Friday, August 22, 2014

Johnny Depp? Kevin Smith? Their Daughters? Yoga Hosers? You Bet!

Johnny Depp? Kevin Smith? Their Daughters? Yoga Hosers? You Bet!

Coming on the heals of the release of the Tusk­­ trailer, it was announced that Tusk would be the beginning of a Canadian folklore trilogy. All films would be written and directed by Kevin Smith. All films will be awesome.

This week new announcements have started to come out regarding the second film, Yoga Hosers. First, we found out that Kevin Smith’s daughter, Harley, would be in the film. Now it’s been announced that Johnny Depp and his daughter Lily-Rose would also be in the film. For a film fan, and more importantly, a Kevin Smith Fan, this is great news.
Why? Because it’s Johnny F’in Depp. That’s why. You see, Johnny Depp has been in some of the best films ever made, and having him as part of this cast will only add to the greatness of this film. Having him agree to pair up with Smith is just one more thing to add to his awesome list. More over, having Depp’s daughter and Smith’s daughter star in the film will attract a new audience that may have overlooked Smith’s films in the past.

You’ll get a sneak peak at the Yoga Hosers stars in Tusk. They’ll be the two 15 year olds in the convenience store. Go figure, a convenience store. Also, it should be noted, that this will be Smith’s entry into comic book movies.

“People always ask me ‘Are you ever going to make a comicbook movie?’” said Smith. “This is it – but instead of yet another dude saving the day, our antiheroes are the most feared and formidable creatures man has ever encountered: two 15-year-old girls.”

I’ll look forward to doing a full review of the film once it is released.

You stay classy, interwebs.


  1. I personally am a Jay and Silent Bob fan, that movie was as awesome as the mother f'in Time.
