Sunday, August 31, 2014

Loot Crate Review - Heroes - August 2014

Loot Crate Review - Heroes - August 2014

Loot Crate Review - Heroes - August 2014

With the month of August coming to a close, it’s time for another Loot Crate Review! Hot on the heels of last months VILLAINS theme, the HEROES take action this month, stepping up the game with an incredible Pop! Vinyl Marvel Exclusive and a horde of TMNT swag.

Starting at a base price of $13.37/month, plus shipping and handling, a new Loot Crate arrives at my door on or around the 20th of each month, valued at over $40, with discounts available for pre-paid 3 and 6 month subscriptions.

Loot Crate Review - Heroes - August 2014
Loot Crate Review - Heroes - August 2014

01| Pop! Vinyl Marvel - Groot Loot Crate Exclusive -  Upon opening this month’s crate, I can say without a doubt that this was the most exciting item for me. I’m a huge fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy comic and film and to have an exclusive Pop! Groot figure (whose right hand glows in the dark) is awesome!

02| TMNT Sunglasses (Michelangelo) - Although these sunglasses looks ridiculous, they are incredibly original and great for the collector!

03| Sonic The Hedgehog Air Freshener - Who needs a lame Pine Tree when you can sport a Sonic Breeze air freshener from your rearview mirror?

04| Shoe Lightning Bolts - For those moments when you feel you could embody the Flash. These fun accessories lace into your shoes and will have you ready for action!

05| TMNT Ooze Action Figure (Leonardo) - This month’s crate also included a great Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle glow in the dark figure in celebration of the new box office smash!

06| Deadpool Chimichang’os Magnet - Another Loot Crate Labs original featuring everyone’s favorite anti-hero in what you know would be his favorite cereal.

07| Digital Loot - Last but not least, three digital download codes for Doctor Who: Legacy on iOS, and two Steam game codes Defense Grid and Gauntlet!

Check back next month for the breakdown of September's GALACTIC crate featuring a collection of exclusive and never-before-seen Star Wars, Star Trek and Firefly swag!

Until next time True Believers,


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Top 5 Workplace Comedies

Top 5 Workplace Comedies
In honor of this upcoming Labor Day I have assembled the Top 5 Workplace Comedies (of all time). Nothing is better than getting a laugh from some million dollar Hollywood star who’s basically playing you, working at your crappy job. So sit back, turn on your Netflix machine, and watch one of these gems.


Waiting... - (2005)
Being a waiter/waitress sucks. How do you get through your day? Show your ball bag off to all your co-workers! No I’m not talking about you bowling bag. Back in 2005, when Ryan Reynolds was actually the go-to guy for a comedy, this workplace comedy came out and showed everyone that you don’t mess with the people who prepare your food.


Horrible Bosses - 2011
Nothing can ruin your whole life quite like a horrible boss. These ball bags take the case. We have a boss that laughs at the death of your grandmother, another who is constantly using her power as a boss to sexually assault you, and another who demands you fire all the fat and disabled employees. What is the solution to the issue at hand? Murder!


Anchorman - 2004
The entirety of this move is one big quote. The quote of all movie quotes. Take any line out of it at random and it translates to an epic comedy movie quote. “I’m in a glass case of emotion!” “I love lamp.” “I love Scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly…” Catch my drift?


Clerks - 1994
No one likes getting called in on their day off. This particular day in particular is the worst of all days. You find out some unsettling things about your girlfriend’s past and the ex-girlfriend you still have a thing for is getting married. Not to mention the job itself sucks with the shutters of the store not opening and all of the stupid customers who ask stupid questions about the construction of the Death Star. The biggest contribution to the movie scene this move had however was the introduction of none other than Jay and Silent Bob. “Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts!”


Office Space - 1999
This movie has every kind of workplace fantasy that any cubicle jockey has ever dreamt up. From just not giving a flying fudge about your job all the way to burning the entire building to the ground. Want to rip your company off without them noticing? Go for it! Want to beat that piece of shiz copy machine into oblivion? Yup, and we brought the baseball bat. It has it all. Office Space is the ultimate therapy for the begrudged employee.

