Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Who Is The Arkham Knight?

Who Is The Arkham Knight?

The game's release is still several months away but with every new trailer and tidbit of information we get a bigger and better picture of it is painted. One of the bigger reveals was the introduction of the Arkham Knight character. The developers are saying he is a new character to the Batman universe. However, being a typical media consumer, I know there is something that Rocksteady is keeping secret to protect the integrity of the game's plot. What that secret is I have no idea. However the following video sums up what the collective ideas around the interwebs are. Take a look.

Who do you think the Arkham Knight is going to be? Sound off in the comments!


Monday, January 26, 2015

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

After 24 years under the Dark Horse publishing banner, Star Wars finally returns home to Marvel. Although a seasoned Star Wars fan from a very early age, I didn’t begin following the comic series until January 2006, with the release of Knights of the Old Republic. From there, Rebellion, Legacy, Dark Times and Invasion all became staples on my pull list, expanding my knowledge of the Star Wars mythos from 3948 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) to 130 ABY. However, in the fall of 2010, all five ongoing series came to an end, and for a time, I once again became disconnected from the Star Wars comic medium.  

Although countless Star Wars ongoing titles, miniseries and one-shots have been published over the years, nothing has quite been able to regain my attention … until now. It’s no secret that Disney is a powerhouse when it comes to entertainment, and snatching up both Marvel and Lucasfilm is probably the most genius takeover of our generation. Star Wars trailers will release with Marvel movies and vice versa to create the perfect storm as one beloved franchise feeds the other, and it all begins here, with Jason Aaron and John Cassaday in Star Wars #1.
Taking place shortly after the events of Episode IV : A New Hope, and only a single issue in, this is one for the ages. In just a matter of days, Star Wars has already exceeded over one million copies sold in the direct market, making in the hottest selling title of the past 20 years. Numbers like that just don’t happen. But is the story good, you ask? It’s phenomenal.  

Keeping things spoiler free, Aaron nails the personalities and dialogue of each character to the point where you can hear the actors voice in your head reciting the lines as if it were playing out directly in front of you. The dialogue that takes place between Han and 3PO alone is a prime example :: 

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars
Cassaday’s art is also incredibly accurate as he visually depicts these beloved characters just as beautifully as he did with the X-Men in Joss Whedon’s equally fantastic Astonishing X-Men run. I also found it incredibly clever to see Luke wearing the yellow ceremonial jacket, pinpointing the timeline of the story (be it cannon or not) without distracting from the plot ::

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

One of my favorite points in the entire book are the first four opening pages, which play out like the classic Star Wars cinematic film sequence we have grown to know and love. Marvel doesn’t miss a beat from the iconic text scroll to the mimed starship cinematography as the first glimpse of this new and exciting adventure enters the readers field of vision ::

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

If Marvel can keep this momentum, we’re all in for an extraordinary ride. If you’re a Star Wars fan of any age, I can’t recommend this one enough. These first 30 pages are worth every cent of your hard earned cash, and I can’t recommend it enough.

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars

The Weekly Pull : Star Wars
5/5 Toast Rating

Both Darth Vader and Princess Leia have their own series debuting in the months to come, so stay tuned for my thoughts and don't forget lot sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know your thoughts on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Best $10 We've Ever Spent (Mature Content 17+)

The Best $10 We've Ever Spent (Mature Content 17+)

If there is one thing you have probably noticed about Pop and I, mostly me, is that we are HUGE Nintendo fans. I think Pop is more of a Microsoft guy in general, but this past year, Nintendo has been the company to offer the type of games we enjoy playing on a regular basis.

Recently, there was a Nintendo Direct, which finally announced the release of the NEW 3DS XL for the United States. Alongside that excitement, not to mention the mic drop from Nintendo surprising us with the Majora's Mask NEW 3DS XL, the release of popular Wii titles for Wii U owners to download was announced. Amongst these is one of my favorites, Super Mario Galaxy 2, which for a limited time was only $10.

You can't really pass that up.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a gorgeous game that offers the nostalgia of Super Mario 64 with a "out of this world" (see what I did there?) feel. 

Even though it isn't fresh off the boat, it is still a super fun game to play through. Especially when you are two adults who discuss adult things whilst collecting colorful star bits and adventuring atop adorable Yoshi. 

