Saturday, February 28, 2015

Booze Crooze: Be Tempted

Be tempted. Have a Sip. You’ll never believe what happens next.

Through the years, I’ve had chances to try all types and brands of whiskeys. I have found one thing to be true: I have yet to find a whiskey that I don’t have some type of appreciation for. That being said, I’ve found only a few whiskeys that I purchase time and time again. Temptation Whiskey is one of them.

Temptation is made up of 75% corn, 20% rye and 5% malted barley. It is a solid bourbon with a smooth palette feel and a semi-dry finish. It holds some strong coconut and vanilla on the nose with a pleasant minty profile overall. It has quite a sweetness on initial sip, but the sweetness disappears as soon as it is off the tongue. It is easy to sip neat, or with a splash of water or sliver of ice. It is not a hot bourbon and drinks smooth when straight, but the flavor profiles when cooled or iced are significantly different. I recommend trying both ways.

When drinking Temptation with food, I prefer a good cut of steak or lamb, some hearty cheeses, and even some dark chocolate. You really want to taste the whiskey and have the food as a compliment. Charcuterie is an excellent way to go when drinking Temptation.

Last time I drank temptation was a magical journey. I took a sip and couldn’t believe what happened next. Go ahead. Be tempted.


Friday, February 27, 2015

The Battle For The Internet's Neutrality

The Battle For The Internet's Neutrality

Net Neutrality has evolved over the years and has come to define a couple different things relating to the global system of interconnected networks that we call the internet. As of right now it stands for a principle that believes that all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and governments should consider all data on the internet equal. ISPs have been hatching incredibly evil plans in their lairs of doom that essentially create fast lanes for internet sites that pay a fee to have their sites run smoother and faster. If they don’t pay up they would throttle that site sending it into a crawl with maximum amounts of those loading icons that we all love so much. Along with that they wanted to put individual sites into those stupid bundles that they are so obsessed with.

Just look at this bullshit!
This is not in the least bit okay. It would change the face of one of the most important tools that humanity has ever created and essentially make it a cash cow for some of the most despicable companies on the planet (Comcast earned Consumerist’s “Worst Company In America” title for 2014). So the FCC stepped in and in 2010 created regulations that kept the internet neutral. However in early 2014 Verizon challenged those regulations in the U.S. Court of Appeals and they ruled that the FCC does not actually hold the power to create those regulations. The good news that came after all the bad of that ruling was that the FCC could reclassify the internet thereby giving it regulatory powers.

Today a historic vote was tallied by the FCC and in a 3-2 decision the internet was reclassified as a public utility. Here is a run-down of the things now banned because of this reclassification:

"No Blocking: broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices. No Throttling: broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices. No Paid Prioritization: broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration — in other words, no 'fast lanes.' This rule also bans ISPs from prioritizing content and services of their affiliates." [source]

Score a win for the little guys. For once. Just in case you haven't watched John Oliver's famous show that detailed Net Neutrality back in June here it is. Oliver was one of the biggest advocators of getting comments into the FCC during their open window. The outpouring of support for Net Nutrality resulted in over 3 million comments made on the FCC's website.

For now the internet will remain an equal playground. An all at once amazing and twisted playground, but equal.

- Demo

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Meet Your New Avengers

With Avengers: Age of Ultron, we're getting introduced to three new team members ( I'm not counting Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch's scene at the end of the last Captain America movie as their proper introduction ).  Let's take some time to learn about our new friends. 

First up is The Vision ( THE ANDROID AVENGER ).  His first appearance was in October 1968 in Avengers # 57.  His abilities include mass and density control, flight, solar energy projection, super human strength, and self repair / regeneration.   Paul Bettany will be portraying Vision, he also voiced Tony Stark's AI "butler" Jarvis in four Marvel movies so far. 

The Vision was created by Ultron, who ( in the comics ) was built by Hank "Ant-Man" Pym. In the movies, Marvel has Ultron built by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.  In the comics, the Avengers are able to bring The Vision to their side after briefly working for Ultron. 

Next, we have Scarlet Witch. Marvel Studios are altering her ( and Quicksilver's ) origin since they don't have all the cinematic rights. Scarlet Witch ( aka Wanda Maximoff ) first appeared in X-Men # 4 in March 1964. She is the daughter of Magneto, though Marvel Studios are not allowed to make any mention of this relationship. 

Her abilities include probability manipulation, reality warping, and chaos magic. She is the twin sister of Quicksilver ( we'll get to him in a minute ),   and the both of them will come into their powers through other means than being mutants as they are in the comics. 

