Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Player's Handbook Review

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player’s Handbook Review

Come one, come all! Gather and hear! We have a review of the recently released Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook right here!

Since this game has been in existence for nearly a full decade prior to my birth, I do not even remotely claim to be an expert for two reasons; 1. where there are those whom have been playing since the game’s inception from TSR and the legendary late Gary Gygax first printings were released in 1974, and C. while I have played, I’ve not yet ever completed a single game. Ever since I was introduced to the game and the genre of tabletop RPG I have been enthralled. To my dismay, nary a single chronicle, campaign, or adventure have ever fully been seen through from beginning to end however. From lack-luster, disorganized and unimaginative (reads: boring) DM’s, to poorly timed IRL happenstance, for one reason or another I have still yet to play a full game of any tabletop RPG to completion. One can only hope that I may soon find some willing companions in the mood to guest for honor, treasure, and glory! But I digress...

Despite the lack of a full campaign and the wealth of XP that typically accompanies it under my belt, what I do know of D&D is that the current iterations of D&D are more re-tooling of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons that have been packaged and worked into such a manner that literally anyone can get a hold of the materials necessary for a campaign and dive right in after some familiarity. On the advent of 3rd edition, AD&D ceased to exist in a “new format” under its original name but continues on in a more widely approachable and accessible series. A few short years later, we received arguably the best set of comprehensive rules and resources with v3.5, which were then replaced by Fourth Edition in 2008. Most gamers and fans of the game abhor this edition as over-simplified and too stripped-down, so it’s no surprise that 4e is hailed by most as an utter failure. Now, six-years later we see the release of Fifth Edition (originally called D&D: NEXT while in-development) products hitting the shelves. A new format, with upgraded and shiny-new styling, plus an all-new story.
Just check out that ampersand! Ain't she a beaut?!

Of course, when I heard that Wizards was offering the Basic Rules for free via pdf from their website, I was on that download faster than a dragon to its treasure hoard just to see what we would be dealing with. Inside we find that three of the 110 pages are a blank character sheet, the rest are exactly what you would expect, the basic rules and information needed to get any D&D neophyte started in the game. Come to find out, week’s later they released the 5e Starter Kit; complete with everything you need to start a campaign including ready-made pre-generated characters, as well as the newly-designed blank character sheets, a 64-page booklet for the DM which includes a sample adventure ("The Lost Mine of Phandelver") and all the info you’d need to play in that adventure, a 32-page booklet for playing levels 1-5, and a shiny set of blue dice. The differences between the free pdf and the Starter Set are significant but here’s the catch; if you’re looking to get into D&D for the first time or are playing with new people who have no experience playing the game - and have decided to start with 5e - I’d recommend getting your hands on both for the amount of included info that’s especially geared toward beginners; contrarily if you are quite familiar with D&D already, just pass right by them and head onto the books. Which brings us right back to our topic at hand!

It comes of no surprise to my friends that I was quite eager to get my hands on this new tome in the hopes of creating a new game for us to at least try out, but while the ultimate plans have since been squashed I am still excited to at least receive the new books of fifth edition moving forward. I kind of event went all out at this release, in addition to the Player's Handbook I also picked up the Horde of the Dragon Queen (the first supplement to the Tyranny of Dragons storyline for 5e) as well as a set of Moleskine graph notebooks for mapping and not one, but TWO new sets of dice to celebrate. (I’ll dive deeper on RPG essentials in a later article.) I have to admit, I’m pretty impressed with some of the updates WOTC has done with this latest edition. They said “streamlined” ad nauseam in the press leading up to the release, and they meant it every time. With a whopping 25/300 pages devoted to the most important, hard-set rules, the rest of the Player's Handbook is geared toward getting an adventurer ready to play the game as it’s namesake intends; roleplaying. While roleplaying and getting into character really ultimately depends on how your group plays, building a solid backstory on your character in 5e is integral to how the game is played. Case in point, if you build a good backstory for your new character, the game rewards you for it; offering skill proficiencies, related equipment, and other bonuses right out of the gate.

