Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bernthal's Punisher Gets Series Order

Bernthal's Punisher Gets Series Order

MoneyLaunderer's dream just came true! Following the wildly successful second season of Netflix and Marvel's Daredevil series, Jon Berenthal will be reprising his role as The Punisher in his own spin-off series as originally reported by Entertainment Weekly.

Steve Lightfoot (writer and executive producer on one of my favorite shows of 2104, Hannibal) will serve as show runner for the series as well as pen the first two episodes.

"For me, the complexity and unpredictability of Frank Castle make him an incredibly compelling character and I couldn't be more excited to dive into his world" Lightfoot states. "After watching Jon's performance in Marvel's Daredevil I could not be more excited to be working with him to further develop and process the story of this anti-hero in a show of his own."

Netflix and Marvel clearly have a strategic plan in motion, with five separate series currently in different stages of production. Although it hasn't been confirmed at this point, don't be surprised if The Punisher also makes an appearance in 2017 with The Defenders!

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and Follow NGP on Facebook for more news and reviews!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Echoes Of The Darkside

Echoes Of The Darkside

With Star Wars: Episode VIII filming underway, "leaked" plot details are starting to emerge online much like the speculation that surrounded it's predecessor, The Force Awakens.

A Reddit user under the alias u/LouEvilOne recently posted the following statements on the StarWarsLeaks Reddit page, however should all be taken with a grain of salt as NOTHING has been confirmed by LucasFilm (and most likely won't be) until the films release on December 15, 2017. One of the supposed "leaked" details is the films proposed title - Star Wars: Echoes Of The Darkside - which I personally think is pretty spectacular if it holds true. Then again, it doesn't take much to beat Attack Of The Clones in my book.

However, the biggest "leak" in u/LouEvilOne's post is in regard to Rey's heritage. It's a bit out in left field, but at the sane time it's crazy enough that it just might be true ...

"Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. Luke went to the first Jedi temple to better understand how the process works. He learned that the spirit of the chosen one is reincarnated by the Force every time the universe is thrown out of balance, which apparently happens on a semi-regular basis (Anakin was hardly the first time the chosen one reincarnated). This is why she's so crazy powerful with the Force (remember that Anakin blew up the Trade Federation donut ship by himself when he was like 8 years old). Rey was the product of a virgin birth, but midichlorians aren't mentioned (Luke says "you are a child of the Force"). Luke is hesitant to train her because, according to Jedi history, the chosen one always struggles with staying on the light side of the Force because of the chaotic power running through them. He's afraid that she could become Vader 2.0. If he trains her to fight Kylo, and she turns dark, she would do way more damage to the galaxy than Kylo could ever dream of doing."

So, like I said, it's a bit of a stretch. I don't personally hate the idea, but I don't love it either. What do you think? 

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and Follow NGP on Facebook for more news and reviews!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Marvel's The Defenders To Begin Shooting

Marvel's The Defenders To Begin Shooting

It's no secret that the Marvel/Netfilx team-up has been killing it with their gritty take on the hero's of Hell's Kitchen. Daredevil and Jessica Jones have both been a tremendous success for the studio and viewers alike and details are finally emerging on that promised The Defenders series!

While no solid dates have been announced, reports that the series is set to begin shooting at the end of the year, which is incredible news considering we still have Luke Cage, Iron Fist and a second season of Jessica Jones on the way!

Daredevil star, Charlie Cox, opened up briefly on the topic this past weekend during a Netflix event in Paris. 

"What we do know is at the end of this year we're going to be making The Defenders and, of course, Daredevil is very much apart of that foursome. I have no idea what the storyline is going to be for that show. I'm very excited to see how those world's combine ... and interested to see tonally how those shows become one ... In terms of wrapping up any storylines, maybe they'll do some of that in The Defenders. Or maybe they won't."

Although it seems the actors are still in the dark regarding what their role as a team (as well as the thereat they'll face) will be, it's great to see things moving along for a potential 2017 debut! 