Lastly, we have Quicksilver ( Pietro Maximoff ).  You might be familiar with the character after Evan Peters stole the show as Quicksilver in last year's X-Men: Days of Future Past. Marvel Studios have chosen Aaron Taylor Johnson for their speedster. 

Quicksilver and his superhuman speed first debuted in X-Men # 4, just like his sister.  And just like his sister, he had a cameo during the credits of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 

These are just the three new Avengers we're getting introduced to in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Over the next few years we'll also be getting Ant-Man ( this year yet! ), Captain Marvel, Black Panther and the Inhumans. It's an exciting time to be a Marvel fan. 

-Lando McFly

Ernest Cline’s ARMADA Receives it’s Long Awaited Release Date!

Ernest Cline’s ARMADA Receives it’s Long Awaited Release Date!

After months of speculation, Random House has finally announced the release date for author Ernest Cline’s follow-up to his debut novel Ready Player One. Beginning Wednesday, July 15, prepare to immerse yourself in the world of ARMADA.

Check out the Synopsis below, and guarantee yourself a copy by pre ordering through your favorite bookseller!


It’s just another day of high school for Zack Lightman. He's daydreaming through another boring math class, with just one more month to go until graduation and freedom—if he can make it that long without getting suspended again.

Then he glances out his classroom window and spots the flying saucer.  

At first, Zack thinks he’s going crazy.

A minute later, he’s sure of it. Because the UFO he’s staring at is straight out of the videogame he plays every night, a hugely popular online flight simulator called Armada—in which gamers just happen to be protecting the earth from alien invaders.  

But what Zack’s seeing is all too real. And his skills—as well as those of millions of gamers across the world—are going to be needed to save the earth from what’s about to befall it.

Yet even as he and his new comrades scramble to prepare for the alien onslaught, Zack can’t help thinking of all the science-fiction books, TV shows, and movies he grew up reading and watching, and wonder: Doesn’t something about this scenario seem a little too… familiar?

Armada is at once a rollicking, surprising thriller, a classic coming of age adventure, and an alien-invasion tale like nothing you’ve ever read before—one whose every page is infused with author Ernest Cline’s trademark pop-culture savvy.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Robert Downey Jr Tweets A New Avengers Poster ... And A Big Tease

Robert Downey Jr tweeted a new poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron today. Its a character poster for Iron Man, which means we'll likely see more posters for the rest of the Avengers soon. 

Also in his tweet, Robert Downey Jr teases a big announcement for 8 days from now. What could be the big surprise? Announcing what will officially be his last movie as Tony Stark? Spider-Man casting? The possibilities are ours to over-speculate! 

-Lando McFly

Sackhoff and Van Der Beek Impress In Gritty R-Rated Power Rangers Fan Film (17 + Mature Content)

Sackhoff and Van Der Beek Impress In Gritty R-Rated Power Rangers Fan Film (17 + Mature Content)

Do you have 14 minutes to relive part of your childhood in a way that your dark and twisted mind never imagined? Sure you do.

Katee Sackhoff (a front runner for the lead role as Carol Danvers in Marvel’s Ms. Marvel - yes please!) and James Van Der Beek will shock and awe you with this dark and brutal take on Power Rangers. But be warned, this isn’t your Saturday Morning Japanese dubbed beat-um-up. This is something Tarantino would be proud of. This is something better.

Shut up and take my money.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A New Avengers: Age of Ultron Poster Is Released! And It Confirms Some Cameos

Earlier today, Marvel released a new poster for Avengers: Age of Ultron. At the center are your favorite Avengers that have already been introduced, but there's more to enjoy here. On the far right you can see Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and obscured by some glimmer is The Vision. 

But in the credits at the bottom, some rumored cameos are finally confirmed. Anthony Mackie ( Sam "Falcon" Wilson ), Hayley Atwell ( Agent Peggy Carter ), and Idris Elba ( Heimdall ) are all listed to be appearing in the movie. 

Avengers: Age of Ultron releases May 1

-Lando McFly

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

If the rumors are true, there’s a 95% chance that we won’t be seeing Peter Parker filling the shoes of ‘ol web-head come Captain America : Civil War in 2016. At least, not as the headliner. The Wrap’s Jeff Sneider recently commented on his Meet the Movie Press podcast that :

"This is not set in stone guys, but I’m telling you right now: Spider-Man is not going to be white."

The main speculation for this reasoning? SONY has the opportunity to beat Marvel to the punch utilizing an ethnic character in a standalone film, prior to the release of Black Panther.  

