Monday, January 12, 2015

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

My initial post for this weeks edition of 'The Weekly Pull' was a review on Marvel's newly resurrected Ant-Man series. However, upon reading, I discovered that there was a strong underlying connection to Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar's Superior Iron Man run and felt a little back tracking was necessary this week for both myself and the loyal readers into the life of Tony Stark ...

I'll be the first to admit that I've never really seen the appeal of Iron Man pre-cinematic universe. He's always been a B-list character in my mind alongside the likes of Daredevil, Luke Cage and Black Panther and I never truly understood why he was such a power player and considered one of "The Big 3" in the Marvel Universe. I know the guy has money, I get that, but he's such a pretentious prick that I've always felt that he was only a member of the Avengers thanks to his cash flow, which just happens to be one of the reasons I'm really digging the vibe in Taylor and Cinar's, The Superior Iron Man run.

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

With this fall’s AXIS event coming to an end, (check out my review of The Red Supremacy & Inversion) The Superior Iron Man follows an inverted Tony Stark to San Francisco where his inner darkness is being unleashed upon the unsuspecting citizens in the same vein as 1979’s “Demon in a Bottle.” Currently three issues into it’s rebranded Avengers Now title, we find Tony invested in his ego as he releases a new version of his Extremis technology (created by Warren Ellis in 2005 that ran for a six-issue arc, and cinematically portrayed in Iron Man 3) to the San Francisco population via a free mobile app promising "beauty, perfection ... and possibly immortality."

However, all good things must come to an end and when the free app trial period ends, Stark's true motives are revealed to the tune of $99.99 per day to retain the benefits. Marvel editor-in-chief, Axel Alonso explains :

"What you're seeing in Superior Iron Man is a Tony Stark who’s seen both his worst and best impulses all let loose. It is Tony, but he’s going to be in a zone now where he’s never been. He's more ambitious, cunning, egotistical ... all of those quantities are unharnessed. He has a vision for the world. I like to think his position is defensible — controversial, but defensible."

The Weekly Pull : The Superior Iron Man

This is the Tony Stark of Avengers Now, and I for one couldn't be happier. I can't wait to see how the actions of this Superior Iron Man will ripple across the Marvel U, beginning with the astonishing Ant-Man ...

Stay tuned True Believers!

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!



  1. I never really got into Iron Man as a kid. X-Men was where my money went. Along with Spider-Man.

    1. Same here. X-Men and Spider-Man are, and will most likely always be, the go to titles for me. I've tried Iron Man books in the past, as well as Thor and Captain America, but their standalone stories never did anything for me. This iteration just happens to be something new and fresh, and I think I like Tony Stark better as a villain than a hero.
