Monday, March 30, 2015

The Daily Show Announces It's New Host!

The wait is over and we now know who is taking over hosting the The Daily Show!  Trevor Noah, who joined the show last year as a contributor, will take over by the end of 2015. 

Trevor Noah

Jon Stewart had this to say for his successor "I'm thrilled for the show and for Trevor. He's a tremendous comic and talent that we've loved working with... In fact, I may rejoin as a correspondent just to be a part of it!"

Jon Stewart took over The Daily Show from Craig Kilborn in 1999.  No date has been set for Trevor Noah to officially debut as the host. 

-Lando McFly

The NEW Star Wars Canon

The NEW Star Wars Canon

The NEW Star Wars Canon

The Star Wars Expanded Universe is dead. At least in terms of canon. After the Disney / Lucasfilm buyout (which has thus far given us more good than ill) had taken place, fans were left to speculate how current Star Wars lore would fit into the cinematic franchise upon the announcement that Episode VII was in the works. However, to the dismay of many, executive producer Kathleen Kennedy explained that in order to give the upcoming films the freedom they needed, they would not be following the future mapped out in the novels - therefore single handedly rendering the Expanded Universe non-canonical.

However, a slight concession was made to maintain the existence of this material as writer Simon Kinberg (providing story direction for the franchise as a whole) promised that those Expanded Universe stories would remain in publication under the 'Legends' banner and could still potentially be used as "inspiration" for canon projects. Additionally, Del Ray publishing editor Shelly Shapiro also chimed in :

"Well first of all, we don't want to just disappear stuff that everybody read and loved - including myself. Legends are things that are often told over generations so they're not ... they change constantly with the telling, so you can't actually attribute an author to any particular one. Often it wasn't someone who was actually there. You can go back to any of the legends ... they're pretty sure there was a 'King Arthur,' but most of the stories probably didn't happen. But that doesn't mean that there aren't kernels of truth in it." 

"Everything now - starting from "A New Dawn" on - is canon. So if you care about that - which you really probably shouldn't, but if you do - it's all part of this whole new collaborative process ... All of this stuff happened." 

So how exactly does the Star Wars canon look now with the slate wiped clean?

The NEW Star Wars Canon

For a fan who never had the opportunity to explore the far reaches of the Expanded Universe, I'm actually thrilled. Chewbacca is alive, Emperor Palpatine doesn't have a clone, Mara Jade is a myth and the Yuuzhan Vong are an alien race that may not even exist.

If you're looking for a jumping on point with the Star Wars universe, now's the time.

The first three canon novels, A New Dawn, Tarkin and Heir to the Jedi are available now at your favorite retailer with Disciple, Lords of the Sith and Aftermath scheduled to release July 7, April 28 and September 4 respectively. Additionally, Marvel Star Wars comics beginning in January 2015 with Star Wars #1 by Jason Aaron and John Cassady are also considered canon.

A New Dawn and Tarkin have been ordered from my Amazon Wish List and are scheduled to arrive early this week. Keep an eye out for additional NGP thoughts and reviews as I embark (and attempt to keep up) on the journey.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, March 29, 2015

4 Big Reasons Spielberg Is The Best For Ready Player One

4 Big Reasons Spielberg Is Best For Ready Player One

Not long ago we were talking about a completely different high profile director to helm the 80s reference heavy movie Ready Player One. Not everyone was 100% on board with Christopher Nolan bringing the book by Ernest Cline to life on the screen. With the official announcement that it will be Stephen Spielberg in the director chair there are several reasons why this is a good thing if you are a fan of the book.

4.) He Is Working With A Powerful Script

Screenwriter Zak Penn
Author Ernest Cline
Zak Penn (Incredible Hulk, Avengers) has been collaborating for some time now with the Ready Player One writer Earnest Cline on this script and actually quite successfully. So successfully in fact the two decided to create an episode that went on the documentary series Signal to Noise. The episode was titled Atari: Game Over in which Cline and Penn explored their shared admiration for everything retro and gaming. They were the story behind the great treasure hunt that was the Atari landfill dig. Being such a labor of love for them with this screenplay Spielberg will have an easier time creating the amazing world that is the Oasis.