In Soviet Dungeons, Dagrons Roleplay YOU!
Lastly, I want to touch on what's really brought me into the life of a card-carrying geek; the artwork. Imagination printed and bound for all to see and admire, the stuff of legends made just that much more tangible. Rangers and wizards, elves, dwarves, and men who battle skeletons, orcs and goblins, and of course, DRAGONS! Well, 5e does not disappoint. From the cover design, which is less of an archaic grimoire and almost more of a graphic novel in style, and two-toned both in high gloss and flat textured printing, to the interior illustrations provided by 60+ artists and ranging from small line and shade vignettes to full-page, full-color illustrations, the Player's Handbook and Horde of the Dragon Queen do not disappoint artistically. I am really looking forward to the future releases of the Fifth Edition, and hopefully getting some play in with the new ruleset! For those yet unaware, the remaining schedule for 5th Ed. releases are as follows, all are available for preorder from Barnes & Noble, amazon.com, or your Wizards Play Network supported LGS;
September 30 – Monster Manual, that’s TODAY?!?
October 21 – The Rise of Tiamat 
December 9 – Dungeon Master’s Guide (originally Nov. 18)
January 20, 2015 – Dungeon Master’s Screen (expected, originally Jan. 6 '15)

And I'll be here at NGP to review and share my opinions of each release with the masses! So come on back this Thursday, where I’ll have a break down and review of the 5e Monster Manual with how it stands up agains previous editions. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I hear the sound of dice rolling and weapons clashing in the distance!


"Beam me up, Scotty." Possible? Yes...kind of.

beam me up scotty. Teleporter

See how it's possible to be transported at the speed of light!

Everyone knows the iconic phrase “Beam me up, Scotty”, made popular from Star Trek. The real question is whether it's possible to be transported at the speed of light. The answer is yes…kind of. I will start by saying that it is not possible to send any matter/mass/weight at the speed of light 186,282 miles/second (or 300,000 km/second). The reason is simple, E=MC^2. Where E is energy, M is mass, and C is the speed of light.  According to this equation, mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into one another. Because of this equivalence, the energy an object has due to its motion will increase its mass. In other words, the faster an object moves, the greater it’s mass. So basically if an object has mass, as it approaches the speed of light, its mass becomes infinite and so does the energy required to move it. In other words, to move your 235lbs overweight body at the speed of light, you would need more power than all the stars produce in the universe. That’s not going to happen, so now what?

So now what?

The trick is that radio waves have no mass, thus they travel at the speed of light. So even though we cannot send you, we can still send your information. Currently computers do not have the capability to scan every portion or atom that makes you who you are. However, computing power grows at an exponential rate, so in perhaps a few decades, computers will have the ability.

So how will it work?

Let’s say you want to go from your house to Mars at the speed of light. So you walk into your transporter and hit send. It would immediately scan your body down to the smallest building blocks or atoms. It would then take this computer model of your information and send it via radio waves toward Mars. Mars is a long ways away, at its farthest distance it is roughly 378 million km from Earth. So even though your information is traveling at the speed of light, it still takes 21 minutes to get there. Not bad considering. Once your information gets to Mars, another transporter (comparative to a fax machine at the other end of a fax) would decipher the information sent. It would then assemble you to perfection by using a sort of grab bucket of elements (remember we couldn't send your actual atoms because they contained mass).  So there you are in your vacation home on Mars after only a 21 minute trip.

So what’s the problem?

See how it's possible to be transported at the speed of light!So let’s recap. We scanned you, we sent your information, and then we assembled your exact you at your destination. Are you beginning to see the problem yet? The original you is still at your house siting in your transporter after being scanned! There is now you and the “new you” on Mars. Both identical, both having the same previous thoughts and memories, both being the same boring, overweight, underappreciated you. So now what? The only answer is the transporter has to destroy the original you! You are now on Mars and there is only 1 of you. For all intents and purposes you traveled at the speed of light...good for you! So here’s the mind shattering question: Are you the new you? Or are you now gone and the new you is really not you, even though it is you down to the very last detail and thought (WTF)? Don’t kid yourself, in time technology will have the ability to get to this point, the question is “Are you the man on Mars or are you the dead guy on Earth”?



P.S. God knows what happens if the transporter screws up. Anyone seen the movie The Fly?

