Friday, July 31, 2015

I, Stormtrooper

I, Stormtrooper

This past June, my family and I had the opportunity to attend Star Wars Weekends 2015 at Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida. During this trip, I had the opportunity to take part in Disney's D-Tech Me Star Wars experience and I couldn't have been more excited!

First introduced in the Summer of 2012, Star Wars – D-Tech Me is a 10-minute experience that uses the world’s highest-resolution, single-shot 3D face scanner (created by the Imagineering scientists of the Disney Research lab) to capture your likeness and to create a high resolution 3D figurine in one of 6 classic Star Wars characters, which include : Stormtrooper, X-Wing Pilot, Alderaan Princess, Jedi Knight, TIE Fighter Pilot and Carbon Freeze.

Upon being seated in front of the 3D scanner, I was given a fashionable headband to raise just above my hairline and was instructed to provide a round of emotions for the camera (smiling, serious, angry, etc.) that I would be able to chose from in the next room. Not impressed (nor am I ever) with my smiling or angry facial expressions, I choose the straight serious expression and moved on to selecting my figures skin tone and hair style options similar to what you would see in an RPG character engine.

With my selections made, I was sent on my way with an online tracking tool and the promise of delivery within 6-8 weeks …

Guess what just arrived?

Standing 7” tall (just slightly larger than the Star Wars Black Series figures) and retailing for $119.95, the Star Wars – D-Tech Me experience is extremely limited to just 5 weekends out of the year (May – June) and provides a rare, one-of-a-kind personalized opportunity every Star Wars fan should experience!

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!

Until next time True Believers,

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

NGP Review : Lords Of The Sith

NGP Review : Lords Of The Sith

Coming off of my first (personally) disappointing Star Wars canon novel,  Heir to the Jedi, my expectations were set pretty low as I entered author Paul S. Kemp's successor, Lords Of The Sith. Taking place eight years after the events of the Clone Wars, and before the events of both Tarkin and A New Dawn, the story follows a small pocket of resistance fighters known as the Free Ryloth movement, led by none other than Rebel pilot Hera Syndulla’s father, Cham Syndulla (a familiar face to fans of the Clone Wars TV Series) as they take a daring chance at striking a fatal blow against the Empire.

Cham Syndulla
A surprisingly unexpected high speed thriller, Lords Of The Sith jumps out the gate with a bang and all of my misconceptions were quickly dispelled within the opening act. Primarily set on Ryloth, a planet crucial to the Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as "spice", Cham Syndulla and his small band of Rebel insurgents learn that Emperor Palpatine and his 'associate', Darth Vader, plan to accompany the planet's Galactic senator, Orn Free Taa, to the system aboard the Star Destroyer Perilous.

Orn Free Taa
Knowing that taking out both Palpatine and Vader simultaneously would strike a crippling blow to the Empire, Syndulla makes the decision to focus (and exhaust) his resources on the element of surprise by placing hundreds of mines just outside of the hyperspace lane. Among the mines, two dozen shield bleeders were also hidden within the confines of the trap, which upon contacting the Perlious’ shields, wouldn’t explode, but rather latch onto the energy signature setting up a counter grid that would weaken the Star Destroyer for the second attack wave.

Not a terrorist. But a freedom fighter.

Successful in their ambush, the Rebel attack continued with the launch of re-purposed Separatist Vulture Droids carrying Buzz Droids equip with suicide bombs set to destroy the Perilous from the inside out. As the Star Destroyer crumbles, Palpatine and Vader, constrained to rely not only on The Force but one another for survival, make their narrow escape to the Ryloth surface below intent on revenge …

Vulture Droid

Although knowing that the survival of Vader and Palpatine is a given, Kemp does a tremendous job keeping the reader on their toes as he explores not only the previously unseen master/apprentice relationship between the two Sith lords but also the lengths at which Palpatine is willing to go in order to prevent the galaxy from learning his true identity.  Lords Of The Sith is by far my favorite Star Wars canon novel to date, and comes highly recommended especially for those new to branching out to the novels medium. Lords Of The Sith serves up a great high speed, action packed story that serves as a perfect jumping on point and does an exceptional job tying in elements of both the films and TV series to further explain and expand the Star Wars universe.