3.) He Has Always Been Cutting Edge

On Set Of Jaws
With a bulk of this story taking place in a virtual world the possibilities are endless as far as what style and technology he will use to create this movie. Going all they way back to Jaws in 1975 Spielberg has always been on the cutting edge of what technology can do and create on the big screen. He put an animitronic shark on screen and was able to sell it as real to a mass audience, something that just wasn't happening at the time. Sure there were movies like The Dark Crystal but nothing that was trying to imitate real life to the degree that Bruce did (Bruce is what the production team named the shark). As technology advanced Spielberg worked it into his movies. Jurassic Park, which won an Academy Award for visual effects in 1994, was another example of a leap in movie technology spearheaded by Spielberg. It will be very interesting to see what the next step in cinema technology is according to Spielberg.

2.) He Can Get The Rights

Pop-Culture Explosion
One of the biggest concerns fans have with turning the book into a film is all the pop culture references and whether or not Warner Brothers will be able to legally put them in the movie. If it isn't possible it will be incredibly difficult to accurately create the movie given it relies so heavily on those references. Lord of the Rings, Dune, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Ghostbusters, Space Invaders, Atari, Dungeons and Dragons, Robotron, Star Wars, Swordquest Series, Back to the Future, and the list goes on and on and on. This being a movie adaptation he isn't going to be able to cram all of the awesomeness of the book but I really think he can get the core of what the book is onscreen. As a bonus he bring with him the rights to all of his movies which are referenced in the book as well (Goonies especially).

1.) He Attracts Big Names

Now that Spielberg is attached to this movie Hollywood's biggest and brightest stars will be clamoring to audition for a role. No names have been officially attached but I'm going to go ahead and create my dream-team for these iconic roles.

Wade (Parzival)

Nicholas Hoult

Samantha (Art3mis)

Ellen Page


Dylan O’Brien

Helen Harris

Gabourey Sidibe

James Halliday

James Urbaniak

Ogden Morrow

Jeff Bridges

Nolan Sorrento

Kevin Spacey


Ki Hong Lee


Ryan Potter

What's you dream cast for the movie? Sound out in the comments! If you haven't read the book check it out over here. We kinda gave it the #1 Book For Geeks Award. Ernest Cline also has another book coming out that you can check out over here.

Hit us up on our socials:


Friday, March 27, 2015

Deadpool Costume Revealed!

Ryan Reynolds has tweeted the first official look at the Deadpool costume. And it's a glorious first glimpse. 

Hopefully this will erase from our memory banks his look from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Here's Ryan Reynolds' tweet debuting the seductive shot....

February 2016 can't come soon enough....

-Lando McFly

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Return Of The X-Files!

It's official, The X-Files is coming back! FOX has confirmed they're bringing back Mulder and Scully for a six episode "event".  Chris Carter (creator and executive producer) is also back and says of the return "I think of it as a 13 year commercial break". 

Production is set to begin this summer, but there's no word on when the episodes will air. FOX seems to be getting into the business of reviving old hits, they also recently brought back 24 for a twelve episode run.  

This all raises some questions. If the six episodes are a hit, will there be more seasons? Another movie? Will FOX bring back Almost Human?!

Stay tuned for more details as they are released. 

- Lando McFly

33 Marvel Titles Come To An End

33 Marvel Titles Come To An End

It's true ... the master list has been established. On the cusp of Secret Wars Marvel has revealed that 33 titles will be coming to an end this May and some of these are pretty heavy hitters. 

Speaking with ComicBook.Com, Marvel's David Gabriel revealed the ongoing title casualty list for the first ever reboot in Marvel history. 

"Secret Wars is unlike any event ever published. It’s not just an event with a few tie-ins, it’s an entirely new publishing line, an entirely new television network’s fall line-up if you will. It’s not unlike what was done in the 1990s with Age of Apocalypse. Even then, that was just the X-Men titles. But this is so much more. The entire Marvel Universe will be affected in some really shocking, really surprising ways."

It's important to note that Gabriel has also revealed that some titles will be rebooted in the aftermath of Secret Wars, but others will be gone for good. 

