Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ant-Man Trailer is Full of Easter Eggs

I hope everyone caught the new trailer for Marvel's Ant-Man last night during the first episode of Marvel's Agent Carter. If you didn't catch the trailer you can find it below.

Reid Jones over at Moviepilot put together a list of all the easter eggs in this trailer check out the article and watch the trailer again at the top of their page.

I never thought they would make a movie about Ant-Man, I only know about him from the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated series. Although I never thought Marvel would make a movie about Guardians of the Galaxy either and look how that turned out for them.

From the trailer, I am pretty excited for this movie even though I have been getting excited for anything that Marvel turns out these days. 

What are your thoughts from the trailer and the easter eggs? What did you think about Agent Carter? Let us know in the comments below.

As usual, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman


  1. I enjoyed the Agent Carter premiere, and loved the tie-ins to Captain America. It's cool to see how Peggy's story progressed in 1946, and hopefully we'll be able to see her involvement with the creation of SHILED, which was hinted in Winter Soldier. I'm pretty excited for anything Marvel is putting out these days, and Ant-Man is no exception. I just hope the story can keep things streamline with the cinematic universe seeing as we have now have an elderly Hank Pym, and a villain taking the mantle of Yellowjacket. I assume the producers wanted to avoid the whole Hank Pym wife beating story line and went with the Scott Lang incarnation instead. Keep an eye out next Monday for my review of the new Ant-Man comic!