With only one additional published canon novel left to conquer, I will be taking a brief hiatus from the Star Wars universe to immerse myself in Ernest Cline's sophomore novel, Armada, before doubling back for the highly anticipated Quinlan Vos/Asajj Ventress centric Dark Disciple!

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!

Until next time True Believers,

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Magic: the Gathering Magic Origins Release Day

Greetings to all my fellow gamers out there! Yes, I've been away for some time (again) and it's long-overdue for my triumphant return from convalescence. So without even further delay, here's my brief coverage of Magic: the Gathering Magic Origins Release Day!

I've been playing for almost 20 years and all I've got is this final Core Set.

I hope everyone had a great PreRelease last weekend and enjoyed their LGS' festivities and getting their hands-on preview before getting to today's actual release. For those of you lucky to have played at Friday Night Magic last night I hope that went just as well, along with the use of the newest addition the multiverse. With all of the cards fully leaked in advance of the PreRelease, we now find ourselves (finally!) at today. In review of the product, overall, the cards themselves of this set seem to have a slightly higher quality than the M15 Core Set in my opinion, from the printing quality to the feel of the cards themselves. Maybe I just had somewhat higher hopes for this set in that arena, as I'm sure Wizards hadn't changed much, if at all. And while the graphic styling and representation of this set left me wanting initially, its grown on me. Especially after seeing the packaging of the boosters themselves, and the details within the Fat Pack, the opposing duality of using white and black is pretty smart for the context of what they aimed to achieve. But most people choose to hold their excitement for the first release of the next block, and don't get too worked up over the Core Sets.

I, however, do get excited...

Magic Origins has quite a lot going on around it. Probably the most interesting thing to note regarding this release is the fact that Origins is the absolute last Core Set to ever be printed by Wizards of the Coast. Can they print another one eventually? Sure, but that isn't the case right now, with all fingers pointing to "not going to happen." So as it stands right now there will not be a Core released in 2016, and likely will not ever be one again. Core Sets (formerly base sets, until circa 2003 (Eighth Edition)) have been around since the game's inception in 1993 with Limited Edition Alpha; these sets were released inconsistently, between a few months apart to as much as 26 months apart through Tenth Edition, then annually every July beginning with Magic 2010. All told, this marks the 18th Core Set to be released, when including both the LE Alpha, LE Beta, Unlimited, and Revised sets individually though they were all released over the span of just 10 months between 1993 and 1994. For the last decade, the Core Set's purpose has been to work by and large in conjunction with the block rotating out of standard play. This sounds a bit weird until you consider that the core's themselves include reprinted cards for the majority of the set, with a very few new cards being introduced for the first time; so certain cards from the soon-to-be rotating block become reprinted in the core so that some of the staple cards can remain in standard for a little longer. There's actually a lot of changes happening in and around this last Core Set, probably due to the finality of this release. For anyone that's been hesitant to get into (or back into, for those former players set in their old-school ways) this seems to me to be the perfect time to be jumping back in, so I'll touch just on a couple of the important ones.

Don't let this confuse you too much,
Donald Duck's nephews eventually got much better names.

First and foremost is that we are right up against the biggest change being made: the release schedule and rotation of sets in standard. To the casual MtG player, this doesn't mean much outside of when and how the sets are going to come out from now on - not including the supplemental releases such as Commander or Modern Masters. But for the standard tournament player and frequent FNM regular, this change is probably the biggest. This set marks the beginning to the change of rotation in standard that MaRo talked about in his Metamorphosis article last August. For those living under a rock for nearly the last year, this means huge HUGE things coming in a very short time now; we were warned a while back and now that the happenings are on the horizon it's time we are all fully braced to accept this change. That article does a great job explaining in vast detail what the rotation is changing to and why but, basically when Battle for Zendikar comes out in October, M15 is out along with the whole Theros block. This has been typical for standard up to this point. Following the next two sets to be released Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged will drop out of standard, then Dragons of Tarkir and Magic Origins will drop following the next two sets being released. And on it will continue into the foreseeable future. Standard will only have at most 6 sets in rotation (exactly three 2-set blocks) and no set being in standard longer than 18 months; as opposed to the current 8 sets maximum (two 3-set blocks and two cores at most) with a set staying in standard as long as 24 months. And the sets are being released at a more-consistent pacing throughout the year. (October, January, April, July)