So without further ado, revise your pull-lists accordingly. Here are the titles that will be reaching their 616 Finale over the next few months:

  • All-New Captain America
  • All-New Ghost Rider
  • All-New X-Men
  • Amazing Spider-Man
  • Amazing X-Men
  • Angela: Asgard’s Assassin
  • Avengers
  • Avengers World
  • Captain Marvel
  • Cyclops
  • Deadpool
  • Elektra
  • Fantastic Four
  • Guardians 3000
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Hulk
  • Inhuman
  • Iron Fist: The Living Weapon
  • Legendary Star-Lord
  • Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man
  • New Avengers
  • Nightcrawler
  • Nova
  • Rocket Raccoon
  • Secret Avengers
  • Spider-Man & The X-Men
  • Spider-Man 2099
  • Storm
  • Superior Iron Man
  • Thor
  • Uncanny X-Men
  • Wolverines
  • X-Men
Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Star Wars Speeder Bike Quadcopter

Star Wars Speeder Bike Quadcopter

Leave it to a Hardware Engineer from Google to come up with one of the most amazing Star Wars “toys” you wish was on the market. Gutting a 1999 Hasbro Star Wars : Power of the Force Speeder Bike and reattaching the shell to a low-flying quadcopter,  Adam Woodworth has found a way to bring one of the best action scenes from Return of the Jedi to life.

Start a Kickstarter to sell the kits, my friend. I’ll take two, just to send one into a tree at top speed.

Man, the thought of taking one of these things to the Redwood National Park has me giddy!   

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Opinion Alert: Ghostbusters Reboot(s)

So, needless to say, not everyone is happy about the new Ghostbusters movie(s) that are coming out. A lot of people are hating on the upcoming films just because they don't want a new Giostbusters cast. Other people are upset because it's an all female cast (for one of the movies). And others (like myself) aren't happy with the cast or director they've hired. 

First off, let's look at the all female Ghostbusters movie. It's got Paul Feig (Bridesmaids, The Heat) at the helm. For the cast we got Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones. 

Kristen Wiig is reliable when it comes to carrying a comedy, no problem there. And personally, I'm unfamiliar with Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. Paul Feig is hit and miss as far as I'm concerned. 

The problem I have here is with Melissa McCarthy. She's become a huge Hollywood success the last few years. I enjoyed her in Bridesmaids, and that's about it. And I know I'm not alone here. Her schtick has gotten old, and unless she can prove to have more to offer, she's go the way of Jack Black and Zach Galifianakis. 

I'm more than open to all female Ghostbusters movie. But it would need  a good cast and some talent behind the camera, just like any other movie. Who would you cast in a all female Ghostbusters?

Let's talk about what could have been, or at least what I would have liked to have seen happen. First off, yes, Gillian Anderson.  She seems to have comedic side that hasn't been fully utilized in anything else. She could be the "Egon" of the new cast as well as guide a team of younger busters of ghosts. She also expressed interest in the female Ghostbusters movie once she got word of it. 

Next up, Retta. She's hilarious, and has just come off 7 seasons of Parks and Rec. She's got sass, could definitely help carry a concept comedy. 

Have you watched Broad City? No? Then you probably don't know Abbi Jacobson.  And that's unfortunate for you. The show is a force to be reckoned with and so is she. Jacobson and her co-star, Ilana Glazer, are sure to only get bigger in the comedy community. 

Chelsea Peretti regularly steals the show on FOX's Brooklyn Nine Nine. She also is a great stand up comedienne. She's popped up in a lot shows and is poised to hit the next level of entertainment. 

Next, Aubrey Plaza. Like Retta, she's just come off of Parks and Recreation. Any film studio looking to make a hit comedy should want her in their corner. 

And lastly, Cecily Strong. She's already cast in the movie, but not as a Ghostbuster. Which is a crime. She's currently killing it at Weekend Update on SNL, and needs to be rewarded for it. 

Those are my suggestions for the female Ghostbuster movie. Let's move on to the male-centered installment. Already announced is that it will be directed by Joe and Anthony Russo (Captain America: The Winter Soldier). And it will be produced by Dan Aykroyd and Ivan Reitman (the original Ghostbusters director). And it's rumored to be starring Channing Tatum and Chris Pratt. I've already spoke on my thoughts on them for this project in a previous article, so I'm  going to leave them alone here. Let's talk about who could fill out that cast....

