Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Star Wars Land Announced for Disney Theme Parks

Star Wars Land Announced for Disney Theme Parks

Ever since I was a little kid, I always dreamed of what it would be like to have a full fledged Star Wars theme park. Sure, DisneyLand and DisneyWorld had the partnership with LucasFilm, which brought us the likes of the Star Tours attraction nestled in the back of Hollywood Studios, and as the years went on, even incorporated the Jedi Training Academy and Star Wars Weekends for the ever growing fan base.

 However, I honestly never thought it would ever grow, much less surpass my wildest dreams.

This weekend, everything changed.

In the end, everyone bows to the mouse.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Captain America: Civil War Teams Possibly Revealed

Next year will bring us the third Captain America movie, with it taking the premise of the 2007 Marvel Comics storyline of Civil War.  In that comic event two teams, lead by Cap and Iron Man, fight over superhero registration. 

With Marvel Studios not having the rights to all the characters or not yet introducing others, this will obviously be a different take on the story.  Rumors are now emerging as far as who will be on Team Cap and who's on Team Iron Man. 

Team Captain America 

So we have Cap, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Ant-Man, Winter Soldier, and Hawkeye. Falcon isn't a surprise here, as well as Ant-Man who was "kind of" recruited by Falcon.  And one of the post-credits scene from Ant-Man shows Cap and Falcon have tracked down Winter Soldier, and it seems they'll have him won over at some point in Civil War. 

Team Iron Man

And siding with Iron Man is Black Widow, Vision, Spider-Man, and War Machine. Also rumored is that Captain America has a spy on Iron Man's team, the smart money is on it being Black Widow or War Machine. Black Panther is said to remain neutral for most of the movie but will eventually get pulled in and pick a side. 

Captain America:Civil War releases May 6, 2016

-Lando McFly

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Fantastic Four/X-Men Crossover Being Shelved?

Up until this weekend, all indications pointed to 20th Century Fox setting up their own shared Marvel movie universe with X-Men and Fantastic Four.  With Fantastic Four being a certified bomb for Fox, they seem to be backing away from that plan. 

Bryan Singer(director of all good X-Men movies) has said previously that there was definite plans to bring Fantastic Four and X-Men together. Now producers Simon Kinberg and Hutch Parker are putting distance between Fantastic Four and their successful projects. Kinberg and Parker are now saying the two teams exist in alternate universes. A photo shoot with Entertainment Weekly had cast members from X-Men, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, and Gambit; teasing a shared universe that doesn't seem to be happening anymore. 

Fantastic Four being a failure for Fox shouldn't be a huge surprise since they hid the movie from critics until the day before its release.  Director Josh Trank even distanced himself from the movie with a tweet that was quickly deleted. His tweet furthers rumors in the film industry that Fox producers have an ugly history tampering with the movies instead of trusting the directors they hire. 

Where the future of Fantastic Four lies could be anyone's guess. Fox could move forward with the sequel they already scheduled for 2017.  They could give the rights back to Marvel Studios. Or maybe strike a deal similar to what Sony made with Marvel (for all things Spider-Man) to work together.

-Lando McFly

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Game of Thrones Casts Max von Sydow!

Game of Thrones Casts Max von Sydow! 

The critically acclaimed HBO drama, Game of Thrones, has once again proven it's superiority with it's latest casting announcement of veteran actor, Max von Sydow!

According to Entertainment Weekly, the famed performer, whose career spans dozens of feature films — from The Exorcist to Minority Report to the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens (please be Boba Fett, please be Boba Fett) — has signed on for Season 6 as the Three-Eyed Raven! 

Briefly featured in the Season 4 finale, the Three-Eyed Raven is the mystical tutor of young Bran Stark and a character that we currently know very little about ... 

This casting announcement also comes hot on the heels of another famed European actor joining the Season 6 cast, Ian McShane (Deadwood), although there has been no word from the tight lipped GoT camp regarding who he'll be portraying ...

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