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and Follow NGP on Facebook for more news and reviews!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

NGP : Rebirth

NGP : Rebirth

After a grueling 6-month black-out for the guys of NGP (due to many of us becoming first time fathers), the hiatus has finally come to an end! The break not only allowed us the time to spend with our families, but to catch up on reading, gaming, watching and exploring the best of geek culture.

Although I'm using the word "us" here loosely as I can't personally speak on behalf of the entire (original) crew involved with NGP, my plan is to commit to an ongoing weekly post in one form or another - be it written word, video blog, etc. - to keep things here alive and kicking.

For those of you familiar with my posts as ArchangelEZE, you can expect more of the same in regard to the Marvel / DC cinematic universe(s), comics, subscription boxes and of course, Star Wars, as I have quite the back log to cover as my quest to conquer the new canon has progressed significantly since our last interaction.

To mix things up, a few personal stories will be shared as well ranging from random conversations I have with Da_FettMan regarding which Star Wars : The Force Awakens Blu-Ray variant I should purchase to fit my OCD collecting habits to introducing my young son to the best of geek culture one Playskool hero at a time.

To those who have and continue to check back for updates, THANK YOU!

With any luck, I'll be able to pester Demo Destroyer, Da_Fettman, Lando McFly, Opaque and the boys to join hands and sing Kumbaya again.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and Follow NGP on Facebook for more news and reviews!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Knight of the Card Table: Battle for Zendikar Prerelease Primer

Knight of the Card Table: Battle for Zendikar Prerelease Primer

Welcome to my new semi-regular article series I'm calling Knight of the Card Table, covering all things tabletop, card and board games alike! I'm starting off heavy duty with the first in a three part series, all revolving around the release of the first Magic: the Gathering set coming out in the new standard rotation. Battle for Zendikar is set to release in one week; which means tonight is officially the last FNM of the old standard, and that means it's Prerelease Weekend! Let's get started...

Tourism is the prime resource of Zendikar,
just look at these happy visitors!

There's been a veritable hurricane of information surrounding this return to Zendikar ever since its announcement back on March 9, but there's some parts that are more important heading into this weekend's festivities. Sure enough, Wizards has written their own primer, and even treated the fine folks of Ars Technica to a private prerelease earlier this week. As if the change to the standard rotation - which I mentioned last in my Magic Origins article in July - weren't enough, the format of the prerelease is changing as well, if only slightly. Until now the prerelease packs have consisted of five booster packs, one of five dated promo cards and seeded card pack tied to the theme or color grouping of a rather unusable box, along with a spindown counter and literature, or some similar iteration to this load out. The prerelease packs this time around are nixing that seeded pack altogether in favor of a sixth booster pack; there's still a foil promo card, but instead of one of five, it could be any rare or mythic rare from Battle for Zendikar; the spindown stays and the literature's been simplified a bit; and it all comes packed in a reusable deck box! (The last time they did the closest to this, was for the Dragon's Maze prerelease.)

With a box like this, opening one may feel like opening a hedron itself...

Next up, we need to talk briefly on some new and returning mechanics. Stepping up to bat we have Awaken, Converge, and Ingest. And back for another swing are favored abilities like Rally, an ability trigger with its roots in Zendikar's Ally creature class; and Landfall which returns unfettered straight from the first Zendikar block. Both of these returning abilities will require keen eyes for when cards enter or act on the field. Finally, be sure to keep a watchful eye out for Devoid cards, they'll make big plays for being colorless inspire of their casting costs. For more help, I highly recommend Wizards own prerelease primer, their article on the sealed deck format, and this article on the mechanics in Battle for Zendikar.