Let's start with Donald Glover. He helped make Community a phenomal comedy show, even though he's moved on to focus on other projects. He's been rumored/campaigned for the Miles Morales/Spider-Man role, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Let's put him to use on this action/horror/concept comedy.

If you've seen Cabin in the Woods, you know Fran Kranz. He's had several roles in a lot of comedies, but as yet to "break out". He could have a lot to offer a project like this. 

I'll rope John Cho and Kal Penn in together. Best known for the Harold and Kumar movies, they've both known a lot of success and failures. John Cho currently enjoys being Sulu in the new Star Trek movies, and Kal Penn is on the new Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) show, Battle Creek. I'd like to see them both back in comedies, and Ghostbusters could show that, despite the hit and miss nature of the Harold & Kumar movies, they both have a lot to offer the comedy world. 

And TJ Miller. He's in HBO's Silicon Valley, a show that is a true treasure. He's been in a number of other comedies, and could be a big hit in a movie like Ghostbusters. 

Lastly, Paul Rudd. I'd watch him in anything. He'd be a smart choice if a studio wanted to hire some lesser known talent for the rest of the cast. 

But most importantly, the talent behind the camera. Joe and Anthony Russo have a lot experience in comedy (Arrested Development, Community). But who'd be a good fit for the female Ghostbusters? Michael Schur (Parks and Rec), James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy), Tina Fey(30 Rock, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)? Who would you want?

Yes, I left off names like Seth Rogen and James Franco. I've enjoyed their movies, but let's see what other people can do. 

The female Ghostbusters movie has gotten A LOT of hate, for various reasons. If people don't care for it because it's all female, that's unfortunate. If you have a valid concern, then let's have a debate. I won't defend the cast or crew of the Paul Feig Ghostbusters, but I do hope their movie wins me over. 

Leave your thoughts and suggestions below, it's the Internet and you're entitled to your opinion!

-Lando McFly

Friday, March 13, 2015

Powers: PlayStation's First TV Show

Powers: PlayStation's First TV Show

Every major media group not associated with cable TV is developing and releasing its own series. Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO GO, Hulu, and now PlayStation. Powers is a show based on the comic book series created by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming. They are also producing the show which is a police procedural about two homicide detectives with the Powers Division. In the world of Powers superheroes are real and some are good and some are psychopathic murderers. That's where detectives Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim show up at the crime scene and do what they do best.

Christian Walker is played by Sharlto Copley who is best know for starring in all of the Neill Blomkamp movies (District 9, Elysium, and Chappie) as well as Disney's Maleficent. Also of note on the cast is stand-up comic genius Eddie Izzard. Playing some very serious roles lately (including a brief stint on the show Hannibal) he plays the biggest of all evil psychopaths, Wolfe who devours others in the most bloody and disgusting ways.

I had a chance to watch the show and I thought it was amazing. Bendis has an ability to create characters who feel real and grounded even when they are flying around the screen or web-slinging on page (he is most know for penning Ultimate Spider-Man). That comic translates perfectly into television form. The budget here seems substantial as well. Although most of the superhero action is seen form a distance the story stays grounded with how having superheroes around effects society as a whole. It takes the police procedural formula, which has been repeated time and time again on TV, and adds superpowers into the mix. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys shows like Heroes or NCIS.

The first three episodes in the series can now be seen on your PlayStation device (Vita, PS3, and PS4) if you are a PlayStation Plus member. You can also watch it online (here) but it still requires you to have a PlayStation Plus membership. With a 12 month membership setting you back $49.99 that's still a lot cheaper than Netflix. Hopefully Sony takes the same route as all the other big-name content providers and continues to put out great shows like Powers.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Star Wars: The Announcements Strike Back!

Star Wars: The Announcements Strike Back!

Today it was announced that the first Star Wars stand-alone movie will be called Rogue One and will be released on December 16, 2016. It will be directed by Gareth Edwards (Godzilla, Monsters) and has Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything, Amazing Spider-Man 2) set for the lead role. No word on the story or if any existing characters will be involved. Though one could speculate it could involve Rogue Squadron! Right?