Wait a second, what did I just say? "Three 2-set blocks" in standard... Aren't blocks three sets each? Well until now, that has been the case but will not any longer. After some hard realizations from the development team at WotC, they've decided to cut the sizes down on the blocks. Typically the blocks have followed a large-small-large, or large-large-small release pattern, but something somewhere failed and was not well-received. So along with doing out with the reprint-heavy Core Set, Wizards is also losing one set out of each block from here on (mostly) and treating blocks as two-set releases; one large and one small. I personally don't feel this is going to have too large of an effect on gameplay or standard, outside of the shorter lifespan a set has in standard.

Every spark can start a fire...

The last point I want to touch on is that the storytelling is shifting. But this has a more back-end context to gameplay than a full-on effect, and there are far more moving parts and details than what I can summarize in my article; so I'll divert back to Jenna Helland's A New Era article for the full info. As I mentioned, this is the perfect time for a new or returning player to get into the game, especially if they want to follow along with the story just as much as the metagame, or just the game in general. The extra content should be more accessible, and this stronger emphasis on story should better drive the content of the game itself, it's a win-win. And if I had to guess, one should probably get used to seeing these Double-Sided Planeswalkers - I have a feeling they may be around for a while as opposed to a one-off gimmick. Though I have been known to be wrong before in my speculation.

And only you can help prevent-- TOO HOT, OW OW! Stupid bear.

So I think this is a great place to wrap up my slightly long-winded return to posting. I have much more on deck, and fulfilling of past promises as well. I'm off to crack some packs in the meantime. Take care, shuffle well, and tap that mana strong!


(All Planeswalker and Magic-branded imagery is courtesy of Magic: the Gathering and Wizards of the Coast, New Rotation GIF courtesy of Mark Rosewater and Wizards of the Coast, booster box and fat pack photo taken by William Beckwith)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

New Images from X-Men: Apocalypse

A slew of new images from X-Men: Apocalypse have emerged, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.  Several of the shots give us our first look at new mutants Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) and Psylocke (Olivia Munn) , as well as the new Storm (Alexandra Shipp).

Psylocke's look seems to be pretty loyal to her appearance in the comic books.  

Last weekend it was confirmed who would be Apocalypse's four horsemen. The honor of serving him goes to Angel (or Archangel), Psylocke, Storm, and Magneto.  

These two pictures seem to suggest Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) is back fighting alongside the X-Men. 

X-Men: Apocalypse opens on May 27, 2016

-Lando McFly

Monday, July 13, 2015

Star Wars : The Force Awakens SDCC Panel

Star Wars : The Force Awakens SDCC Panel

If my previous NGP contributions are any indication, the Star Wars saga is something that I have lived and breathed since my youth. Countless viewings of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were in heavy rotation; and then the dawn of the prequels. Some, like me, have come to embrace them as companion pieces to the vastly superior Clone Wars (and now Rebels) animated series, while others would rather forget. But in just 5 short months, the chapter many of us never thought we would ever see will actually become a reality.

This is finally happening.

This is special.

This is emotional.

This is the Star Wars chapter we've been waiting for.

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!

Until next time True Believers,

Saturday, July 11, 2015

On The Set: Ghostbusters (2016)

On The Set: Ghostbusters (2016)

It's been a trend recently with huge blockbusters to proliferate the internet with set photos during production. Suicide Squad has proven to be the leakiest set of all time with spy photos coming from the set almost daily. In the story of the new Ghostbusters movie it has been director Paul Feig's decision to control and decide what photos get out to the public. As one of the biggest Ghostbusters fans everything that I've see has been amazing. The heart and soul of the original is alive and well on the new set. Inevitably there has been a lot of hate directed toward the new project and toward Paul Feig because change is always feared. So let's take a look at all the photos that have been released and also at a couple tweets showing how Feig is handling the negativity.
Melissa McCarthy and Kate McKinnon in costume. Kate has bodily fluids all over her.

