy

The Weekly Pull : The Red Supremacy

The Weekly Pull : The Red Supremacy

The events of 2012's AvX storyline continue in the next Marvel Epic event this month as we enter Axis - Book One : The Red Supremacy.

Back in September, I touched base on a companion piece to this arc, The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier, which provides crucial framework in the rise of Red Skull following Xavier’s death. In the pages of Uncanny Avengers, Steve Rogers recruited Havok, Cyclops’ brother, to lead a team of Avengers in attempt to show the world that humans and mutants could work together side-by-side for the common good. The team was immediately put to the test when the team discovered that the Red Skull had lobotomized the corpse of Charles Xavier, resulting in his possession of Xavier’s brain and the incredible psychic abilities that come with it.

The Weekly Pull : The Red Supremacy

Taking place over the first three issues of the mini-series, Axis - Book One begins immediately following the final page of Uncanny Avengers #25, where the Red Skull has formed a mutant concentration camp, and in turn, is brutally murdered by former holocaust victim, Magneto, for his Nazi crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, the murderous act quickly backfires and in an explosion of psychic energy, the Red Skull is reborn in a form familiar to X-men readers of the mid-90s : The Red Onslaught.

The battles with Red Skull spans the entire first three issues of the Axis event, where unexpected team-ups set the stage for both upcoming Superior Iron Man and Uncanny Avengers titles, which will once again alter the status quo of the Marvel Universe. Do yourself a favor and jump on board with  Axis - Book One : The Red Supremacy as we eagerly await the second act : Inversion.

The Weekly Pull : The Red Supremacy

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!


Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Reset Button - First-Person GTA? It's coming. And it's glorious.

First-Person GTA? It's coming. And it's glorious.

First and foremost, I apologize for the consecutive GTA-related posts. But this is my time and I'll write about what I want, dang it. GTA is honestly the cash-cow of the video game industry not named Call of Duty, so it's only fitting I write about it more than 3 times every other month.

Coming out on November 18th for PS4 and Xbox One and January 27th for PC, GTA V is going to rule yet another holiday season. And if you weren't excited about the technical tweaks and upgrades, this week Rockstar revealed a new feature never see in a console release of GTA.

A first-person perspective.

Thanks to the PC modding community, this feature has been featured in past GTA titles. The success of it on PC made Rockstar finally include it on the "remaster" for PS4 and Xbox One. Unfortunately for those last-generation console users, this feature is not going to be released for PS3 and Xbox 360. No patch, no upgrade, no nothing.

It's the price you pay for not getting with the times, I suppose. Or they just don't want to waste their time working on a patch for a game they've already sold. Yeah, that's probably it.

Want to see more about this awesome feature that has me super-hyped for a game I've already beaten? Check out the video below.

Yeah, that video pretty much sums up how awesome a first-person view can be in a game like Grand Theft Auto. Not only has Rockstar added full cockpit views to the vehicles, boats, and aircraft, all the gauges function. It's insanity, folks. Pure, unadulterated insanity.

So there you have it. By just adding another camera view, Rockstar has added even more hype to a GTA game that's already been on the market for over a year on other systems. There is no question this game is going to dominate the holiday for a second consecutive year. I've already preordered my digital copy for PS4 so it's all loaded and ready to go on November 18th without having to stop at a store.

Are you picking up GTA V on Xbox One or PS4? Going to wait for the PC version? If not, what's wrong with you? Go out and get this game November 18th. Experience one of the best games ever made. If you don't, your friends will all laugh at you and your family will "forget" to invite you to Thanksgiving because you're "lame". Their words, not mine.

Los Santos is calling, amigos. And 11/18 can't pick up the phone fast enough.

In some non-gaming news, the next edition of The Reset Button will be in a few weeks, as I once again have to travel for business. Don't miss me too much, Internet friends. While I'm away, do yourself a solid and check out the work of the other awesome contributors on New Geek Protocol while I'm gone. These guys (and gal) are awesome.

Until next time. Lock and load.

And, of course, game on.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Has Luke Skywalker Gone Joker?