See more information at Click Here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Loot Crate Review - Galactic - September 2014

Loot Crate Review - Galactic - September 2014

Loot Crate Review - Galactic - September 2014

With the month coming to an end, it's time for yet another Loot Crate review! The month of September brought a GALACTIC crate theme, which featured items from our favorite Sci-Fi TV Series and Movies including Star Wars, Firefly, Star Trek and Alien!

Starting at a base price of $13.37/month, plus shipping and handling, a new Loot Crate arrives at my door on or around the 20th of each month, valued at over $40, with discounts available for pre-paid 3 and 6 month subscriptions.

For more crate reviews, be sure to check out my breakdown of the July VILLAINS and August HEROES crates!

Loot Crate Review - Galactic - September 2014
Unboxing this month's GALACTIC Crate!

Loot Crate Review - Galactic - September 2014
The entire GALACTIC Loot Crate Haul!

01| Star Trek Tribble - Looter Edition! - Being an avid Star Wars fan before long before JJ Abrams gave Star Trek the spark to ignite my interest, Tribbles were the only thing I really knew about the Original Star Trek series. Here’s hoping it won’t multiply …  

02| Alien Re-Action Figure - Ash - Funko and 20th Century Fox have teamed up to create some incredible 80s style Alien figures this month! Ripley, Kane, Dallas, Ash and the Alien are all available. The science officer and Bilbo Baggins himself, Ian Holems as Ash, graced my crate!

03| FireFly Vinyl “Mal” Exclusive Action Figure - A Loot Crate Exclusive Mal Reynolds figure from one of the most underrated Sci-Fi series of all time is right up my alley! “Half of writing history is hiding the truth” - Malcolm Reynolds

Loot Crate Exclusive Mal Reynolds Figure

04| FireFly Bank Robbery Money - You can‘t get anywhere in the galaxy without credits.

05| Star Wars Exclusive Retro Magnet - Loot Crate Labs and Lucasfilm Ltd. included a nostalgic Star Wars magnet with an Asteroids feel. Very Cool.

06| Star Wars Han Solo in Carbonite Poster - Although I feel the Star Wars love is lacking in this month’s crate, I’m glad to see the galaxy's most notorious smuggler represented, even if he is encased in carbonite.

07| Pop Rocks - Green Apple - Who doesn’t like free candy?

08| Halo Escalation Digital Comic - As an added bonus this month, Dark Horse Comics also gave us a taste of the new Halo Escalation series, with a digital code to get our feet wet in this incredible series!

Check back next month for the breakdown of the October’s TBD crate featuring what will (hopefully) be a collection of exclusive and never-before-seen Walking Dead and/or Slasher swag!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Team Koei and Nintendo Had a Baby: Hyrule Warriors

Team Koei and Nintendo Had a Baby: Hyrule Warriors

Team Koei and Nintendo Had a Baby: Hyrule Warriors

If you haven't already heard of Mom 'N Pop Co-Op, let me (Mom) give you some background. My husband (Pop) and I decided to formulate a YouTube gaming channel in order to represent the fun a couple can still achieve outside of the demanding lives of parenthood. We know that as gamers, it is essential to enjoy our free time with premium gaming, as well as talk about "adult" things.

We play through popular titles while discussing our every day life including our adventure through parenthood. Some of our current playlists include Super Mario 3D World and Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition, but there are a few more. 

We post daily videos, but weekly I will generally provide highlights through New Geek Protocol. 

This week we started our journey through Hyrule Warriors, which is a perfect marriage between the Zelda and Dynasty Warriors franchises. I kid you not, it is like Lu Bu and Zelda procreated. Here is the first entry into this series. 

Stay tuned to our channel for more awesomeness, and don't forget to subscribe! 
Also, please make suggestions for games you would like to see us play in the comments below, if something tickles our fancy, we will appease you the best we can!

Social Media Info:

Saturday, September 27, 2014

R.I.P. Destiny's Loot Cave

R.I.P. Destiny's Loot Cave

The new patch for Destiny brought an end to one of the biggest exploits found so far in the new triple A shooter. Guardians from far and wide spent hours upon hours shooting at a cave opening in the hopes to farm massive amounts of loot. For those of you not familiar with the next gen shooter Destiny, it is an interesting mash up of MMO (massive multiplayer online), RPG (role playing game), and FPS (first person shooter). The loot system is similar to any other RPG in that killing an enemy may randomly trigger a loot drop to upgrade your current equipment with (guns and armor mostly). Check out the video below which shows the Loot Cave and how you can (which is now 'could have') catch a ride on the Destiny gravy train.