So sit back, relax, and watch us take on the world of Super Mario Galaxy 2! Don't forget to check us out through our social media pages. If you have any suggestions, let us know!

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Top Five Most Funded Kickstarter Projects

Top Five Most Funded Kickstarter Projects

Kickstarter has become a unique tool for anyone who is looking to create something but may not have the funding or backing to bring that idea to life. The creator shares his or her idea on this social media platform and then normal everyday people are able to donate any amount of money they see fit to help the idea become reality. Sometimes the creator offers rewards depending on the amount of money pledged like t-shirts all the way to a promise to deliver the product to the person donating when and if the product comes out. The ideas I am going to highlight are the rare occurrences when an idea goes viral. They get so much backing that the donations go well beyond what is expected from the creators and as a result full blown companies are created in the process. These are the Top Five Most Funded Kickstarter Projects.

5.) Exploding Kittens (2015)

Goal: $10,000    Pledged: $3,665,494

Exploding Kittens is a highly strategic kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette.  Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an exploding kitten and loses the game.  The deck is made up of cards that let you avoid exploding by peeking at cards before you draw, forcing your opponent to draw multiple cards, or shuffling the deck.

The game gets more and more intense with each card you draw because fewer cards left in the deck means a greater chance of drawing the kitten and exploding in a fiery ball of feline hyperbole.

The game was created by Elan Lee (Xbox, ARGs), Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal), and Shane Small (Xbox, Marvel).  We think this game combines all the things we're best at creating, and and put together this Kickstarter campaign because we can't build this without you.

So if you're into card games or laser beams or weaponized enchiladas, please help us make this game a reality.  We think you'll love it as much as we do. (Source)

4.) Reading Rainbow (2014)

Goal: $1,000,000    Pledged: $5,408,916

Reading Rainbow’s digital collection already contains hundreds of books and video field trips… but with your help, we’ll be able to make the Reading Rainbow library available on more of the devices modern kids use to consume content. Now that we've met our initial goal of $1,000,000, we will be able to launch a new version of Reading Rainbow on the single most-used digital platform: the web. And now that we've reached our stretch goal of$5,000,000, we'll also be able to bring the service to mobile phones, Android, game consoles like XBOX and PlayStation, and set-top boxes like AppleTV and ROKU. (Source)

3.) OUYA Video Game Console (2012)

Goal: $950,000    Pledged:$8,596,474

OUYA is a new game console for the TV, powered by Android.

We've packed this little box full of power. Developers will have access to OUYA's open design so they can produce their games for the living room, taking advantage of everything the TV has to offer.

Best of all, OUYA's world-class controller, console, and interface come in one beautiful, inexpensive package. All the games on it will be free, at least to try. (Source)

2.) Pebble: E-Paper Watch (2012)

Goal: $100,000    Pledged: $10,266,845

Pebble is the first watch built for the 21st century. It's infinitely customizable, with beautiful downloadable watchfaces and useful internet-connected apps. Pebble connects to iPhone and Android smartphones using Bluetooth, alerting you with a silent vibration to incoming calls, emails and messages. While designing Pebble, we strove to create a minimalist yet fashionable product that seamlessly blends into everyday life. (Source)

1.) Coolest Cooler (2014)

Goal: $50,00    Pledged: $13,285,226

Regular coolers are boring, break easily and are a hassle to haul around just to carry the ice. The COOLEST cooler is 60 quarts of AWESOME packed with so much fun you'll look for excuses to get outside more often.

Maybe you want to use the built-in ice crushing blender to whip up some margaritas or smoothies on your next boat trip or tailgate?

Maybe you just want to always have music on hand with the waterproof bluetooth speaker or want to recharge your electronics with the built in USB charger? (Source)

These are just a few of the ideas that are pulling in millions and millions of dollars every year. What's your idea? See if it's worthy by putting it up on Kickstarter and maybe you can get your dream funded.


Monday, January 19, 2015

The Weekly Pull : The Astonishing Ant-Man

The Weekly Pull : The Astonishing Ant-Man

The Weekly Pull : The Astonishing Ant-Man

Much like the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man has never been a huge power player in the Marvel Universe. At least not before getting the cinematic treatment and the best writing teams in the business. I love that Marvel has the courage to branch out and give their lesser known heroes a chance to shine in the spotlight, and the risk has shown significant reward. Characters like Rocket Raccoon, Falcon, Groot and The Inhumans are rapidly gaining popularity, and with the recent release of the Ant-Man trailer starring Paul Rudd, alongside his new ongoing series by Nick Spencer and Ramon Rosanas, I have a feeling Scott Lang will be no exception.