Also announced is that Rian Johnson (Looper, Brick) is confirmed to write and direct Star Wars Episode VIII.  Up until now Disney and Lucasfilm haven't confirmed such, but the news had leaked out months ago. Episode VIII is scheduled to be released on May 26, 2017. Johnson is rumored to be writing a treatment for Episode IX, and possibly direct as well.  But no confirmation on that yet. 

- Lando McFly

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

In Brightest Day...

A new day, a new rumor for the Internet to blow up over. And it concerns DC's possible new cinematic Green Lantern. Up until now, it looked as though the new live action Green Lantern would be John Stewart, but it seems they may be sticking with Hal Jordan. 

Word is spreading that Star Trek's Chris Pine is being looked at for Green Lantern.  Pine was actually in consideration for the role in the 2011 movie, but obviously lost out to Ryan Reynolds. 

Again, it's unflconfirmed, but still fun to think about. If not Chris Pine, who else would you want to wear the ring? 

- Lando McFly

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Who Ya Gonna Call Now?

News/rumors that has been breaking recently suggest that ANOTHER Ghostbusters movie is in the works.  This one separate from the Paul Feig directed film with an all female cast. But these two films would share a cinematic universe (Hey, that's what the Avengers are doing!), and possibly lead to a team up movie. But who would be in this mew movie you ask ....

That's right, Chris Pratt and Channing Tatum.  Most people will surely be happy to hear Pratt's name, but Tatum might need to win people over for this kind of project. To be fair, Tatum has proven his comedic chops in the 21 Jump Street movies, so he at least deserves a chance. And Pratt is awfully busy already, being attached to franchises like Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. As well as being rumored for a new Indiana Jones. He's definitely Hollywood's "IT" boy right now.

This new Ghostbusters film is said to directed and produced by Joe and Anthony Russo, the duo behind Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Not only that, but it will also have former Ghostbuster star/writer Dan Aykroyd and director Ivan Reitman both as producers. I'm sold right there. 

No word on dates for filming or release, but will it be after the female Ghostbusters comes out. Is this too much Ghostbusters? Does it take away from the one we were already getting? Or should we be excited we're getting a Ghostbusters without Melissa McCarthy? 

All of this is just rumor so far, but also hasn't been denied. Also, no word on any return of Slimer (fingers crossed). 

-Lando McFly

Marvel Launches Its Official & Dark Daredevil Trailer!

Marvel Launches Its Official & Dark Daredevil Trailer!

With April 10th on the horizon, Netflix and Marvel have released the Official (non-teaser!) Trailer of the highly anticipated Daredevil series!

Dark, gritty and bloodier than anticipated, I personally can't wait to binge the entire series. It's time to clean up the streets of Hell's Kitchen.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Monday, March 9, 2015

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Gwen

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Gwen

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Gwen

Spinning out of the 6-part ‘Spider-Verse’ story arc featured in The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Woman (or Spider-Gwen) was one of the many Multiverse Spider-Men who teamed up to take down a league of Spider-Totem hunters known as The Inheritors, lead by the villainous Morlun.

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Gwen

First appearing in the short story, Edge of Spider-Verse #2, Spider-Gwen was an instant smash hit with readers, as they were taken to a place where roles were reversed, and Peter Parker had been the one to die that fateful day at the hands of the Green Goblin. However, not all in this version of the story has changed … with great power, still comes great responsibility.

“This story sees Gwen at a real crossroads of her life,” says writer Jason Latour, in an interview with “Spider-Woman is wanted for a crime she didn’t commit. So where as her life in costume before was a lot of adventuring and fun, she’s now being forced to decide what it means to her.” (Read more on!)

With the conclusion of the primary continuum Spider-Verse arc in mid-February, Spider-Gwen was quickly launched into her own ongoing series, within her own home universe, full of whimsical pastel colors and a cast of familiar characters in unfamiliar roles.
The Weekly Pull : Spider-Gwen
Is it worth the read? I’m split down the middle. The take on the traditional Spider-Man story is intriguing and fun, but the color schemes and language make things feel that their aimed at a much younger audience, much like Stewart and Fletcher’s Batgirl, which doesn't hit the right notes for me.