Hold the press!!! Not to be outdone by a pesky patch  the players of Destiny have found a new Loot Cave, Loot Cave 2.0 if you will.

My question to everyone out there is do you think this is cheating the system or is this just players being innovative and taking advantage of what the game environment gives them? Fight it out in the comment below! Also check out the mission to the Moon in our Destiny game play video.


Friday, September 26, 2014

iPhone 6: A Week In Review

iPhone 6: A Week In Review

On Friday, September 29, Apple started selling the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. I was lucky enough to get one (64GB, Space Gray) and, after an entire week, have realized it is an amazing device. Although I will not go into great depth, I will hit on what matters most to the majority of users. Here is my review.


To start, the design is flawless. The rounded sides, the sleek screen and front glass, and button shape and placement all come together to create a beautiful piece of art. It feels good in your hand and is easy to handle. The camera sticks out of the back just a little bit, but does not interfere with any use or storage of the phone.


Fast. The iPhone 6 is stupid fast. Everything seems to have pep when you click it, move it, or just plain use the phone. It is amazing how much better the new processor is.  If you’re like me and have way too many email accounts or emails in general, the speed is a great thing when searching or scrolling through 100s of emails. It also comes in handy while trying to get through all of your photos or videos. There are no ‘burps’ when scrolling through anything.

Speaking of videos and photos, the camera is awesome. Yes, I know there are bigger cameras on phones and that there have been bigger cameras for years. However, Apple excels in internal components and doesn’t disappoint when it comes to photo and video processing. The photos are crisp and clean and the auto focus is just plain fast. The slo-mo feature works well and is fun to mess around with, although I haven’t found a real-world application for it yet.

iOS 8 is fast, blazing fast. Are you convinced on how fast this thing is yet? If not, let me assure you that it is fast. I like being able to use different keyboards and having a little more control over the entire experience as a whole. Messaging has changed significantly using the new fill-in feature, where the iPhone tries to figure out what you’re trying to say. The first few days of this feature where rough, but after a week, it’s starting to learn who I am and how I talk and is becoming more useful.

Another great feature of iOS 8 is the family sharing. With my wife and I using different devices at different times, it’s nice to be able to share purchases across devices, as well as calendars, photos, and videos.

The biggest feature of iOS 8 that I will use is Handoff, which won’t be fully available until OS X Yosemite gets released in October. This feature will allow you to push items from one iDevice to another, as well as from iDevice to computer. All of this will happen through iCloud, which I’m becoming a big fan of.

Tip of the Hat,

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nerd Block - September 2014

Nerd Block - September 2014

I couldn’t wait for this month’s Nerd Block, they kept hinting at products from Guardians of the Galaxy, TMNT, and an STD? Did they just say STD? Yes, that is correct this month Nerd Block gave all of their subscribers a random STD.

Here are the contents of this month’s block:

1. T-shirt: Sounds of the Galaxy (Guardians of the Galaxy)

2. Boxos by FUNKO: TMNT papercraft playset featuring all 4 turtles, Splinter, Shredder, a foot, and even the Shellraiser

3. Mega Bloks: Marvel Series 1 minifigure, blind package (I don't care for MegaBloks, so I am not opening this. LEGO till the end!)

4. Nerd Block 1-year anniversary stress brain (comes in handy at work)

5. ScribbleNauts Unmasked Vinyl Figure Series 2 (I got the Red Superman, I forgot to take a picture of him)

...and finally my STD
6. Giant Microbes STD: Crabs/Louse

This month was pretty exciting! Next month will be hand picked by none other than Kevin Smith! This should be awesome since he is a huge fan of comic books and Star Wars. I should also see  a new subscription box from Nerd Block this month, Arcade Block. I will write about the contents of that when I receive it. I am also looking forward to this month’s Loot Crate which is themed Galaxy and will contain loot from Star Wars, Star Trek, and Firefly, ArchangelEZE will review that later this month.

If you live in the Grand Rapids or surrounding areas, don’t forget to come visit
us out at the annual Geek-Stuff Garage Sale at Apparitions Comics, 2757 Ridgemoor Dr SE, Kentwood, MI 49512 this Saturday from 10a-7p.