Up close shot of Melissa and Kate on set. Melissa just farted and Kate loves it.

Kristen Wiig is shocked as one man forcefully gives another zerberts.

Kristen eyeing the food truck for lunch.

The Boston Herald recently got their hands on the alleged plot synopsis for the movie. It seems rough but I can definitely see it making it on-screen, here it is: 
"Wiig and McCarthy play a pair of unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real. Flash forward a few years and Wiig lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia U. Which is pretty sweet, until her book resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia. Wiig reunites with McCarthy and the other two proton pack-packing phantom wranglers, and she gets some sweet revenge when ghosts invade Manhattan and she and her team have to save the world."
The new ghost busting uniforms. Bustin' makes me feel good.

Melissa letting another fart out of her uniform hoping no one notices. 

All four new Ghostbusters, now with more Leslie Jones!

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

The new Ecto 1. Funeral home approved!

Ecto 1's belfie.

New proton packs. Can strain pasta in a pinch.

Shot of the new Ghostbusters headquarters. They are obviously going to have to deal with a rat problem.

Ghostbusters X-treme?
Paul Feig confirming that the cast will be getting covered in spectral fluids.

Yes, Feig can see all your stupid ass troll tweets...

...and he doesn't give a f@#$!

Ghostbustsers comes out on July 22, 2016. I have a very strong feeling we will get our first trailer when the Goosebumps movie releases in October, it just makes sense (both are Sony movies). Keep checking back because when that releases we will have a trailer breakdown.


Friday, July 10, 2015

This Christmas, Sherlock Goes Back To His Roots

This Christmas, Sherlock Goes Back To His Roots

Steven Moffatt's modern day telling of Sherlock Holmes has been a smash hit and among one of the most talked about BBC series in the history of the network featuring Benedict Cumberbatch in the title role alongside Martin Freeman's Watson.

However, this years upcoming Christmas special will bring Holmes and Watson back to their roots with a story told in the Victorian era.

Moffatt told the crowd at Comic Con this week that "It's still the same sense of humor, it's still very much the show you  know ... but it's in the 'correct' era, which was unbelievably thrilling." Moffatt also brought along a brief scene, which debuted at Comic Con, serving as a trailer for the holiday special.

If you haven't immersed yourself in Sherlock, do yourself a favor and fire up the first three seasons. All are only three episodes long (alongside an occasional special) and are worth every bit of your time.

That 'stache, dear Watson!

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Marvel Collector Corps - Box 2 : Ant-Man

Marvel Collector Corps - Box 2 : Ant-Man

The second Marvel Collector Corps box has finally arrived, featuring the hero of next week’s sure to be blockbuster smash, Ant-Man! Back in February, we broke the news that Marvel and Funko had teamed up to bring us, the fans, 100% completely exclusive collectibles t-shirts and accessories valued at over $50 through a bi-monthly shipping service and once again they did not disappoint!

Much like the first Avengers box, a beautifully rendered Scott Lang Ant-Man image graced the top of the box with Ant-Man and Marvel markings screaming around the outer edges. The inside flap contained great moments in Ant-Man comics history, which featuring Yellowjacket, Wasp, Stature and more!

Upon opening the top flap, once again the first two pieces of swag greeted me in the form of a Marvel Collector’s Corps patch and pin, this time both featuring Ant-Man.

Lifting the inner flap where the patch and pin were positioned, the Exclusive Ant-Man Pop! Vinyl figure was displayed; a helmet-less Ant-Man alongside Funko’s smallest figure to date, miniature Ant-Man!

Nestled to the right-hand side of the Pop! Vinyl figure, were two Funko bobble-head Ant-Man figures. My luck brought me both Ant-Man and Yellowjacket!

Below the vinyl figures, an exclusive Variant Edition of Ant-Man #5 was tucked underneath …

And directly below was another fantastic exclusive T-shirt to round out the box!

After my ups and downs with Loot Crate and NerdBlock, I’m loving the items arriving through the Marvel Collector Corps. In just one month, August will bring another set of exclusives tied to this summer’s epic comic event Secret Wars for Box 3! To sign-up for the Marvel Collector Corps, visit today!

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!

Until next time True Believers,