From the standpoint of a die-hard comic book fan, Miles Morales is the real deal. Debuting as the Ultimate Spider-Man in 2011 following the death of Peter Parker (in the Ultimate Universe continuum), the character proved to be a HUGE success thanks to the writing talents of Brian Michael Bendis, and currently stands as the last remaining title under the Ultimate banner pre-Secret Wars.

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

The current cinematic Avengers look and feel is heavily influenced by the Ultimate Universe (i.e. Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver) and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Marvel decided to go the Miles Morales route and re-brand the character. Speculation could also conclude (and isn't out of the question)  that Peter Parker may fall during the events of Captain America : Civil War, leaving Miles to assume the role. Again, this is all rumor and speculation, but the wheels are definitely in motion for the fate of Spider-Man.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Monday, February 23, 2015

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

It’s no secret that Marvel is the defending champion when it comes to epic comic events. House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion, Siege, Fear Itself, Avengers vs. X-Men, Age of Ultron, Infinity, AXIS, Black Vortex … the list goes on and on, and that’s just within the past decade.

However, the biggest event is still to come, and time is running out. Scheduled to run for 4 consecutive months beginning this May, Secret Wars will focus on the collision of the Marvel 616 (prime continuity) Universe with that of the Marvel Ultimate Universe, in which both will be destroyed and pieced together with other post collision universes (think DCs Multiverse but surprisingly less confusing) creating the battleground that will reforge Marvel anew come September.

So what will happen to your favorite current titles (with the exception of Star Wars) when the Marvel U is dissembled and enters Battleworld? I’m glad you asked …

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

The X-Men, will venture to the fiery depths of Hell to vanquish a demon horde in the pages of Inferno, where a collided universe places them in a post apocalyptic version of Manhattan.

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Members of the Nova Corps will be pitted against Thanos in a race to recover the Infinity Stones, which will set the cosmic table in the Marvel Universe for years to come within the pages of Infinity War!

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Wolverine may be dead in prime continuity, but in another he is Old Man Logan, living in a universe where all of the heroes have been murdered, and the villains rule with an iron fist. Can the last remaining hero truly make a difference?

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Steve Rodgers and his trusty steed Devil Dinosaur stand alone on Planet Hulk. Will a planet full of Hulk’s spell the end for the Star-Spangled hero?

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

The Avengers will gather in an attempt to save a small sliver of their remaining world in the pages of A-Force. Standing shoulder to shoulder in a never before seen lineup, the women of the Marvel Universe may be our only hope of survival.

Although this is just a brief taste of the titles scheduled to occur under the Secret Wars banner, it’s exciting to see Marvel shake things up a bit. In the aftermath, who will live and who will die? And when only one Universe remains, what characters will change forever?

Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Kirby Is Cute And All But...Wat? (Mature Content 17+)

Kirby Is Cute And All But...Wat? (Mature Content 17+)

Very few times have we played a game on our show that we downright refused to ever play again. We have reached that point. I understand that you are probably curious as to why we would ever showcase something that brought zero enjoyment to the table, but we wanted to provide the public with a way out just in case you even thought about purchasing this title.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse seems attractive at a $40 price point alongside its given cuteness and colorfulness, but it is not for the impatient. This game is super frustrating. It seems that one could just create a stream of ribbon and have Kirby follow or even be able to move Kirby separate with the joystick.

That does not happen.

The controls are awkward and irritating. No matter how colorful or how amazing the music was in this game, I could not stomach playing more than an hour of it.

So instead of running out and buying this, take a look at our new series highlighting a bit of this adventure. This will be a short run, because there are better things to do then get mad at a pink ball of happiness. I refuse to hate Kirby, so I'm just going to stay far far away from this one.

Don't forget to check out our other pages folks!

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

From Star-Lord to Indy?

Last month it was leaked that Disney is looking at Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt to become the new Indiana Jones. Since then, Pratt has even come forward saying that if he were offered the role, he'd take it into serious consideration.

And now Steven Spielberg is saying he'd be open to directing a new Indiana Jones film with Pratt in the role. But before making a firm commitment, Spielberg is waiting on a worthwhile script. 

Is it time for a new Indiana Jones? Can we forget the blunder that was Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? Will George Lucas ( hopefully ) have nothing to do with this new movie? 

-Lando McFly

Friday, February 20, 2015

NGP First Look : Jason Momoa as Aquaman!

First Look : Jason Momoa as Aquaman!

NGP First Look : Jason Momoa as Aquaman!

