Monday, February 23, 2015

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

It’s no secret that Marvel is the defending champion when it comes to epic comic events. House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion, Siege, Fear Itself, Avengers vs. X-Men, Age of Ultron, Infinity, AXIS, Black Vortex … the list goes on and on, and that’s just within the past decade.

However, the biggest event is still to come, and time is running out. Scheduled to run for 4 consecutive months beginning this May, Secret Wars will focus on the collision of the Marvel 616 (prime continuity) Universe with that of the Marvel Ultimate Universe, in which both will be destroyed and pieced together with other post collision universes (think DCs Multiverse but surprisingly less confusing) creating the battleground that will reforge Marvel anew come September.

So what will happen to your favorite current titles (with the exception of Star Wars) when the Marvel U is dissembled and enters Battleworld? I’m glad you asked …

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

The X-Men, will venture to the fiery depths of Hell to vanquish a demon horde in the pages of Inferno, where a collided universe places them in a post apocalyptic version of Manhattan.

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Members of the Nova Corps will be pitted against Thanos in a race to recover the Infinity Stones, which will set the cosmic table in the Marvel Universe for years to come within the pages of Infinity War!

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Wolverine may be dead in prime continuity, but in another he is Old Man Logan, living in a universe where all of the heroes have been murdered, and the villains rule with an iron fist. Can the last remaining hero truly make a difference?

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

Steve Rodgers and his trusty steed Devil Dinosaur stand alone on Planet Hulk. Will a planet full of Hulk’s spell the end for the Star-Spangled hero?

Secret Wars Shakes Up EVERY Marvel Title This May

The Avengers will gather in an attempt to save a small sliver of their remaining world in the pages of A-Force. Standing shoulder to shoulder in a never before seen lineup, the women of the Marvel Universe may be our only hope of survival.

Although this is just a brief taste of the titles scheduled to occur under the Secret Wars banner, it’s exciting to see Marvel shake things up a bit. In the aftermath, who will live and who will die? And when only one Universe remains, what characters will change forever?

Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,



  1. Wow, I am both excited and apprehensive at the same time. Of all the hundreds + comics I've read in my life, Infinity Gauntlet six issue limited series has ALWAYS been my favorite and if they shake that up... will it still be my favorite? Of course, I already know the end of that story, if they change it, then hopefully the mystery will be just as engaging as the original.

    1. I completely agree! As an avid collector myself, reboots, renumbering and drastic changes tend to stress me out. I'm really looking forward to The Infinity Gauntlet and A-Force stories and hope to see the last good thing in the Ultimate Universe (Miles Morales) survive the incursion.
