Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sackhoff and Van Der Beek Impress In Gritty R-Rated Power Rangers Fan Film (17 + Mature Content)

Sackhoff and Van Der Beek Impress In Gritty R-Rated Power Rangers Fan Film (17 + Mature Content)

Do you have 14 minutes to relive part of your childhood in a way that your dark and twisted mind never imagined? Sure you do.

Katee Sackhoff (a front runner for the lead role as Carol Danvers in Marvel’s Ms. Marvel - yes please!) and James Van Der Beek will shock and awe you with this dark and brutal take on Power Rangers. But be warned, this isn’t your Saturday Morning Japanese dubbed beat-um-up. This is something Tarantino would be proud of. This is something better.

Shut up and take my money.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,



  1. This is pretty epic. However they could have greatly improved the reveal at the end. It turned out incredibly cheesetastic and didn't really fit with the whole vibe of the video. Latest development is really a bummer too with the creators of the actual Power Rangers lobbing legal bombs at the creators of the video to get it taken down. Check it out:

    1. It's no secret that Saban is shooting to reboot the franchise as a cinematic feature film in 2016, and I'm sure they feel threatened by the release of this short fan film. However, for something like this to crawl out the shadows is amazing and I hope Joseph Kahn continues to stand his ground. If anything, this is huge publicity for Saban. Sure, various improvements could have been made, but in the end, I can't remember the last time I got excited over anything Power Rangers related and that's pretty cool.
