Monday, August 10, 2015

Captain America: Civil War Teams Possibly Revealed

Next year will bring us the third Captain America movie, with it taking the premise of the 2007 Marvel Comics storyline of Civil War.  In that comic event two teams, lead by Cap and Iron Man, fight over superhero registration. 

With Marvel Studios not having the rights to all the characters or not yet introducing others, this will obviously be a different take on the story.  Rumors are now emerging as far as who will be on Team Cap and who's on Team Iron Man. 

Team Captain America 

So we have Cap, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant-Man, Winter Soldier, and Hawkeye. Falcon isn't a surprise here, as well as Ant-Man who was "kind of" recruited by Falcon.  And one of the post-credits scene from Ant-Man shows Cap and Falcon have tracked down Winter Soldier, and it seems they'll have him won over at some point in Civil War. 

Team Iron Man

And siding with Iron Man is Black Widow, Vision, Spider-Man, and War Machine. Also rumored is that Captain America has a spy on Iron Man's team, the smart money is on it being Black Widow or War Machine. Black Panther is said to remain neutral for most of the movie but will eventually get pulled in and pick a side. 

Captain America:Civil War releases May 6, 2016

-Lando McFly


  1. Man, if those team lineups are legit some interesting things will have to take place to get there!