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Gwen
2 / 5 Toast Rating

In the end, the Spider-Gwen story still takes place within the Marvel Multiverse. So the real question remains : is there a chance the title can survive past May? Or will the impending Secret Wars (link) incursion leave this title an ill-fated Mini Series? Marvel is starting to pull a DC Comics stunt, and it’s stressing me out.
Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Top Ten Comic Events Of All Time

Top Ten Comic Events Of All Time

On the eve of Marvel's Secret Wars (actually comes out in May 2015) I have been thinking a lot about all of my favorite comic events. Events in comic books are a really big deal. They are a way to bring together characters and universes that might never have been caught dead in the same room together, then mash them up and stir them around, and then post-event they have a truck load of new content to jump off of. The actions taken in the event will often shape the things to come for that entire universe. Here are the Top Ten Comic Events Of All Time:

"Bane, the primary villain of the storyline, is introduced in Vengeance of Bane, and the vigilante Azrael is introduced in Sword of Azrael. Knightfall is divided into two parts. In The Broken Bat, Bane defeats Batman by breaking his spine. This requires Azrael to become the new Batman, and defeat Bane in Who Rules the Night?. Knightquest is also divided into two parts. In The Crusade, Azrael's Batman grows more violent and crazy, while in The Search, Bruce Wayne seeks a cure for his paralysis. In KnightsEnd, Bruce Wayne returns and takes his mantle as Batman back from the usurper Azrael." -(Source)

"Sinestro, former Green Lantern and foe of Hal Jordan, has begun the creation of his own lantern corps following his defeat in Green Lantern: Rebirth. After much time gathering ring-bearers who will "inspire fear" in their sectors, Sinestro and the Yellow Lanterns attack the Green Lantern Corps, killing many, freeing Superboy Prime, Cyborg Superman, and capturing Kyle Rayner, infecting him with Parallax. With their combined power, along with that of the newly resurrected Anti-Monitor, the Sinestro Corps seeks to destroy the Green Lantern Corps and conquer the universe. 
The Guardians, in an attempt to even the odds in the ongoing struggle between the two corps, authorize the use of lethal force for Green Lanterns. With their full potential now realized, the Green Lantern Corps takes the fight to the Sinestro Corps, but it is revealed that the Sinestro Corps is attacking Earth. As Hal frees Kyle from the clutch of Parallax, Sodam Yat is appointed the new Ion. With the combined efforts of the Green Lanterns, Ion, and the heroes of Earth, the Sinestro Corps is defeated and Earth is saved once more. But the War of Light has begun..." -(Source)

"Flashpoint picks up right after Professor Zoom unleashes a giant, reality altering blast of built up Speed Force energy that changes the time line completely. Barry Allen wakes up to find everything about his life different, his mother is alive, he isn't married to his wife, he isn't the Flash, and that's just the beginning of his problems. Wonder Woman and the Amazons are at war with Aquaman and the Atlanteans, Cyborg is the United States greatest hero, Superman is nowhere to be found and the world is at the brink of war. Knowing this reality is not his own, Barry Allen seeks out the help of the only man who may be able to help him figure out what happened.... Batman. But the Batman he finds is not who he expects..." -(Source)

"While DC had used the weekly format before, (most notably with Action Comics in April 1988), 52 was their first attempt to launch a new title as a weekly. Set in the time between the end of "Infinite Crisis" and the "One Year Later" story lines, 52 dealt with the events of the missing year - a year without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, The title was masterminded by writers Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid, with Keith Giffen producing art breakdowns. Its weekly publication meant several artists had to handle the art, starting with Joe Bennett on the first four issues. A massive saga, spanning the whole DC Universe (and beyond), 52 introduced several new heroes and villains, including a new Question and Batwoman, before the big reveal of a new multiversse of fifty two realities, each containing an alternate Earth.
The story had a huge impact on the DC Universe, affecting everything from Black Adam's World War III spin off, to Booster Gold's post - 52 reality - spanning adventures. It also led into countdown to final crisis and left the DC Universe a dramatically different place." -(Source)