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, sit back with a cold one, and fire up some workplace hilarity with the Top 5 Workplace Comedies.


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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Top 5 NFL Video Games of All-Time!

The Top 5 NFL Video Games of All-Time!

And we're back! I hope everyone learned a little somethin' somethin' about the PS Vita last week. I'm still hooked on that little handheld console of awesomeness. Playing through some Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate currently. In terms of a handheld Batman game, it's a gooden (and no, I will not define 'gooden').

But, it's a new day. It's a new week. It's a new edition of "The Reset Button". This week, I'm taking it in a different direction. With NFL season fast approaching and my Atlanta Falcons embarking on a season of redemption, I felt it would be appropriate to cover my top 5 NFL games of all-time. I've played a good amount of NFL games in my day and am extremely excited to get my hands on Madden NFL 15 this weekend. But, before that, let's cover the best of the best.

Number 5

NFL GameDay '98

This was my first experience with NFL on a 3D console. Playing this on the PSOne introduced me to new gameplay, at the time awesome graphics, and end zone dances. Running back a kickoff with Jamal Anderson (probably impossible in real life) and seeing him break out the Dirty Bird was awesome. The plays were easy to select and the gameplay was just as you'd expect from the first NFL game with polygonal graphics. Jerome 'The Bus' Bettis graced the cover on this one. And considering it was developed by Sony Interactive Studios, it was a fun NFL game before Madden assumed their position on the throne.

Number 4

NFL Blitz

The Pittsburgh Steelers have seen a lot of video game covers. NFL Blitz featured 'Slash' himself, Kordell Stewart. This wasn't your ordinary NFL game. Brutal tackles, insane passes, and over-the-top gameplay put Blitz on the map. Nothing was more realistic than leg-dropping the running back you just stuffed like you were Hulk Hogan, am I right? Over time, Blitz was toned down and eventually put out to pasture. I guess the NFL didn't want their sport to be deemed "too violent". A little late, if you ask me. But that's why we love the NFL.

Number 3

Madden '96

This is by far my favorite Madden title to date. It still has a fun, nostalgic feeling when you play it. I can recall wowing my friends with my memory skills during the "Coach Rogers" skill-game when creating a player. The longer you repeat the button command Coach Rogers advised you, the smarter your player will be. And he adds on a command after each successful attempt. Getting up to 10 in a row wasn't easy. Needless to say, my QB always had an intelligence of 100. The character models weren't very accurate, but at least there were real player names included in this title. 'Ironhead' Craig Heyward was a fire hydrant with legs in this game. Oh, the memories...

Number 2


This one put all Madden titles to shame. And they did it pretty easily and convincingly, as well. Everything about this game was excellent. The presentation, graphics, audio, controls, options, and difficulty were exactly what you'd want from a NFL game. It's no wonder why people are STILL updating the roster on this game to be current with the NFL season. Fans of ESPN NFL 2K5 are still waiting for the NFL to come to their senses and allow 2K to make another NFL game to compete with Madden. The game launched at $19.99, for cryin' out loud. We haven't seen a 2K Games NFL game since 2005. With us heading into a 10 year anniversary of 2K5, I'm willing to bet you'll see people screaming for a return to the field for 2K football next year louder than ever.

Number 1

Tecmo Super Bowl

THIS was my game. Tecmo friggin' Super Bowl. The masterpiece of simulation NFL football. No clue who the hell is on the cover, as there was no #10 for the Cowboys back when Tecmo Super Bowl launched. It's just some random dude looking all "football-ish" for the buyer. Running with Bo Jackson was a must in Tecmo Super Bowl. Just run in a diagonal line up and down the field with him and you're guaranteed a score. Beating an opponent 70-0 wasn't difficult, but it was just fun to do. I remember breaking the NFL single season rushing record in a single season with Bo Jackson. And I could have easily obliterated it. The 16-bit music was entertaining, there were actual injuries in the game, and the season mode allowed you to pick your favorite team and go for the Lombardi Trophy. I still play this game when Atlanta is eliminated from Super Bowl contention. Unfortunately, that's happen a lot in the past 10 years.

