Friday, September 26, 2014

iPhone 6: A Week In Review

iPhone 6: A Week In Review

On Friday, September 29, Apple started selling the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. I was lucky enough to get one (64GB, Space Gray) and, after an entire week, have realized it is an amazing device. Although I will not go into great depth, I will hit on what matters most to the majority of users. Here is my review.


To start, the design is flawless. The rounded sides, the sleek screen and front glass, and button shape and placement all come together to create a beautiful piece of art. It feels good in your hand and is easy to handle. The camera sticks out of the back just a little bit, but does not interfere with any use or storage of the phone.


Fast. The iPhone 6 is stupid fast. Everything seems to have pep when you click it, move it, or just plain use the phone. It is amazing how much better the new processor is.  If you’re like me and have way too many email accounts or emails in general, the speed is a great thing when searching or scrolling through 100s of emails. It also comes in handy while trying to get through all of your photos or videos. There are no ‘burps’ when scrolling through anything.

Speaking of videos and photos, the camera is awesome. Yes, I know there are bigger cameras on phones and that there have been bigger cameras for years. However, Apple excels in internal components and doesn’t disappoint when it comes to photo and video processing. The photos are crisp and clean and the auto focus is just plain fast. The slo-mo feature works well and is fun to mess around with, although I haven’t found a real-world application for it yet.

iOS 8 is fast, blazing fast. Are you convinced on how fast this thing is yet? If not, let me assure you that it is fast. I like being able to use different keyboards and having a little more control over the entire experience as a whole. Messaging has changed significantly using the new fill-in feature, where the iPhone tries to figure out what you’re trying to say. The first few days of this feature where rough, but after a week, it’s starting to learn who I am and how I talk and is becoming more useful.

Another great feature of iOS 8 is the family sharing. With my wife and I using different devices at different times, it’s nice to be able to share purchases across devices, as well as calendars, photos, and videos.

The biggest feature of iOS 8 that I will use is Handoff, which won’t be fully available until OS X Yosemite gets released in October. This feature will allow you to push items from one iDevice to another, as well as from iDevice to computer. All of this will happen through iCloud, which I’m becoming a big fan of.

Tip of the Hat,


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