Monday, November 3, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Marvel Cancellations & New Ongoing Series Announcements

The Weekly Pull : Marvel Cancellations & New Ongoing Series Announcements

The Weekly Pull : Marvel Cancellations & New Ongoing Series Announcements

A wave of Marvel Comics news hit the press last week following the major movie announcements slated through 2018. Many came as quite a shock, as they are arguably the most well written books Marvel is currently publishing. Unfortunately these titles don’t feature the heavy hitters and can’t compete for sales, so if any of your favorite titles are listed below remember to PRE-ORDER YOUR BOOKS!

We’ll start with the bad news first. She-Hulk is the first title to bite the bullet in early 2015 with January’s issue #12. Although it never charted high, the book received critical acclaim, which also helped keep Fraction & Aja’s Hawkeye title alive, which will also end it’s run with issue #22. Other titles on the early 2015 chopping block include Peter David’s All-New X-Factor, ending it’s run with issue #20, as well as All-New Ultimates that (not surprisingly) will end it’s current run with issue #12 given the fate of the Ultimate Universe.

However, the most shocking news is the cancellation announcement of The Fantastic Four, ending it’s run with a triple-sized issue #645. According to Bleeding Cool, rumor has it that the axe will fall due to :

… Disney’s highest single shareholder and Marvel CEO Isaac Perlmutters anger with Fox Studios over negotiations regarding the film-and-related rights to The Fantastic Four, that Marvel would cancel the Fantastic Four comic rather than provide any promotion, however small it might be, towards the Fox Studios film. Merchandise and licenses were scrapped and even Fantastic Four posters in the offices were pulled down lest Perlmutter see one and have his ire raised. It may not have been logical, but it was a decision born of personal emotion. It was steadied by sense.”

On a brighter note, 2015 will also bring about some exciting new titles! First up is the only re-launch title in the line-up, with Uncanny Avengers debuting a new issue #1 and a new team following the events currently taking place in Axis (which will be featured in next week’s Weekly Pull review of Axis: Book One : The Red Supremacy!). 2015 will also bring an Ant-Man solo book to the shelves to hype the upcoming Marvel Cinematic feature. This is an incredibly smart move on Marvels behalf, giving fans the chance to learn about the character long before his cinematic debut. The same strategy worked wonders for Guardians of the Galaxy, which published a good 2-3 story arcs before smashing the summer box office. Avengers fan favorite Squirrel Girl will also be receiving a series order branded as The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl to face off against DCs new tween take on Batgirl (which Demo Destroyer is thrilled about, if you can sense my sarcasm).

Finally, there’s also a little book that Marvel recently regained the right’s to from Dark Horse comics that will debut this January by Jason Aaron with art by John Cassaday : Star Wars. The series will follow the adventures of Luke Skywalker and company as they face the evil Empire in true Marvel fashion! Get hyped (you know Da_Fettman is)!

Until next time True Believers,



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