Marvel does a great job recapping events and setting the stage for the future of Ant-Man in this first relaunch issue, briefly covering the bases outlined in the cinematic trailer regarding Lang's criminal past, daughters health, broken marriage and acquisition of the hero mantle - all without spoiling any of the backstory. From a readers perspective, and unfamiliar with the character myself, this was huge. I was given just enough information to get me pumped to learn all of the backstory details, while jumping into a new adventure with a character written in such a way that made Paul Rudd a believable choice when I was originally apprehensive of the casting.

The Weekly Pull : The Astonishing Ant-Man The Weekly Pull : The Astonishing Ant-Man

The premise of the story finds Lang out of a job and looking for work amongst Marvel’s elite and finds himself applying for a position in San Francisco as the bodyguard of The Superior Iron Man, Tony Stark (heroes have bills to pay too, you know). Despite his lack of bodyguard experience and underwhelming power set, Lang is given the opportunity to compete against the other younger, faster and stronger candidates in a training gauntlet in attempt to earn the position. Clearly outgunned, Lang resorts to skills from his criminal past to outwit and cheat the competition, earning him the favor and proving his eagerness to succeed despite his methods.

Although one of the largest arguments toward Marvel is their pricing structure, it becomes a point of importance if you’re looking to follow key story arcs and cinematic tie-ins. This initial Ant-Man #1 is priced at a hefty $4.99, however it’s importance to the universe is far greater than the $3.99 Ghost Rider or Deathlok books that (currently) hold no footing in the big picture. If you’re looking to wet your palate before the cinematic release of Ant-Man this summer, give this book a try.

The Weekly Pull : The Astonishing Ant-Man
4/5 Toast Rating 
We’ll see you next week for my review of Jason Aaron and John Cassaday’s Star Wars!

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Why We Hate Minecraft (17+ Mature Content)

Why We Hate Minecraft (17+ Mature Content)

There comes a point in time in a gamer's life where you stoop to a level that you never thought you would...Mom 'N Pop Co-Op reached that point the other day when we popped in Minecraft. It isn't as if we don't understand the hype behind this "literally on every flipping platform" low-bit game. It's a world where you get to waste time collecting, building, creating....eating...pork.

lots o'pork...

Realistically though, in a grown-up world of a plethora of games and not a whole lot of time, Minecraft just isn't appealing. I am aware that a majority of the people that play this game are in the younger generation, and that makes sense, but for me...

Where are the JRPGS with dough-eyed hotties? I'd rather spend the little time I have devoting myself to that.

However, we wanted to appeal to the masses so we decided to be "trendy." Needless to say this is a one-shot, so we hope you enjoy Pop's horrible attempt at pleasing people. We are fully prepared for the plethora of comments stating "You're doing it wrong newbz!" Check below for our social media links!

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Monday, January 12, 2015

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

My initial post for this weeks edition of 'The Weekly Pull' was a review on Marvel's newly resurrected Ant-Man series. However, upon reading, I discovered that there was a strong underlying connection to Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar's Superior Iron Man run and felt a little back tracking was necessary this week for both myself and the loyal readers into the life of Tony Stark ...

I'll be the first to admit that I've never really seen the appeal of Iron Man pre-cinematic universe. He's always been a B-list character in my mind alongside the likes of Daredevil, Luke Cage and Black Panther and I never truly understood why he was such a power player and considered one of "The Big 3" in the Marvel Universe. I know the guy has money, I get that, but he's such a pretentious prick that I've always felt that he was only a member of the Avengers thanks to his cash flow, which just happens to be one of the reasons I'm really digging the vibe in Taylor and Cinar's, The Superior Iron Man run.

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

With this fall’s AXIS event coming to an end, (check out my review of The Red Supremacy & Inversion) The Superior Iron Man follows an inverted Tony Stark to San Francisco where his inner darkness is being unleashed upon the unsuspecting citizens in the same vein as 1979’s “Demon in a Bottle.” Currently three issues into it’s rebranded Avengers Now title, we find Tony invested in his ego as he releases a new version of his Extremis technology (created by Warren Ellis in 2005 that ran for a six-issue arc, and cinematically portrayed in Iron Man 3) to the San Francisco population via a free mobile app promising "beauty, perfection ... and possibly immortality."

