Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

The Weekly Pull : Birthright
The Weekly Pull : Birthright

They say you should never judge a book by it’s cover, and although I understand the pros and cons behind the theory, I tend to find myself guilty more often than not. In some cases I’ve had it turn out terribly; beautiful cover art by superstar artists only to find the interior a scribbled mess. However, in some instances, you get incredibly lucky and find a book like Birthright.

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

As a kid (and an adult) I’ve always been a huge fan of adventure and fantasy stories. The Neverending Story, Flight of the Navigator, Lord of The Rings, The Chronicles of Prydian … the list goes on and on. However, it’s not everyday that you find a fantasy epic in the comic medium so when I spotted the cover art to Birthright, it made my weekly pull without any prior knowledge of the plot or peeking at a single interior page.

The story itself was not what I expected, but that isn’t a bad thing. Time and time again we see and read stories of characters being swept away into fantastic adventures … but what happens when they return? How has the world they once knew changed? What are the consequences? That is the story Birthright is looking to tell, and from the first 40 pages looks to be a concept many of us have never considered …  

On his 10th birthday, Mikey went missing. Transported to a fantasy world where he was told it was his birthright to destroy an evil king, rescue a princess and save a kingdom an amazing adventure unfolded. Over time, Mikey became this hero, fulfilled his destiny and has just returned home … to a broken family, a father accused of murdering his son and a slew of devastating consequences.

The Weekly Pull : Birthright

Mikey’s quest to fulfill his destiny will be told in tandem with the current modern day events in the monthly pages of Birthright. If you’re a fan of fantasy and adventure like me and ever wondered, “what happened next?” this is for you. When the adventure ends … the heroes journey begins.

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,



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