Last on the slab is of course something everyone's been waiting for since the last time we visited Zendikar, full art basic lands. This will be the first chance everyone will be able to get their hands on some brand new, fresh printed full art lands that haven't been sitting in someone's drawer for the last 6 to 16 years, planswalkers rejoice! So if you've been envious of an opponent's deck full of Zendikar land and unwilling to shell out almost $1.50+ per card, know that we are literally t-minus one week and counting until that playing field is leveled and full art basics are affordable agin. As an added bonus...sort of, WotC has decided to up the ante to another level by adding in an extra chase factor to the BFZ release: the 25 Zendikar Expeditions cards. These full art, foiled, chase versions of the shock and pain lands are being inserted into booster packs at a ratio of nearly 1 card per case of boosters packs. Now, boosters are sold in 36 pack boxes, which then ship to stores in cases of 6 booster boxes. Wizards has said that these cards will be slightly less rare than pulling a premium foil mythic rare, so this places the ratio of these cards at just less than 1:3240 cards or 1:216 boosters. This was definitely a boost in preorder sales for M:tG, indeed my LGS is nearly sold out. It could be possible to see some of these make their debut this weekend as well.

Take a peak at the beautiful chase bounty...
For some, it may be as close as they get...

But have no fear readers! I have a release article planned, complete with product as I have per the Core releases. Until then, have a look-see at Magic's Battle for Zendikar Card Image Gallery, and be sure to head back on Tuesday for my Prerelease Recap and Setup for Release Day! Good luck this weekend everyone; shuffle well, and tap strong! For Zendikar!

Monday, September 14, 2015

S.H.I.E.L.D. Goes Secret Warriors

S.H.I.E.L.D. Goes Secret Warriors

For those paying attention last season, Agent "Skye" on ABC's hit show Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was subtly revealed to be Daisy (aka. Quake) Johnson who first made her appearance in the pages of Secret War #2 back in 2004 as the daughter of super-villain Mister Hyde (which is more of a sleeper that may or may not have been apparent to even die hard fans, portrayed by Kyle MacLauchlan). 

Marvel debuted Quake's new look for Season 3 this afternoon, and by the sound of things to come, Agent Coulson & Simmons fate may be tied to the Secret Warriors mythos as well. 

I for one, am all for it. Secret Warriors was one of my favorite books during it's tenure and the thought of these characters becoming a part of the Marvel "cinematic" universe is truly exciting. There has never been a better time to be a geek. 

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and Follow NGP on Facebook for more new and reviews!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Star Wars Land Announced for Disney Theme Parks

Star Wars Land Announced for Disney Theme Parks

Ever since I was a little kid, I always dreamed of what it would be like to have a full fledged Star Wars theme park. Sure, DisneyLand and DisneyWorld had the partnership with LucasFilm, which brought us the likes of the Star Tours attraction nestled in the back of Hollywood Studios, and as the years went on, even incorporated the Jedi Training Academy and Star Wars Weekends for the ever growing fan base.

 However, I honestly never thought it would ever grow, much less surpass my wildest dreams.

This weekend, everything changed.

In the end, everyone bows to the mouse.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Captain America: Civil War Teams Possibly Revealed

Next year will bring us the third Captain America movie, with it taking the premise of the 2007 Marvel Comics storyline of Civil War.  In that comic event two teams, lead by Cap and Iron Man, fight over superhero registration. 

With Marvel Studios not having the rights to all the characters or not yet introducing others, this will obviously be a different take on the story.  Rumors are now emerging as far as who will be on Team Cap and who's on Team Iron Man. 

Team Captain America 

So we have Cap, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant-Man, Winter Soldier, and Hawkeye. Falcon isn't a surprise here, as well as Ant-Man who was "kind of" recruited by Falcon.  And one of the post-credits scene from Ant-Man shows Cap and Falcon have tracked down Winter Soldier, and it seems they'll have him won over at some point in Civil War. 

Team Iron Man

And siding with Iron Man is Black Widow, Vision, Spider-Man, and War Machine. Also rumored is that Captain America has a spy on Iron Man's team, the smart money is on it being Black Widow or War Machine. Black Panther is said to remain neutral for most of the movie but will eventually get pulled in and pick a side. 

Captain America:Civil War releases May 6, 2016

-Lando McFly