Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Star Wars : The Force Awakens Toy Release

Star Wars : The Force Awakens Toy Release

Our Star Wars coverage continues this week as the release date for Star Wars : The Force Awakens products have been announced, and it’s closer than you think!

On September 4, 2015 at 12:01am, toy aisles around the globe will assemble to simultaneously launch the most anticipated and monumental product release of the past decade, dubbed “Force Friday”. I can still remember lining up outside of my local Toys ‘R’ Us store for the Star Wars : Attack of the Clones product release with hundreds of other fans as we anxiously awaited the clock to strike 12:01am so that we could be the first to get our hands on the first Count Dooku and skimpily clad Padme Amidala figures.

However, this time around fans will be treated to much more than just toys … books and comics, ebooks and apps, apparel and lifestyle accessories will all launch on the same day - so mark your calendars, take the day off work and save a paycheck to experience the thrill of the hunt alongside hundreds of other fanboys and girls for that elusive Kylo Ren, Rey, Finn or Captain Phasma collectable.  

Why is this such a big deal, you ask? This is the first new live-action Star Wars film in a decade and is the only franchise in cinematic history, that after 38 years, still manages to remain relevant. We’re seeing a continuation of a saga that we grew up with, loved, and became a part of our lives that most of us believed would never come to fruition.

I’ll be there. Da_Fettman will be there. Will you?

It’s a great time to be a geek.  

Questions or Comments? Sound off below, or find me on Twitter as @ArchangelEZE and for more exciting news and reviews, follow NGP on Facebook!  

Until next time True Believers,



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