However, all good things must come to an end and when the free app trial period ends, Stark's true motives are revealed to the tune of $99.99 per day to retain the benefits. Marvel editor-in-chief, Axel Alonso explains :

"What you're seeing in Superior Iron Man is a Tony Stark who’s seen both his worst and best impulses all let loose. It is Tony, but he’s going to be in a zone now where he’s never been. He's more ambitious, cunning, egotistical ... all of those quantities are unharnessed. He has a vision for the world. I like to think his position is defensible — controversial, but defensible."

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

This is the Tony Stark of Avengers Now, and I for one couldn't be happier. I can't wait to see how the actions of this Superior Iron Man will ripple across the Marvel U, beginning with the astonishing Ant-Man ...

Stay tuned True Believers!

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Find the "D" in this Mysterious Game

Find the "D" in this Mysterious Game

So, Pop and I decided to take on something outside the cute co-op games we typically bring to the table. Dark Dreams Don't Die (Xbox One) is kind of like a Telltale Games "point and click" adventure. Along with sitting through pages of dialogue, you tell your character what to interact with and choose what to say to other characters. It is most definitely a story-driven title and you will get sucked in quickly because you are investigating your wife's death...and well...don't you wanna solve that???

D4, as they call it for short, offers a graphic novel approach with the cell-shaded art. Honestly, it is very much like manga as it provides all the obscurity you would expect from the east. These types of weird quirks are exactly what I love, considering I drool over anything coming out of Japan. I don't think this is the time or place to get into my love for certain characters from certain anime with certain bodies that don't exist in real life.


Check out our progress so far. Fair warning, some of these videos, I am chomping on massive amounts of candy and/or Doritos, and it gets loud. As always, check out our Facebook page and PLEASE subscribe to our channel.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ant-Man Trailer is Full of Easter Eggs

I hope everyone caught the new trailer for Marvel's Ant-Man last night during the first episode of Marvel's Agent Carter. If you didn't catch the trailer you can find it below.

Reid Jones over at Moviepilot put together a list of all the easter eggs in this trailer check out the article and watch the trailer again at the top of their page.

I never thought they would make a movie about Ant-Man, I only know about him from the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated series. Although I never thought Marvel would make a movie about Guardians of the Galaxy either and look how that turned out for them.

From the trailer, I am pretty excited for this movie even though I have been getting excited for anything that Marvel turns out these days. 

What are your thoughts from the trailer and the easter eggs? What did you think about Agent Carter? Let us know in the comments below.

As usual, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Sunday, January 4, 2015

How to Get Your "Bae" to Play Video Games

How to Get Your "Bae" to Play Video Games

It has been a couple weeks since Pop and I have started a new series, and we couldn't be more excited to finally have the time to do so! The holidays always interrupt everyone's extracurriculars and we are no different! But alas, some new games have released and we are going to do our best to include some of the most popular on our show this year.

People who prefer to sit alongside a pal or two and play through a game are always curious about the best "co-op" game. Depending on the genre, there are a handful of fabulous games. However, the biggest reason people want to play co-op is to draw their significant other in the gaming world. Am I wrong? I didn't think so.

For this reason, games like Little Big Planet, hold a superior appeal over maybe Diablo III or any of the Borderlands games. It's kind of like a Super Mario Bros. game in the aspect of platforming, but offers an array of puzzles and a plethora of customizable...well everything. People can build their own levels and post them online for other people to play, which is great since user-created content has become a driving force in the gaming world.

Let's not forget Sackboy:
How to Get Your "Bae" to Play Video Games
He's so damn cute.

Sackboy is the only reason you need to convince your other half to play video games with you. He is adorable, silly, and awesome.

With Little Big Planet 3 they introduced even more cute "popits" and all of them have a high cuddle-factor in my opinion. Pop and I haven't gotten a chance to play with the new ones quite yet, but hopefully that will come in time.

We can't wait to see what this game has in store for us! For now, check out our first chunk of episodes, and don't forget to check out our channel and catch up on all our other series. If you haven't liked us on Facebook, please do!

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