Friday, October 31, 2014

The Best Live Action Hero Costumes Ever

Today is Halloween and instead of writing a lengthy tech review or tech recap, I've decided to keep it short and simple. In honor of Halloween, I give you the top 10 live action hero costumes. I researched this and started a list, but came across a site with a definitive list I agree with. Here you go:

  1. Hellboy
  2. The Red Skull
  3. The Dark Knight
  4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  5. The Crow
  6. 1960's Batman
  7. The Avengers
  8. Wolverine
  9. Superman
  10. Ironman
These could have gone in any order, really. Happy Halloween everyone!

Tip of the hat,

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Reset Button: GTA: San Andreas - 10 Year Anniversary on Xbox 360.

GTA: San Andreas - 10 Year Anniversary on Xbox 360.

Everyone that knows me as a gamer knows I'm a HUGE fan of the Grand Theft Auto series. Since playing the top-down PlayStation titles, I've been hooked. The open-world, do what you please gameplay pulled me in from the first hour I played. I love freedom in games. Not having to follow a specific path everyone else will follow and being able to create your own way just appealed to me like no other game had. From GTA, GTA 2, GTA III, and GTA: Vice City, I explored the cities to the max, collected all hidden packages, found every stunt jump, and dominated every rampage.

But then, Rockstar Games changed it up. They launched Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. My gaming world was never the same. The exchanged the Mob-theme from GTA III and the Miami cocaine theme from Vice City and took it to the West Coast, playa.

As Carl Johnson, you return to Los Santos when your mother is murdered. The goal: return the Grove Street Families to the top of the gang world, all while finding out the truth about your mother and avoiding Officer Tenpenny and his C.R.A.S.H. LSPD unit.

Sex sells.

From Los Santos (Los Angeles) to San Fierro (San Francisco) to Las Venturas (Las Vegas), you take CJ on an awesome journey of redemption and justice. All in a 1990's West Coast setting. The soundtrack is the best of any GTA game, the world is massive and diverse, and the characters are interesting and well-developed. This is still my favorite GTA game out of all released, with V and Vice City rounding out my top 3. If you haven't played San Andreas, I have to question your gaming tastes and must urge you to pick it up.

But you don't own a Xbox or Playstation 2 anymore? Easy solution to that. First, the game is available on Android and iOS formats. But the controls for those mobile versions aren't the best and can be frustrating. So, I must recommend the newly-released digital Xbox 360 version.

Yes, they've released San Andreas on the 360 already as one of their "digital classics", but this version is different on a few levels. First, it boasts HD 720p graphics, which the "digital classics" version didn't. It was a straight port of the Xbox version. Second, it features achievements, which is a selling point for some gamers in regards to re-playing games. Honestly, the 10 year anniversary edition on Xbox 360 is the perfect reason to head to San Andreas for the first time or for another visit. Not enough to sell you? OK. Here's the kicker...

It's $4. Yes. Four dollars. That's it. One of the best games every made is less than a $5 footlong at your local sub sandwich establishment. So there really is no excuse for missing out on this masterpiece of a game.

Yes, you could have a JETPACK in San Andreas.

San Andreas pushed the envelope for open-world games and helped Rockstar further separate themselves as the developer to beat. You really have to play it to understand and admire what it's done for gaming.

Grab your gat, blast some Dr. Dre, and throw on your L.A. Raiders hat. You're about to hit the Westside, son.

Things just ain't the same for gangstas.

Game on.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Arcade Block - October 2014

This month’s Arcade Block wasn’t the greatest, but still pretty cool. From Mario to Street Fighter to Half-Life, this block has it.

Here we go!

1. Portal Key Cap

2. Notes from  Hyrule magnetic whiteboards

3. Mario Kart Pull Back Racer

4. Street Fighter themed Pixel Bricks

5. T-Shirt of the Month - Freeman’s Crab Shack

6. Arcade Certified Product of the Month - Plush Flying Squirrel Mario or Luigi

He looks so angry.

Sorry for the short review. Hopefully next month’s block is better. This was definitely not worth the $30 this month.

May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Weekly Pull : The Ultimate Universe - The End

The Weekly Pull : The Ultimate Universe - The End

The Weekly Pull : The Ultimate Universe - The End

It's been rumored for quite some time now that the Ultimate universe would be meeting it's inevitable demise. With two of the three remaining Ultimate titles slated for cancelation (Ultimate FF & All-New Ultimates) the sole surviving series, Miles Morales : The Ultimate Spider-Man, would remain the sole survivor. Miles has made an appearance more than once in the 616 continuum within the pages of the crossover mini-series Spider-Men and monthly All-New X-Men titles, and given his popularity, opens the possibility that he may find a new home when the end arrives in Summer 2015.