Casting announcements have been out for months now regarding Zack Snyder's return to the DC Universe in his follow up to Man of Steel, Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice. However, this morning we were finally given a glimpse of one of the more questionable casting choices when Snyder took to Twitter to unveil the DC Cinematic Universe's King of Atlantis : 

First Look : Jason Momoa as Aquaman!
Jason Momoa as Aquaman

Not quite the orange and green jumpsuit most of us we're dreading, but it's nice to see that the character is sticking to a piece of history, with resemblance to the signature1990s Peter David era look for Arthur Curry where he sported the long hair, beard and body armor more fitting for the dark look and feel originally presented in Man of Steel.

After his big screen debut in Batman v. Superman : Dawn of Justice in May 2016, Momoa will reprise the role for Justice League : Part One, slated for November 2017, followed by a solo flick, and then regrouping for Justice League : Part Two come June 2019. 

It's a bit heavy on the Khal Drogo, but I dig it. My only issue is that Momoa looks like an Aquaman that could easily take Superman or Batman, and we all know that would neverevereverevereverever happen. Ever. 

Until next time True Believers, 

-Archangel EZE

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Nightcrawler Is In, Colossus Is Out

Last night it was announced that actor Kodi Smit-McPhee ( The Road, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ) has been casted as a young Nightcrawler in next year's X-Men: Apocalypse.  Previously, Nightcrawler was portrayed by Alan Cumming in 2003's X2.

Kodi Smit-McPhee
In other big screen mutant news, Daniel Cudmore won't be returning as Colossus for the Deadpool movie. It's still only a rumor the movie will include that character, but Cudmore confirmed via twitter he won't be involved. Cudmore had played Colossus in three X-Men movies since 2003. 

- Lando McFly

Monday, February 16, 2015

Game of Thrones ... Licensed to Kill!

George R. R. Martin, author of the Game of Thrones books, is preparing fans for some unexpected deaths in the show. Even characters who haven't died in the books aren't safe. Martin spoke at the Writers Guild West Awards that Game of Thrones executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are taking EVEN MORE creative liberties. 

"People are going to die who don't die in the books, so even book readers are going to be unhappy," says Martin. "Everybody better be on their toes. David and D.B. are even bloodier than I am."

This shouldn't be entirely surprising seeing as how characters such as Strong Belwas and Arianne Martell were cut out of the show altogether.

- Lando McFly

The Weekly Pull : Darth Vader

The Weekly Pull : Darth Vader

The Weekly Pull : Darth Vader

Star Wars makes it’s return to The Weekly Pull this week as the galaxy’s most iconic villain received his first ongoing series (ever!) under the Marvel banner!  Last month, Jason Aaron and John Cassaday kicked off the Marvel Star Wars line to the tune of over one million copies sold and universal acclaim, sparking new life into the franchise throughout the comic medium.

Taking place immediately following the events of Star Wars : Episode IV - A New Hope (and in tandem with Aaron and Cassaday’s title), Star Wars: Darth Vader follows the Sith Lord through the events which occur after the destruction of the Death Star, where Vader was last seen losing control of his TIE fighter, pummeling into deep space. No longer controlling the Senate under the force of the Death Star, and their greatest weapon against the Rebel Alliance gone, Vader must confront his failure to the Emperor head on as the isolated survivor of the greatest military disaster under Palpatine's Imperial reign.   

The Weekly Pull : Darth Vader

Quite frankly, this story has me giddy, and it shocks me that we haven’t had a take on these particular events in the past thirty-eight years (canon or not). In addition, we are also re-introduced to familiar characters such as Jabba the Hutt, Tusken Raiders and a certain Bounty Hunter as we learn how their roles originate and tie together prior to the events of Empire and Jedi.   

The Weekly Pull : Darth Vader

Writer Kieron Gillen does a fantastic job channeling the character of Darth Vader to the page, and it's a difficult task considering that we all know the characters end game. The cinematic henchman relationship we have grown accustomed to between Vader and Palpatine is further explored and expanded here as well within Gillen's writing as the thoughts and actions of a broken man are seen from a new perspective as we, the reader, are introduced to wheels within wheels of the core story. Artist Salvador Larocca also brings his A game to series, and masterfully handles the task of depicting Vader's emotions, who's iconic helmet masks the majority of his emotional state.

The Weekly Pull : Darth Vader

If these two opening acts of Star Wars and Star Wars: Darth Vader are any indication of how Star Wars : Episode VII - The Force Awakens will perform under Disney and Marvel's reign,  we're in for a treat. If you're a Star Wars fan of any degree, make a plan to visit your local comic shop and grab a copy before it's too late. The Force is strong in this one.

5/5 Toast Rating
Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,
