Sunday, January 18, 2015

Why We Hate Minecraft (17+ Mature Content)

Why We Hate Minecraft (17+ Mature Content)

There comes a point in time in a gamer's life where you stoop to a level that you never thought you would...Mom 'N Pop Co-Op reached that point the other day when we popped in Minecraft. It isn't as if we don't understand the hype behind this "literally on every flipping platform" low-bit game. It's a world where you get to waste time collecting, building, creating....eating...pork.

lots o'pork...

Realistically though, in a grown-up world of a plethora of games and not a whole lot of time, Minecraft just isn't appealing. I am aware that a majority of the people that play this game are in the younger generation, and that makes sense, but for me...

Where are the JRPGS with dough-eyed hotties? I'd rather spend the little time I have devoting myself to that.

However, we wanted to appeal to the masses so we decided to be "trendy." Needless to say this is a one-shot, so we hope you enjoy Pop's horrible attempt at pleasing people. We are fully prepared for the plethora of comments stating "You're doing it wrong newbz!" Check below for our social media links!

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