The Weekly Pull : The Ultimate Universe - The End
Miles Morales : The Ultimate Spider-Man
Although poor sales mark the primary reason for the Ultimate line going the way of the dinosaur, the line will always have significant meaning as the one time savior of the Marvel Universe. Long before Disney purchased Marvel, the Ultimate Universe helped freshen and save the Marvel brand in a time where it's future was strongly in question due to bankruptcy and creative struggles.

Superstar writers Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Miller changed the game in 2000 when Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men and The Ultimates hit the stands, bringing a fresh take on classic heroes with a modern twist. Many of these modern concepts inspired filmmakers and key story points found their way into Bryan Fullers' X2, Joss Whedon's The Avengers and rumor has it that the Fantasioc Four reboot next summer is almost entirely based on the Ultimate Fantastic Four storyline.

Having already faced the likes of Thanos, Galactus and Kang the Conquerer, the question still remains - who will bring the end of the Ultimate Universe?

Will it be hero or villain? Will a cosmic entity come into play? Is this truly the end of the Ultimate Universe or just a rouse? Sound off in the comments below and let me know your thoughts!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Why We Love Crappy 8-Bit Games

Why We Love Crappy 8-Bit Games

Have you ever woken up and just felt like you wanted to stop being an adult? You know what I'm talking about. Those days where all the stresses of being a responsible human being just gets to a point where you want to jump in a DeLorean and return to a time where Friday nights meant sitting in front of your tube TV playing your favorite 8 or 16-bit console until the wee hours of the morning.

I miss that excitement from going to Blockbuster to rent a new game, and a lot of the times those games you rented, looking back now, were pretty horrible. Yet, at that moment in time, it was exciting, because it was your freedom, your break from life.

This past week has been one of those weeks where Pop and I (Mom...duh!) wished to return to a simpler time, so we thought, "How can we do that?" 

I had been aching to play Smash TV, one of my favorite NES games (don't ask me why), and we realized it was on the Midway Arcade Origins compilation. Obviously, there are more games on this compilation, and after many hours of exploring, we have chosen a few favorites. Some of them are just hilarious to play, and interestingly enough, these games offered the most nostalgia because of those memories of renting a game and being sorely disappointed at how lame it was.

So check out our first video in the Midway Arcade Origins series, where we play Marble Madness and a little bit of another game (no spoilers). I promise you the cheesy music is worth the watch, plus I'm pretty sure I die of laughter at some point. 

This past week we also played more Castlevania, BioShock, and The Evil Within so click on those links and catch up on some premium gaming. 
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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trailer Breakdown: Avengers Age of Ultron

Trailer Breakdown: Avengers Age of Ultron

None of your secrets are really secret. Especially the ones that end up online in a tweet, Facebook post, Snapchat session, or drunken Vine you make with your friends.  It seems to be a trend lately to have your life personally invaded by some sort of cyber criminal in which the media will brand it with some cliche [insert cyber crime]-gate title. Well it seems that no one is immune as the very first trailer for Avengers Age of Ultron (which Marvel was planning on debuting with Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Monday) has been leaked online. Marvel, being the awesome geniuses they are, decided to play along with a expertly targeted "Dammit, Hydra." tweet and then immediately releasing the trailer on their website.

It's unfortunate that it was leaked but Marvel knows how to roll with the punches and now the only talk is about how massively epic the trailer itself is. So that is exactly what I'm going to cover. Here is my breakdown of that trailer.

00:30 - This seems to be Bruce Banner in some sort of straitjacket looking incredibly terrified. This is really haunting considering he is the damn Hulk and he looks so terrified.

00:33 - Here we get our first look at Ultron in one of his first forms calling all the Avengers puppets. It appears as if he has taken control of one of Stark's Iron Man suits (possibly one that was damaged in the Mandarin attack on his mansion in Iron Man 2)

00:50 - Captain America kicks in a door inside a facility that looks very Hydra-ish. This might very well be where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are discovered. We already know from the ending of Captain America Winter Soldier that they are both being held in a Hydra facility.

1:03 - However, in this scene we see both Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver with Ultron so it is quite possible that they start off as characters who need their eyes open to his true villainy.

1:05 - This looks to be Ultron minions in and all out attack on Stark's mansion. They very well could be suits that went down in the Mandarin attack that are now rising up from the sea under control of Ultron.

1:08 - Here we see the Avengers looking very defeated and to underline that sentiment Thor drops his hammer as if what he is witnessing is so insurmountable. The overall theme from this trailer is that the Avengers are going to be challenged in a way they never have and they may not come out of it unscathed. Very dark stuff.

