Friday, October 24, 2014

Tough Sh*T: A Short Review

Tough Sh*T: A Short Review

A couple of months ago I picked up Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat Lazy Slob Who Did Good. It took me two days to read it cover to cover. A month later, I read it again. The only other book that I’ve read cover to cover twice was the Steve Jobs biography, and that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

First and foremost, this book is written exactly like his movies. It reads as a poetic composition of some of the best stories and sagas you will ever read. It also holds absolutely nothing back. Whether it’s him mocking himself, talking about sex with his wife, or how he got kicked off a plane for being fat, he writes in poetic candids.

The most interesting part of the book was the inside look on what it took for him to get to where he is today. It was the stories about trying to get Miramax to distribute Clerks, trying to get Harvey Weinstein to produce his movies, and working on the Clerks 2 sequel that will draw you in as an outsider, but it will be the stories about how me met his wife, having a child, and his experiences with Quentin Tarentino that will keep you reading.

This book does not read as a life advice book, but more as a "Here's the way I did it and it worked. Maybe it'll work for you." It is also not safe for kids. He talks about staring at his wife's ass and ejaculating on her leg because she had to leave for an event so they couldn't have sex. Like I said, he holds nothing back and is just as vulgar and brilliant in the book as he is in his movies.

As I said, this is a short review. A very short review. Pick up the book. Read it. Read it again. Now, as a teaser, here is an excerpt from the first chapter : 

“Though if you could ask my father, he’d likely admit that while having his balls in print is flattering, having his balls in my mother’s mouth was way better.”

 He also dedicates the book to his wife. And his wife’s asshole. It is pure Kevin Smith

Tip of the Hat,


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