Until next time, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Review: The Art of The Boxtrolls by Philip Brotherton - Chronicle Books

Review: The Art of “The Boxtrolls” by Philip Brotherton - Chronicle Books

Here Be Monsters! Indeed!
(photo source: Amazon)

Here’s a brief little switch up for all you NGP fans! Recently released to bookstores by Chronicle Books, The Art of The Boxtrolls by Philip Brotherton. If you’re a fan of animation and its art like I am, I can’t recommend a book more. Having picked up the “Art of” books for both Coraline and ParaNorman when they released, I was beyond excited for this book to hit the shelf. Detailing much of the production of the latest stopmotion feature from animation powerhouse Laika, the book showcases insight into their world from concept to finished product. Also included are a preface from Laika CEO and animator Travis Knight, and a foreword by director Anthony Stacchi, who both offer a bit of their personal insight for the project before we finally dig in.

Eggs: our main character
(photo source: CinemaBlend)

Based on Alan Snow’s 2005 full-length illustrated children’s novel, Here Be Monsters!, The Art of… charts the nine-year slow-cooked production that would become The Boxtrolls. Following the prefaces, the introduction gives a brief background on the story and the design of the feature. Then, this book is broken into four parts to better dissect the production at large; “Roaming the Streets,’ a look at building and filming the city environment; “The World Below,” the underground sewer homeworld of the boxtrolls and everything within, from the environment to our title characters and protagonist; “Snatcher’s Realm,” everything on designing the antagonists and their wares; and finally, “Life at the Top” focuses on dressing the animation puppets from armature to cloth to hair, and also includes a brief look at the 3D printing process used to control the smoothness of the animation to reduce “jitter.”

From cover to cover, this book is filled with images from sketches and doodles to maquettes and photos of the final puppets and props used throughout the feature, and all ranging from those on the production staff to original illustrations from author Alan Snow. (Who even offered his own works to be used as art in the sets for the film!) The detail in the book alone only further builds excitement for what awaits the big screen. Check this one out as a primer to seeing the movie, or after to catch details of your favorite characters and scenes!

It must be almost time…
(photo source: cgmeetup.com)

The Boxtrolls opens in movie theatres nationwide on Friday, September, 26

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Rot & Ruin

The Weekly Pull : Rot & Ruin #1

The Weekly Pull : Rot & Ruin #1

Departing from the norm this week, I came across a title that caught my eye called Rot & Ruin, written by multiple Bram Stoker award winner Jonathan Maberry. Knowing that Maberry is a New York Times best-selling author, and recently named one of today's Top Ten Horror Writers, I decided to give the book a shot to see what a writer like Maberry could bring to the comic medium.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, the Rot & Ruin story was first originally published as a science fiction novel back in September 2010 as the first installment of a young adult series (currently ongoing) with rave reviews. Given the series popularity, IDW publishing picked up the series as part of its rapidly growing horror line incorporating all-new stories to the Rot & Ruin franchise, which take place between novels, with Maberry remaining at the helm.

 The Weekly Pull : Rot & Ruin #1The Weekly Pull : Rot & Ruin #1

Set between the second and third novel of the series, the Rot & Ruin comic series chronicles the last remnants of humanity (30,000 humans) attempting to survive the zombie apocalypse that has reached the critical mass of nearly 7 billion. Now, as a new reader you may think, ‘“Wouldn’t it be difficult to jump into a story that doesn’t take place at the very beginning?” and I would tend to agree. However, diving in blind myself and not knowing that a precursor even existed, this stand-alone actually serves as an excellent entry point for someone who has no knowledge of the books.