1:12 - Tony Stark is standing over what looks like a failed suit experiment. There have been a lot of rumors about how Marvel will approach the origin of Ultron and it sounds to me like he is created in the wake of Stark upgrading J.A.R.V.I.S. Ultron becomes self-aware and separates himself from J.A.R.V.I.S. and they become two different characters. Vision becoming the embodiment of the J.A.R.V.I.S. system.

1:25 - One suit that doesn't look like a failure is the Hulkbuster armor which we see here and a couple other spots in the trailer. This to me is the highlight of this trailer is all the Iron Man vs. Hulk stuff we see. My guess is that somehow Bruce/Hulk is unleashed or even controlled by Ultron and has to be subdued by the Avengers and that is how we get that scene at 00:30

1:28 - Brief glimpses are show here with both Quicksilver and then Scarlet Witch in action. In the original comics in which these characters appear they are mutants and their powers are mutant abilities. However with the movie rights to X-Men and anything mutant in the hands of 20th Century Fox, Marvel Studios has to come up with something different. The only thing that's been on-screen to describe then has been "miracles" so it will be interesting to see their stories fleshed out

1:40 - There seems to be trouble in paradise in this scene of the trailers with Thor throttling Stark. This is possibly alluding to the breakup of the team which many sources have been saying that the next Avengers movie will feature a new fragmented line up.

1:53 - Captain America's demise has been discussed heavily in the upcoming Captain America 3 and this may hint that it may come even before that as we see his (seemingly indestructible) shield broken. It is common knowledge that Steve Rodgers dies in the comics at some point and it may take place on the big screen as well. I could easily see Bucky/Winter Soldier taking over or even Falcon who now holds the title in the newest Marvel comic line.

1:55 - Ulton makes a proper introduction at the tail end of the trailer showing off his new bad-ass form. "...but now I'm free. There are no strings on me."

So now that the trailer is out on the interwebs what do you think about it? Are you excited for the new iteration of the Avengers or are you in that category of people who just want to watch the world burn? Sound off in the comments below!


Friday, October 24, 2014

Tough Sh*T: A Short Review

Tough Sh*T: A Short Review

A couple of months ago I picked up Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat Lazy Slob Who Did Good. It took me two days to read it cover to cover. A month later, I read it again. The only other book that I’ve read cover to cover twice was the Steve Jobs biography, and that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

First and foremost, this book is written exactly like his movies. It reads as a poetic composition of some of the best stories and sagas you will ever read. It also holds absolutely nothing back. Whether it’s him mocking himself, talking about sex with his wife, or how he got kicked off a plane for being fat, he writes in poetic candids.

The most interesting part of the book was the inside look on what it took for him to get to where he is today. It was the stories about trying to get Miramax to distribute Clerks, trying to get Harvey Weinstein to produce his movies, and working on the Clerks 2 sequel that will draw you in as an outsider, but it will be the stories about how me met his wife, having a child, and his experiences with Quentin Tarentino that will keep you reading.

This book does not read as a life advice book, but more as a "Here's the way I did it and it worked. Maybe it'll work for you." It is also not safe for kids. He talks about staring at his wife's ass and ejaculating on her leg because she had to leave for an event so they couldn't have sex. Like I said, he holds nothing back and is just as vulgar and brilliant in the book as he is in his movies.

As I said, this is a short review. A very short review. Pick up the book. Read it. Read it again. Now, as a teaser, here is an excerpt from the first chapter : 

“Though if you could ask my father, he’d likely admit that while having his balls in print is flattering, having his balls in my mother’s mouth was way better.”

 He also dedicates the book to his wife. And his wife’s asshole. It is pure Kevin Smith

Tip of the Hat,

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

The Weekly Pull : Birthright
The Weekly Pull : Birthright

They say you should never judge a book by it’s cover, and although I understand the pros and cons behind the theory, I tend to find myself guilty more often than not. In some cases I’ve had it turn out terribly; beautiful cover art by superstar artists only to find the interior a scribbled mess. However, in some instances, you get incredibly lucky and find a book like Birthright.

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

As a kid (and an adult) I’ve always been a huge fan of adventure and fantasy stories. The Neverending Story, Flight of the Navigator, Lord of The Rings, The Chronicles of Prydian … the list goes on and on. However, it’s not everyday that you find a fantasy epic in the comic medium so when I spotted the cover art to Birthright, it made my weekly pull without any prior knowledge of the plot or peeking at a single interior page.