"Mistress Death believed that there was a cosmic imbalance in the universe - that there were more living than there were dead. As a result, Death resurrects her loyal servant Thanos, who is appointed the task of killing off half of the population of the universe. Not only is Thanos' power augmented by Death, he is granted access to the Infinity Well, where he realizes the power of the Infinity Gems. After much plotting and scheming, Thanos wrestles the gems from their owners and gains mastery over Power, Mind, Space, Reality, Time, and the Soul." -(Source)

"After the super-villain Nitro sets off an explosion in Stamford, CT, killing the New Warriors and hundreds of innocents, the American Government, blaming the super-hero community for these deaths, enforces a Super-Human Registration Act that forces super-heroes to reveal their secret identities and work for the government, labeled as weapons of mass destruction. This doesn't sit well with some heroes and the Super-Hero community is divides into sides: Iron Man's Pro-Registration Act team enforced by S.H.I.E.L.D. and its new director Maria Hill, and Captain America's Anti-Registration Act team called the Secret Avengers. This separation causes a super-human Civil War that pits the two teams against each other physically and morally.
The Civil War has many consequences including the separation of the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, the revelation of Spider-Man's secret identity to the world, the departure of the Thing to France, the death of Goliath and finally the death of Captain America himself at the end of the War." -(Source)

"X-men invited to Avengers Tower to discuss the fate of Wanda Maximoff. There's a lot of discussion to whether or not to kill someone whose effectively a god while she's down. Pietro seeks his father, Magneto kidnaps Wanda and Wanda uses her magic to create an ideal world for everyone...except it backfires for a lot of people.
Captain America was a great American Hero but forgotten when he wouldn't compromise his ideals for humanity or later mutant kind. Mutants are ascendant rulers of the world but it's a lie since most people were made mutants by Wanda's magic. Spiderman is married to Gwen Stacy and a pro-wrestler with Uncle Ben still alive but only pretending to be a mutant. Tony Stark is the richest man on Earth....but part of a hated underclass. Scott is married to Emma. Luke Cage is a Crime Lord who nevertheless protects the "little guy" while Falcon is a Police officer who never screwed up his life. Sentry is a normal human being. Doctor Strange is a psychologist (i.e. actually helping people) but otherwise no magic. Wolverine is a SHIELD agent...but he remembers EVERYTHING so he knows the truth. Oh yes and Hawkeyes' alive.
Wolverine hunts allies and after a false start with Professor Xavier finds Luke Cages boys and eventually convinces them their right. They gradually assemble their team for assaulting Magneto and do so. Apparently, telepathy can restore people's memories.
The confrontation is the usual dragged out fight but Magneto basically does something that ROYALLY cheeses Wanda off and convinces her that Magneto cares more about Mutantkind than his own family (more or less true). Wanda thus says "NO MORE MUTANTS!"
Doctor Strange casts a spell to prevent this from happening but it only affects the team in the immediate vicinity." -(Source)

"What happens when evil wins? That's the question Superman, Batman, the Justice League and every being in the DCU have to face when Darkseid and his otherworldly legion of narcissistic followers actually win the war between light and dark. Featuring the deaths and resurrections of major DC characters, FINAL CRISIS is more than your average multi-part event - it's a deconstruction of Super Hero comics and a challenging, thought-provoking take on the modern, four-color icons.." -(Source)

"Marvel's greatest heroes and villains have been brought to a mysterious planet with unlimited power promised to those who can defeat their foes! See Spider-Man, the Avengers, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four battle Doctor Doom, Ultron, Doctor Octopus and more in this classic saga!" -(Source)

"This is the story that changed the DC Universe forever. A mysterious being known as the Anti-Monitor has begun a crusade across time to bring about the end of all existence. As alternate earths are systematically destroyed, the Monitor quickly assembles a team of super-heroes from across time and space to battle his counterpart and stop the destruction. DC's greatest heroes including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, assemble to stop the menace, but as they watch both the Flash and Supergirl die in battle, they begin to wonder if even all of the heroes in the world can stop this destructive force." -(Source)
So that is my list in all of its glory. What does your list of best comic events look like? Sound off in the comments!

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