Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Who Ya Gonna Call Now?

News/rumors that has been breaking recently suggest that ANOTHER Ghostbusters movie is in the works.  This one separate from the Paul Feig directed film with an all female cast. But these two films would share a cinematic universe (Hey, that's what the Avengers are doing!), and possibly lead to a team up movie. But who would be in this mew movie you ask ....

That's right, Chris Pratt and Channing Tatum.  Most people will surely be happy to hear Pratt's name, but Tatum might need to win people over for this kind of project. To be fair, Tatum has proven his comedic chops in the 21 Jump Street movies, so he at least deserves a chance. And Pratt is awfully busy already, being attached to franchises like Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. As well as being rumored for a new Indiana Jones. He's definitely Hollywood's "IT" boy right now.

This new Ghostbusters film is said to directed and produced by Joe and Anthony Russo, the duo behind Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Not only that, but it will also have former Ghostbuster star/writer Dan Aykroyd and director Ivan Reitman both as producers. I'm sold right there. 

No word on dates for filming or release, but will it be after the female Ghostbusters comes out. Is this too much Ghostbusters? Does it take away from the one we were already getting? Or should we be excited we're getting a Ghostbusters without Melissa McCarthy? 

All of this is just rumor so far, but also hasn't been denied. Also, no word on any return of Slimer (fingers crossed). 

-Lando McFly


  1. Screw that. Seth Rogen, James Franco and Jonah Hill rated R reboot! Written by both Rogen & Akroyd. Dirty, sexual and funny as hell.
