Monday, August 11, 2014

Most Underrated Sci-Fi Film of All Time!

new geek protocol

Most Underrated Sci-Fi Film of All Time!

Before there was Avatar and Titanic, James Cameron made one of the most epic and most underrated sci-fi film of all time. The Abyss, not to be confused with James Cameron’s documentary Ghosts of the Abyss. This epic adventure includes machine guns, underwater submersibles, drownings, explosions, implosions, submarine battles, nuclear weapons, tidal waves wiping out whole cities (directors cut only), aliens, and breathable liquid dive suits! Everything needed in a movie to give a man an erection hard enough that he could drive nails in like a hammer.
The Abyss is not only the most underrated sci-fi film of all time, but one of the best movies of all time!
most underrated sci-fi film of all timeEveryone has seen Cameron’s Avatar, Titanic, Aliens and Terminators, but very few have seen The Abyss. Created after the monstrous box office sensation of Aliens, Cameron was given a massive budget to produce the most thrilling and daring under water film of all time. In fact, The Abyss would prove to be one of the most difficult, dangerous and expensive films ever produced. Pushing it’s actors to their emotional and physical brink, the daring underwater filming nearly drowned its main star.  
The Abyss takes place 1000’s of feet below the ocean’s surface on the sea bed floor. Sitting adjacent to a 2-1/2 mile deep drop-off to the bottom of the ocean, the workers of an underwater oil rig are joined by a number of navy SEALS to locate and investigate the cause of a nuclear submarine crash. As the crew embarks on their mission, they encounter a number of difficulties and discover that they may not be alone.
The shooting of the film took place inside an abandoned nuclear reactor cooling tower. All of the underwater scenes were filmed in this massive water tank. For filming they had built the exterior of the underwater habitat seen in the film, and then they proceeded to fill the tank with 7.5 million gallons of water until it completely covered the underwater set. They also had a smaller set that only required 2.5 million gallons. On the surface of the water, they poured millions of little floating beads to block the light above. It was in this underwater set that they filmed the most realistic live action underwater battles and sci-fi scenes ever imagined.
If you have never seen the epic adventure that is The Abyss, I beg you to track down a copy of the film. For those who have seen this extraordinary sci-fi experience, I say to you, “Watch it again!”
This epic submerged adventure has yet to be released onto Blu-ray. However, with the digital re-mastering of James Cameron’s Titanic and Aliens, it can’t be long. I hope and pray that this film is re-released soon. You better believe I am anxiously awaiting this masterpiece. Do I dare dream for a 3D re-mastering? You bet your ass I do!
- Gillplane

For more information visit IMDB by Clicking Here


  1. I did enjoy the movie but to say that it is the most underrated sci-fi of all time, nah, I don't think so. And to claim it is one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, not even close. I'd put the Chronicles of Riddick and a host of others above the Abyss. Still, I would recommend watching it at least once.

    1. Chronicles of Riddick? Vin Diesel? I cringe trying to watch him act for 2 seconds. Now Ed Harris, Academy Award nominee for Best Actor. Explosive emotional performance in The Abyss. No cheesiness, just great.

    2. Chronicles of Riddick? Surely you must jest. It wasn't worth the $0 it cost me to see it in the theater. The Abyss, on the other hand, is definitely underrated. A quality film, to be sure. One of the best? No. But worth seeing.

      For one of the best underrated sci-fi films, I humbly (read: not humbly) submit: Dark City.

    3. Really?!?! Really?!?! Chronicles of Riddick! Are you a 14 year old girl!? The only people that like anything with Vin Diesel are teenage girls. If that is you, your comment is forgiven and The Abyss is just way too mature for you to understand. Maybe when you get a little older you'll understand the quality of a great movie. Gillplane seems to know what's up. Kudos to you man.

    4. If you don't think Chronicles of Riddick is one of the best Sc-fi movies of all time, you don't know Sci-fi from a hole in the ground. Vin is AWESOME in that movie, well directed, great story, great special effects, great scenery, it just doesn't get any better. I feel for poor unitelligent minds who don't recognize greatness when they see it.

  2. I'm not a teenage girl (I promise) and I enjoy Vin Diesel movies. If you sit there and tell me you don't like the Fast and Furious movies, I'll call you a liar time and time again. The Riddick movies are good action movies, but I wouldn't bundle them in with the best Sci-Fi movies out there. And we all know the best Sci-Fi movie ever is Blade Runner by a country mile.

  3. Nay! I submit that Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is the best sci-fi movie of all time! "Try not. Do...or do not. There is no try."

  4. Star Wars is their own complete category in my world. Haha.

  5. I do have to agree with Demo, ESB, not only the best Star Wars ever, but best sci-fi movie of all time!

    Also, "Beyonce had the greatest album of all time." -Kanye West

  6. Gentlemen the title is best UNDERRATED Sci-Fi. I don't believe anything to do with Star Wars is or ever has been underrated for that matter. lol

    1. Mr. Plane did however make it about the best sci-fi movie ever when he said, and I quote form the article, "The Abyss is not only the most underrated sci-fi film of all time, but one of the best movies of all time!" I disagree sir! Hub hub hub hub!

  7. True, true, Michele, we digress a little. Yes, Star Wars has never been underrated, some of the prequels are definitely overrated though. I have always thought that Screamers was underrated, but it has been some time since I've watched it. Here's a link if you want to check it out:

  8. Tremors deserves consideration. Epic Win.

    1. ... and we've made our first Kevin Bacon reference.
