Wednesday, May 13, 2015

FOX Developing New Mutants Movie

News is breaking that FOX ( who have brought us all the X-Men movies so far) have closed a deal to make a new spin off focusing on the New Mutants.  They've also hired director Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) to helm the project. 

New Mutants was a comic book spin off of the X-Men first debuting in 1982. Members have included Magik, Warpath, Sunspot, Warlock, and Canonball. Warpath and Sunspot both appeared in the "future scenes" of X-Men: Days of Future Past. No word on whether those actors will be carried over to this movie. 

-Lando McFly

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1

The Marvel Comics event of the year is finally upon us as Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic’s 8-issue Secret Wars event officially launched the beginning of the end for the Marvel Universe this week. This massive saga is a HUGE payoff to those, like me, who have collected Hickman’s work through Avengers (Vol. 5) and New Avengers (Vol. 3) totalling a whopping 77 issues, which together weaved an intricate story of how Earth’s Mightiest Heroes failed to not only protect their world, but the entire multiverse.

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1

Although the premise seems daunting for those who aren’t up to speed, IGN has put together a fantastic recap of the events that have led up to Secret Wars, which you can find here. Take note that Hickman’s work isn’t for the faint of heart and tells a much darker and complex tale for such a mainstream title, clearly aimed at an older and more mature demographic.  

The Secret Wars event begins right where the Avengers finale concludes, with the final two worlds in the Marvel multiverse facing the incursion and imminent destruction. Earth-616, better known as the Prime continuity, and Earth-1610, the Ultimate Universe. As the worlds collide, beloved heroes fall in battle, lives are lost to scientific miscalculations and a Battleworld is formed, which will forever change the landscape of the Marvel Universe.

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1
Worlds Collide

The scope and significance of this story also marks a historical event for Marvel Comics, as this is the first time in franchise history that the publisher has rebooted. With the exception of it's Star Wars titles, every Marvel book will see its final issue during the event, replaced by Secret Wars tie-in titles that will follow the incursion survivors. Very little is known at this point regarding how the Marvel Universe will unfold after the event reaches its conclusion. Some signs point toward a jump in time, while others suggest that some tie-in stories will evolve into mainstream ongoing titles.

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1

Secret Wars is the must-read event of the year, and comes highly recommended by the NGP team. This is one of the boldest and most well-written story events to ever come from the House of Ideas and if every issue is as strong as the debut, we're in for a treat.

The Weekly Pull Review - Secret Wars #1
4/5 Toast Rating
This is the big leagues, and everything we know about the current Marvel Universe will never be the same.    

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Captain America: Civil War Begins Production, Full Cast Revealed

Production on Captain America: Civil War  has begun in Atlanta.  The full cast list has been unveiled, and it seems to have more Avengers than Age of Ultron did. 

Here's the official synopsis for Civil War;

The cast includes Chris Evans (Captain America), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Sebastion Stan (Winter Soldier), Scarlet Johansson (Black Widow), Don Cheadle (War Machine), Anthony Mackie (Falcon), Elizabeth Olsen (Scarlet Witch), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Paul Bettany (Vision), Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Emily VanCamp (Agent 33), Frank Grillo (Crossbones), William Hurt (General Ross), Daniel Bruhl (Baron Zemo), and Martin Freeman (who's role is still unknown).  A handful of these are worth noting ...

This movie will mark the introduction for Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther. It will also be the first time Paul Rudd will be seen along side the rest of the Avengers after Ant-Man releases later this year. William Hurt will return as General "Thunderbolt" Ross, his only other appearance was 2008's The Incredible Hulk. And lastly, Civil War will introduce Daniel Bruhl as Baron Zemo. 

With a cast this massive, Its surprising this isn't considered an Avengers movie. Rumor still suggests Spider-Man will make an appearance once he's cast, but no news on that for the time being.  And with Hawkeye and Ant-Man finally in the same movie, maybe we'll get this classic scene ....

-Lando McFly

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Martin Freeman Cast In Captain America 3!

As of today Martin Freeman, star of The Hobbit, is cast in Captain America: Civil War.  No word on who he'll be playing yet. So speculate away!

The Captain America sequel is about to begin production and will be directed by Joe and Anthony Russo. The Russo brothers helmed Captain America: The Winter Soldier and will also be directing Avengers: Infinity War Parts 1 & 2. 

Will Freeman have a Sherlock reunion with Benedict Cumberbatch, who's playing Doctor Strange in his own movie? Or a Hobbit reunion with Andy Serkis, who you saw as Ulysses Klaw in Avengers: Age of Ultron? Neither are confirmed for Civil War, but time will tell. 

-Lando McFly

Star Wars : The Force Awakens Toy Release

Star Wars : The Force Awakens Toy Release

Our Star Wars coverage continues this week as the release date for Star Wars : The Force Awakens products have been announced, and it’s closer than you think!

On September 4, 2015 at 12:01am, toy aisles around the globe will assemble to simultaneously launch the most anticipated and monumental product release of the past decade, dubbed “Force Friday”. I can still remember lining up outside of my local Toys ‘R’ Us store for the Star Wars : Attack of the Clones product release with hundreds of other fans as we anxiously awaited the clock to strike 12:01am so that we could be the first to get our hands on the first Count Dooku and skimpily clad Padme Amidala figures.

