Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

If the rumors are true, there’s a 95% chance that we won’t be seeing Peter Parker filling the shoes of ‘ol web-head come Captain America : Civil War in 2016. At least, not as the headliner. The Wrap’s Jeff Sneider recently commented on his Meet the Movie Press podcast that :

"This is not set in stone guys, but I’m telling you right now: Spider-Man is not going to be white."

The main speculation for this reasoning? SONY has the opportunity to beat Marvel to the punch utilizing an ethnic character in a standalone film, prior to the release of Black Panther.  

From the standpoint of a die-hard comic book fan, Miles Morales is the real deal. Debuting as the Ultimate Spider-Man in 2011 following the death of Peter Parker (in the Ultimate Universe continuum), the character proved to be a HUGE success thanks to the writing talents of Brian Michael Bendis, and currently stands as the last remaining title under the Ultimate banner pre-Secret Wars.

Miles Morales May Be Our Cinematic Spider-Man

The current cinematic Avengers look and feel is heavily influenced by the Ultimate Universe (i.e. Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver) and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Marvel decided to go the Miles Morales route and re-brand the character. Speculation could also conclude (and isn't out of the question)  that Peter Parker may fall during the events of Captain America : Civil War, leaving Miles to assume the role. Again, this is all rumor and speculation, but the wheels are definitely in motion for the fate of Spider-Man.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,



  1. I don't know if it would be smart of the new Sony/Marvel duo to debut the "new" Spider-Man as Peter in Civil War and then kill him off just to be replaced by Miles in the new Sony produced stand alone. Stick with one actor playing one character.