The story itself was not what I expected, but that isn’t a bad thing. Time and time again we see and read stories of characters being swept away into fantastic adventures … but what happens when they return? How has the world they once knew changed? What are the consequences? That is the story Birthright is looking to tell, and from the first 40 pages looks to be a concept many of us have never considered …  

On his 10th birthday, Mikey went missing. Transported to a fantasy world where he was told it was his birthright to destroy an evil king, rescue a princess and save a kingdom an amazing adventure unfolded. Over time, Mikey became this hero, fulfilled his destiny and has just returned home … to a broken family, a father accused of murdering his son and a slew of devastating consequences.

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

Mikey’s quest to fulfill his destiny will be told in tandem with the current modern day events in the monthly pages of Birthright. If you’re a fan of fantasy and adventure like me and ever wondered, “what happened next?” this is for you. When the adventure ends … the heroes journey begins.

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Nerd Block October 2014

This month’s Nerd Block has been by far the best one that I’ve had. Nerd Block is a monthly subscription box service similar to Loot Crate and Booty Bin. Nerd Block offers several options at different prices: Classic (your everyday nerd assortments), Arcade (video game themed), Horror (horror themed, duh), and Junior (Boys or Girls, the kids stuff). They range from $13.99-$19.99 per month plus shipping and handling, they come from Canada so it’s another $6-$10 for shipping.

Now to the unboxing.

This month was hand picked by none other than Kevin Smith! Yes, you heard that right Lunchbox, the Kevin Smith! So, you can assume that it will be awesome and have Kevin Smith treasures inside.

1. Legend of Zelda dangler from TOMY
2. Marvel vs. DC button set (Marvel is the best, duh)
3. Arkham Asylam Sticky Note book (Assorted colors and sizes)
4. Jay and Silent Bob stickers (different themes)
5. Agent Coulson’s Captain America Trading Cards Replica Set from EFX Collectibles

6. Previews Exclusive Deadpool POP figure from FUNKO

7.Jay and Silent Bob dressed as Batman and Robin T-Shirt

As you can see this month was truly amazing. Next month is going to be picked by cult film legend Bruce Campbell and 1 out of every block will feature a Bruce Campbell autograph. It will also feature an exclusive Boba Fett item which I am truly excited for if you can’t tell. Get your subscription today so you don’t miss out on these great items!

I should be getting my Arcade Block soon so look forward to that review in the coming weeks.

Until next time, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Monday, October 20, 2014

NGP Loot Crate Review - Fear - October 2014

NGP Loot Crate Review - Fear - October 2014

NGP Loot Crate Review - Fear - October 2014

Halloween is right around the corner and as the end of the month approaches, it's time for this month’s Loot Crate review! The month of October brings FEAR as our crate theme, featuring items from Dead Rising 3, The Walking Dead and more!

Starting at a base price of $13.37/month, plus shipping and handling, a new Loot Crate arrives at my door on or around the 20th of each month, valued at over $40, with discounts available for pre-paid 3 and 6 month subscriptions.

This month’s FEAR crate was a bit lacking in my opinion given the strong showings from months past. However, aside from The Walking Dead, horror isn’t really my thing but I digress.

To see crate reviews from month’s past, be sure to check out my breakdown of the August HEROES and September GALACTIC crates!

NGP Loot Crate Review - Fear - October 2014

NGP Loot Crate Review - Fear - October 2014

01| Death By Kitten T-Shirt - Kittens in the form of a skull. On a T-shirt. It’s a Loot Crate Exclusive design, but I’m not a fan. No thanks.

02| Toxic Candy Waste - Growing up, I’ve always loved Warheads as a kid, but these Toxic Waste candies blow those out of the water in terms of taste and sour level. Candy shouldn’t get me more excited than an exclusive T-shirt - but it does.

03| Sledgesaw Hammer Pen - Easily the best item in the crate, Capcom comes through as the savior of the crate this month with this exclusive Shedesaw Pen. Exquisitely designed and crafted, this is a BIG win in my book.

04| How To Survive A Sharknado (and Other Unnatural Disasters) - What do you do if a tornado touches down in your city filled with vicious sharks? How would you handle a Mega Python or a Manticore? This book has you covered.

05| “Oh, Brother” Art Print - A fun little print inspired by the events of The Walking Dead TV series on AMC.

06| The Walking Dead (Issue 132) - An exclusive Loot Crate Variant of The Walking Dead Issue 132 with art by Charlie Adlard (Batman, Judge Dredd)

07| Slashes & Bites Tattoos - The perfect addition to this years Halloween costume.

08| Smite Gift Card - I’m honestly not familiar with Smite, but this month’s crate has a code to unlock a Jack the Reaper skin.  

Check back next month for the breakdown of the November’s TBD crate featuring what will (hopefully) be a collection of exclusive and never-before-seen geek swag we can all be thankful for.

Until next time True Believers,
