Thursday, April 21, 2016

Echoes Of The Darkside

Echoes Of The Darkside

With Star Wars: Episode VIII filming underway, "leaked" plot details are starting to emerge online much like the speculation that surrounded it's predecessor, The Force Awakens.

A Reddit user under the alias u/LouEvilOne recently posted the following statements on the StarWarsLeaks Reddit page, however should all be taken with a grain of salt as NOTHING has been confirmed by LucasFilm (and most likely won't be) until the films release on December 15, 2017. One of the supposed "leaked" details is the films proposed title - Star Wars: Echoes Of The Darkside - which I personally think is pretty spectacular if it holds true. Then again, it doesn't take much to beat Attack Of The Clones in my book.

However, the biggest "leak" in u/LouEvilOne's post is in regard to Rey's heritage. It's a bit out in left field, but at the sane time it's crazy enough that it just might be true ...

"Rey is the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. Luke went to the first Jedi temple to better understand how the process works. He learned that the spirit of the chosen one is reincarnated by the Force every time the universe is thrown out of balance, which apparently happens on a semi-regular basis (Anakin was hardly the first time the chosen one reincarnated). This is why she's so crazy powerful with the Force (remember that Anakin blew up the Trade Federation donut ship by himself when he was like 8 years old). Rey was the product of a virgin birth, but midichlorians aren't mentioned (Luke says "you are a child of the Force"). Luke is hesitant to train her because, according to Jedi history, the chosen one always struggles with staying on the light side of the Force because of the chaotic power running through them. He's afraid that she could become Vader 2.0. If he trains her to fight Kylo, and she turns dark, she would do way more damage to the galaxy than Kylo could ever dream of doing."

So, like I said, it's a bit of a stretch. I don't personally hate the idea, but I don't love it either. What do you think? 

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