Fourteen years post apocalypse, the bulk of the story follows a small band of four teenagers who have all grown up in the world within its apocalyptic state. They don’t share the same depression or longing for the past that the older survivors do, which really sets the tone and story apart from the mainstream. Small backstory tidbits are littered throughout this first issue that focus on the narrating character, Benny Imura, cataloging the events that have led up to the current state. When asked about his approach to the series, Maberry told CBR that :

“I'm not a huge fan of straight adaptations. If I've read a novel or comic, I want something I haven't seen. That's why I like AMC's "The Walking Dead." It takes some of the comic, and then goes down a crooked side road into new territory. Ditto for "Dexter," "Game of Thrones" and "True Blood."
And, I've already done the stories that are in the novels, and those will be adapted for the upcoming "Rot & Ruin" movie. No, I wanted to take the path less traveled and tell new, fresh stories. Dangerous stories.”
If zombie slaying is your thing, Rot & Ruin should definitely be on your radar. As a publisher, IDW doesn’t skimp on the goods when it comes to horror related material and has done it’s job not only roping me in for Issue #2, but also peaked my interest for the novels as well. Head down to your local shop, grab a copy for yourself and stay tuned for more horror related Weekly Pull reviews as we head into October!

Until next time True Believers,


Friday, September 19, 2014

Top 5 iPhone 6 Reviews

Top 5 iPhone 6 Reviews

So the time has come for flocks of people to stay home, sit by the door, stand in line, or hope that that an iPhone 6 magically appears in their hands. It is iPhone release day. You can be sure that I've got one in my hands and have been using it for the majority of the day so far. In lieu of a full review, below you will find my top 5 reviews from a range of sources.

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Review: Bigger and Better, but with Stiffer Competition - Engadget

First Impressions of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus: Sleek Look, Great Display, Unoptimized Apps Blurry, Loud Vibration - Mac Rumors

Apple's iPhone 6 and 6 Plus: The Reviews Are In - Fortune

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Review: Bigger and Better, But Still Your Old iPhone - Fast Company

Next week, you can expect to have a nice review and experience write-up about my first week with the iPhone 6.

Tip of the Hat,

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Superheroes

Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Superheroes
Disney Infinity 2.0 Rocket Raccoon

Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Superheroes

My wife is a Disney fan, and for anyone who knows her, that’s a huge understatement. Naturally, in the Fall of 2013, Disney Infinity (1.0) was one of those games that was an inevitable purchase for our household. Although I was skeptical at first, I quickly found myself hooked on the creative Skylanders type gameplay utilizing familiar characters established throughout the Disney and Pixar Universe. Captain Jack Sparrow, Sully, Lightning McQueen and The Incredibles', Violet, quickly became my go to team as I made my way through the game's various play sets. However, the real excitement for me came with the announcement of Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Superheroes, and I can’t wait to finally get my hands on the new installment early next week.

The initial bundle, which I purchased for the Xbox One, will arrive with the Disney Infinity 2.0 Game Disk, Character Portal (which brings the figures into the game), and three Avengers characters : Thor, Iron Man and Black Widow. I will also receive a bonus figure of my choosing with the purchase for pre-ordering the title, and after careful thought and consideration decided to bring Rocket Raccoon into the fold as well.

Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Superheroes
Disney Infinity 2.0 Avengers Line-Up

The base game story as a whole is entirely focused on the Avengers, with additional characters such as Captain America, Hawkeye, Nick Fury and the Hulk available for purchase to increase your ranks and allow you to play (and geek out) as your favorite hero. In addition to the base gameplay, two additional expansion packs are also available, which open story-lines for Spider-Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy each with their own cast of characters.

Disney Infinity 2.0 : Marvel Superheroes
Disney Infinity 2.0 Expansion Set Characters
Although the Disney Infinity franchise is primarily focused toward the younger gamer, there are an incredible amount of challenges available for even the most seasoned player to throw a few controllers over. Collecting elusive orbs, web swinging challenges and race time trials await around every corner to unlock the best upgrades. For those willing to spend the cash, each storyline also features a vault of prizes that can only be opened by having every character in the game, which brings me to my next point …

This game will cost you money, much more so than the initial investment. Any fan of the Skylanders franchise can tell you that there’s no hiding the fact that the Pokèmon theory of “Gotta’ Catch ‘Em All” is in full swing for games like this - and it’s damn addicting. To the credit of the developers, the game itself CAN be completed utilizing only the three bundled characters without ever having to purchase an additional character or expansion. But seriously, where’s the fun in that? Let’s fight the New York Chitauri Invasion with Groot and pit Spider-Man against Loki!

Will the game perfect? Absolutely not, and I’m not expecting it. However, for a quick drop-in/drop-out title with a cast of growing Marvel characters and collectables? Count me in.

Until next time True Believers,