However, this time around fans will be treated to much more than just toys … books and comics, ebooks and apps, apparel and lifestyle accessories will all launch on the same day - so mark your calendars, take the day off work and save a paycheck to experience the thrill of the hunt alongside hundreds of other fanboys and girls for that elusive Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn or Captain Phasma collectable.  

Why is this such a big deal, you ask? This is the first new live-action Star Wars film in a decade and is the only franchise in cinematic history, that after 38 years, still manages to remain relevant. We’re seeing a continuation of a saga that we grew up with, loved, and became a part of our lives that most of us believed would never come to fruition.

I’ll be there. Da_Fettman will be there. Will you?

It’s a great time to be a geek.  

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,


Monday, May 4, 2015

Characters Revealed In New Star Wars Photos

Several photos were revealed today (Star Wars day!) from The Force Awakens, including the one above with some familiar faces. Also in the picture are two of the new stars Daisy Ridley (playing Rey) and John Boyega (playing Finn).  A few of these new shots reveal some actors' roles that until now have been unconfirmed. 

This photo's caption at the top conforms that Gwendoline Christie is playing Captain Phasma. Christie is best known for playing Brienne of Tarth on Game of Thrones. 

The next shows that Adam Driver will be playing new villain Kylo Ren. Until now, you've only seen this character with his mask on. 

Lupita Nyong'o is seen here filming with motion capture, so it seems she will playing some sort of alien. Not too many details are known of her character other than her name will be Maz Kanata, and that she is some sort of pirate.

Lastly, we have a new shot of Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron.  When he's not busy flying X-Wings, he's also playing the titular villain in next year's X-Men: Apocalypse.

That's all for now, and may the force be with you! 

-Lando McFly

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Avengers: What's Next?

So, if you're like a lot of people, you saw Avengers: Age of Ultron this weekend. But maybe now you're curious about what's next for the team and what that mid-credits scene means exactly. Needless to say, spoilers will be plenty going further if you haven't seen the movie.


Still with me? Okay, let's get to it.

Thanos and the Infinty Gauntlet!

If you stayed around through the credits, about midway there was a quick scene with Thanos ( voiced by Josh Brolin ).  He puts on what's known as the "Infinity Gauntlet" and says "Fine, I'll do it myself". 

Seems to be the Marvel films' "big bad" is about to get his hands dirty. He was teased in a mid credits scene in the first Avengers movie, showing he was responsible for providing Loki with an army and that sceptor (or glow stick of destiny as Iron Man called it).  Thanos also made a brief appearance in last year's Guardians of the Galaxy, tasking that movie's villain (Ronan) with finding an orb, which ended up holding one of the Infinity Gems. Not familiar with the Infinity Gems? Let me help you with that...

These gems all fit into the Infinity Gauntlet, giving the bearer of the glove essentially limitless power. As you can see on the picture above, two gems are unaccounted for in the Marvel movies. We're sure to see these introduced in next year's Doctor Strange, 2017's Thor: Ragnorak, or Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 in 2018. 

So there's a quick rundown of the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos. Until more details are officially announced or revealed in future movies, anything more would be strictly speculation. 

Now onto the new line up of the Avengers at the end of the movie and next year's Captain America: Civil War. 

New Avengers and Civil War!

The final scene before the credits rolled showed a new team going forward. Captain America and Black Widow will need some help with 4 Avengers bowing out at the end of the movie. Tony Stark takes a leave of absence, Hawkeye takes off to be a dad, Thor returns to Asgard, and Hulk goes into hiding.  So now we got a new line up. 

Heading up the team is Captain America, with Black Widow seeming to serve as his right hand woman. War Machine (from the Iron Man movies) and Falcon (introduced in last year's Captain America: Civil War) finally get promoted to the big leagues. As well as Scarlet Witch and Vision who both made their debut in Age of Ultron. 

Who knows how long this line up will remain. Next year, heroes will be facing off against one another in Captain America: Civil War. And we'll be introduced to several other Avengers in the next few years; Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, and some guy named Spider-Man. Also, don't rule out veteran Avengers like Iron Man or Hawkeye getting called back into the ring at any time. 

Avengers Potpourri 

A few random notes to close this out ...

Did you catch Sam "Falcon" Wilson's mention of a "missing person case"? No doubt a nod to Cap and Falcon looking for Bucky/Winter Soldier. Marvel hasn't forgotten about him, and he's confirmed to be in Civil War next year. 

And we can't finish without mention of Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff. We hardly knew thee. 

It seems odd for Marvel to kill off such a classic Avenger in the same movie he's introduced in. But perhaps they felt they needed to tell audiences that Avengers CAN DIE. No doubt Avengers director Joss Whedon will get a lot of flack for Pietro's early demise. But the truth is, Marvel wouldn't allow it if they weren't OK it, or maybe they even suggested it. And if you're one for speculating...could Quicksilver be resurrected via the Infinity Gauntlet? Or through any other means? It would be a very "comic book" thing to do.  

Until next time, True Believers ....

-Lando McFly