Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Reset Button - First-Person GTA? It's coming. And it's glorious.

First-Person GTA? It's coming. And it's glorious.

First and foremost, I apologize for the consecutive GTA-related posts. But this is my time and I'll write about what I want, dang it. GTA is honestly the cash-cow of the video game industry not named Call of Duty, so it's only fitting I write about it more than 3 times every other month.

Coming out on November 18th for PS4 and Xbox One and January 27th for PC, GTA V is going to rule yet another holiday season. And if you weren't excited about the technical tweaks and upgrades, this week Rockstar revealed a new feature never see in a console release of GTA.

A first-person perspective.

Thanks to the PC modding community, this feature has been featured in past GTA titles. The success of it on PC made Rockstar finally include it on the "remaster" for PS4 and Xbox One. Unfortunately for those last-generation console users, this feature is not going to be released for PS3 and Xbox 360. No patch, no upgrade, no nothing.

It's the price you pay for not getting with the times, I suppose. Or they just don't want to waste their time working on a patch for a game they've already sold. Yeah, that's probably it.

Want to see more about this awesome feature that has me super-hyped for a game I've already beaten? Check out the video below.

Yeah, that video pretty much sums up how awesome a first-person view can be in a game like Grand Theft Auto. Not only has Rockstar added full cockpit views to the vehicles, boats, and aircraft, all the gauges function. It's insanity, folks. Pure, unadulterated insanity.

So there you have it. By just adding another camera view, Rockstar has added even more hype to a GTA game that's already been on the market for over a year on other systems. There is no question this game is going to dominate the holiday for a second consecutive year. I've already preordered my digital copy for PS4 so it's all loaded and ready to go on November 18th without having to stop at a store.

Are you picking up GTA V on Xbox One or PS4? Going to wait for the PC version? If not, what's wrong with you? Go out and get this game November 18th. Experience one of the best games ever made. If you don't, your friends will all laugh at you and your family will "forget" to invite you to Thanksgiving because you're "lame". Their words, not mine.

Los Santos is calling, amigos. And 11/18 can't pick up the phone fast enough.

In some non-gaming news, the next edition of The Reset Button will be in a few weeks, as I once again have to travel for business. Don't miss me too much, Internet friends. While I'm away, do yourself a solid and check out the work of the other awesome contributors on New Geek Protocol while I'm gone. These guys (and gal) are awesome.

Until next time. Lock and load.

And, of course, game on.



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