For this week’s post I found an article by Jason Ward over at Making Star Wars and yes it does contain some Episode VII SPOILERS so you have been warned. The article was done well so enjoy that article below.
“I think I can finally shed some faint light on the state of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode VII. For a months it has been a struggle as those in the know interpreted Luke’s situation differently. Some would say Luke Skywalker was evil and others would say “he’s not evil, that’s absurd.” It now makes a little more sense if this information is correct.
I’m told that in the back story for the film, Luke Skywalker does something amazing with the Force. He’s really powerful, more of “wizard than lightsaber wielding warrior.” Basically, Luke Skywalker has a “Force Unleashed” moment and realizes he might be bad for the universe.The aftermath of that event is difficult for Luke.
Luke Skywalker has become the most powerful Jedi ever, but he doesn’t believe he’s the wisest. He doesn’t want to make the mistake his father made by thinking he knows what’s right for the universe. Skywalker becomes somewhat deranged in his seclusion. He is consumed by his fear that if he should return to “society” his power could be misused, he could be manipulated, and he may accidentally hurt the one’s he loves.
For these reasons, to protect the galaxy and himself, Luke retreats into self-imposed exile for many years. I’m told he can’t always control the power. While he sits in a meditative state, he levitates things unconsciously and he’s not always in complete control and he’s never sure if he’s doing the will of the Force or acting on his own passions. Luke is seeing the past, the present, the future, “old friends long gone” and other things that prey upon his sanity.
Luke Skywalker is described as “creepy and frightening in appearance” because you supposedly can see “the fire in his eyes” behind his grizzled appearance during some scenes.
For most of Luke’s appearance in Star Wars: Episode VII, it is questionable if his madness will result in evil. Not even those that have known him for most of his life know if he’s sane or not. However, the villain and the new hero both draw Skywalker out and he’s forced to intervene in the galactic conflict. The imbalance he feared bringing back to the galaxy is set into motion by the new evil. But it is not only evil that brings Luke Skywalker out of exile. The good in the universe does as well when one of the heroes convinces him the place he is in is not where he belongs.
By the last act of the film, it is clear where Luke falls on spectrum of good and evil.
The interesting thing is that Star Wars has always been about family and love but also about righting the wrongs of the past generation. In some ways, the situation the galaxy finds itself in in Star Wars: Episode VII is Luke’s fault. His absence is the reason things have escalated in the universe.
My personal belief is that by the end of the film, Luke Skywalker returns looking like his old self again. It appears his character’s trajectory is one in which he has to atone with his place and power in the galaxy. By the end of the film, he apparently does, and our new heroes have a mentor to take on the old evil that has infected the galaxy during Skywalker’s absence.”
I find it ironic that the way Jason describes Luke’s state of mind in the beginning of the film sounds a lot like Luke has gone mad like the Joker. If you don’t know, Mark Hamill plays the voice of the Joker in almost all Batman animated series and video games. I really hope that this is how the movie plays out because it sounds truly amazing!

Thanks for reading and May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Marvel Cancellations & New Ongoing Series Announcements

The Weekly Pull : Marvel Cancellations & New Ongoing Series Announcements

The Weekly Pull : Marvel Cancellations & New Ongoing Series Announcements

A wave of Marvel Comics news hit the press last week following the major movie announcements slated through 2018. Many came as quite a shock, as they are arguably the most well written books Marvel is currently publishing. Unfortunately these titles don’t feature the heavy hitters and can’t compete for sales, so if any of your favorite titles are listed below remember to PRE-ORDER YOUR BOOKS!

We’ll start with the bad news first. She-Hulk is the first title to bite the bullet in early 2015 with January’s issue #12. Although it never charted high, the book received critical acclaim, which also helped keep Fraction & Aja’s Hawkeye title alive, which will also end it’s run with issue #22. Other titles on the early 2015 chopping block include Peter David’s All-New X-Factor, ending it’s run with issue #20, as well as All-New Ultimates that (not surprisingly) will end it’s current run with issue #12 given the fate of the Ultimate Universe.

However, the most shocking news is the cancellation announcement of The Fantastic Four, ending it’s run with a triple-sized issue #645. According to Bleeding Cool, rumor has it that the axe will fall due to :

… Disney’s highest single shareholder and Marvel CEO Isaac Perlmutters anger with Fox Studios over negotiations regarding the film-and-related rights to The Fantastic Four, that Marvel would cancel the Fantastic Four comic rather than provide any promotion, however small it might be, towards the Fox Studios film. Merchandise and licenses were scrapped and even Fantastic Four posters in the offices were pulled down lest Perlmutter see one and have his ire raised. It may not have been logical, but it was a decision born of personal emotion. It was steadied by sense.”

On a brighter note, 2015 will also bring about some exciting new titles! First up is the only re-launch title in the line-up, with Uncanny Avengers debuting a new issue #1 and a new team following the events currently taking place in Axis (which will be featured in next week’s Weekly Pull review of Axis: Book One : The Red Supremacy!). 2015 will also bring an Ant-Man solo book to the shelves to hype the upcoming Marvel Cinematic feature. This is an incredibly smart move on Marvels behalf, giving fans the chance to learn about the character long before his cinematic debut. The same strategy worked wonders for Guardians of the Galaxy, which published a good 2-3 story arcs before smashing the summer box office. Avengers fan favorite Squirrel Girl will also be receiving a series order branded as The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl to face off against DCs new tween take on Batgirl (which Demo Destroyer is thrilled about, if you can sense my sarcasm).

Finally, there’s also a little book that Marvel recently regained the right’s to from Dark Horse comics that will debut this January by Jason Aaron with art by John Cassaday : Star Wars. The series will follow the adventures of Luke Skywalker and company as they face the evil Empire in true Marvel fashion! Get hyped (you know Da_Fettman is)!

Until next time True Believers,
