Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trailer Breakdown: Avengers Age of Ultron

Trailer Breakdown: Avengers Age of Ultron

None of your secrets are really secret. Especially the ones that end up online in a tweet, Facebook post, Snapchat session, or drunken Vine you make with your friends.  It seems to be a trend lately to have your life personally invaded by some sort of cyber criminal in which the media will brand it with some cliche [insert cyber crime]-gate title. Well it seems that no one is immune as the very first trailer for Avengers Age of Ultron (which Marvel was planning on debuting with Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Monday) has been leaked online. Marvel, being the awesome geniuses they are, decided to play along with a expertly targeted "Dammit, Hydra." tweet and then immediately releasing the trailer on their website.

It's unfortunate that it was leaked but Marvel knows how to roll with the punches and now the only talk is about how massively epic the trailer itself is. So that is exactly what I'm going to cover. Here is my breakdown of that trailer.

00:30 - This seems to be Bruce Banner in some sort of straitjacket looking incredibly terrified. This is really haunting considering he is the damn Hulk and he looks so terrified.

00:33 - Here we get our first look at Ultron in one of his first forms calling all the Avengers puppets. It appears as if he has taken control of one of Stark's Iron Man suits (possibly one that was damaged in the Mandarin attack on his mansion in Iron Man 2)

00:50 - Captain America kicks in a door inside a facility that looks very Hydra-ish. This might very well be where Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are discovered. We already know from the ending of Captain America Winter Soldier that they are both being held in a Hydra facility.

1:03 - However, in this scene we see both Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver with Ultron so it is quite possible that they start off as characters who need their eyes open to his true villainy.

1:05 - This looks to be Ultron minions in and all out attack on Stark's mansion. They very well could be suits that went down in the Mandarin attack that are now rising up from the sea under control of Ultron.

1:08 - Here we see the Avengers looking very defeated and to underline that sentiment Thor drops his hammer as if what he is witnessing is so insurmountable. The overall theme from this trailer is that the Avengers are going to be challenged in a way they never have and they may not come out of it unscathed. Very dark stuff.

1:12 - Tony Stark is standing over what looks like a failed suit experiment. There have been a lot of rumors about how Marvel will approach the origin of Ultron and it sounds to me like he is created in the wake of Stark upgrading J.A.R.V.I.S. Ultron becomes self-aware and separates himself from J.A.R.V.I.S. and they become two different characters. Vision becoming the embodiment of the J.A.R.V.I.S. system.

1:25 - One suit that doesn't look like a failure is the Hulkbuster armor which we see here and a couple other spots in the trailer. This to me is the highlight of this trailer is all the Iron Man vs. Hulk stuff we see. My guess is that somehow Bruce/Hulk is unleashed or even controlled by Ultron and has to be subdued by the Avengers and that is how we get that scene at 00:30

1:28 - Brief glimpses are show here with both Quicksilver and then Scarlet Witch in action. In the original comics in which these characters appear they are mutants and their powers are mutant abilities. However with the movie rights to X-Men and anything mutant in the hands of 20th Century Fox, Marvel Studios has to come up with something different. The only thing that's been on-screen to describe then has been "miracles" so it will be interesting to see their stories fleshed out

1:40 - There seems to be trouble in paradise in this scene of the trailers with Thor throttling Stark. This is possibly alluding to the breakup of the team which many sources have been saying that the next Avengers movie will feature a new fragmented line up.

1:53 - Captain America's demise has been discussed heavily in the upcoming Captain America 3 and this may hint that it may come even before that as we see his (seemingly indestructible) shield broken. It is common knowledge that Steve Rodgers dies in the comics at some point and it may take place on the big screen as well. I could easily see Bucky/Winter Soldier taking over or even Falcon who now holds the title in the newest Marvel comic line.

1:55 - Ulton makes a proper introduction at the tail end of the trailer showing off his new bad-ass form. "...but now I'm free. There are no strings on me."

So now that the trailer is out on the interwebs what do you think about it? Are you excited for the new iteration of the Avengers or are you in that category of people who just want to watch the world burn? Sound off in the comments below!



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