The bottom line is this: Tecmo Super Bowl is the greatest NFL game ever created. Not just because Stone Cold said so, but because it's a scientific fact. Sure, it doesn't have John Madden screaming "BOOM!" or drawing a bunch of stuff on the screen, but it didn't need it. All you needed was a Sega Genesis, some time to kill, and Bo friggin' Jackson.

While you were reading this, Bo Jackson scored another touchdown. He cannot be stopped.

Go check out some of these games if you're a NFL fan. No better way to get ready for the season than by tossing the virtual pigskin around.

Next week, I'll touch on more game-related greatness for you.

As always, until next time...

Game On.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pokémon TCG Coming To iOS

Pokémon TCG Coming To iOS

Okay, I can say that I have never really gotten into the Pokémon Trading Card Game back when it came out in the mid-90s. I collected the cards and traded them with my friends, but I regret never learning to play the actual game. When I heard that the Pokémon TCG was coming to iOS I was actually pretty excited, I finally found a chance to learn and play. I have recently gotten into the Warcraft themed TCG, Hearthstone, for iOS and I am hoping this will play similar to that because I really enjoy Hearthstone.

The Pokémon TCG is currently available to download as an open beta on PC and Mac at The Pokémon Company, I haven’t had the chance to play it yet, but I might dabble a little on my Mac to get use to the format and rules. I hope that The Pokémon Company offers the game like Hearthstone, free with in-app purchases, mainly to buy more card packs, but not necessary to enjoy the game. According to their website, "Many options for expanding your online collection, including code cards found in specially marked Pokémon TCG products, Trainer Tokens earned through online play, or Gems purchased on the website."

This is the first full game that The Pokémon Company is releasing for iOS, but I hope that they continue to release titles on the mobile platform. They could easily port any of the Nintendo handheld games over and I for one would be all over that. Although if The Pokémon Company were to do that, Nintendo’s handheld business would go right down the pipes.

At this time Pokémon TCG for iOS has no release date at this time, but has been confirmed by a The Pokémon Company representative.

What’s your take on this new venture for The Pokémon Company, success or failure? Should they bring their other Pokémon titles to mobile platforms? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and New Geek Protocol on Facebook.

Until next time, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Source: The Pokémon Company

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movie Heroines

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movie Heroines
With a lot of talk going on in the gaming community about how the divide between men and women is now split right down the middle, I would like to explore the strongest examples of women in media. Not the ones with maximum amounts cleavage, but the ones who really are badass and know how to hold their own. With that said, here is my list for the top 10 sci-fi heroines.


Trinity - The Matrix - 1999
She's not only is an infamous hacker and computer programmer, but can also do the crane midair, kick you in the face, and send you flying clear across the room and through the drywall. She is also one of the only characters in the movie not named Neo to take out an agent (a task that is almost impossible to the regular person hacking into the Matrix). “Dodge this!”


Dejah Thoris - John Carter - 2012
Dejah is a princess of Mars and the leading scientist of that red planet. In my eyes this is an incredibly underrated sci-fi epic mainly because her character is so overlooked. How many women, who happen to be royalty on an alien planet, can also go back to back with the hero, sword in hand, and kick some alien ass.


Leeloo - The Fifth Element - 1997
She technically isn't human per se, but she is made into that form. In one of the best scenes in the movie she throws down with a room full of dog faced goons set to some upbeat operatic tunes. She manages to steal the show and charms with her alien accent and ability to convey a large amount of emotion despite not knowing any language but her own. “Moooltipass.”


Cassandra Anderson - Dredd - 2012
She is a cadet trying to become a judge in a town that is a hotbed of crime. Getting thrown right into the thick of it, taking her final test in an apartment building filled with drug dealers, she unleashes her psychic powers on the inhabitants. Although she isn't up for the task to begin with, over the course of the movie she becomes a legitimate badass and goes shot for shot with our hero Judge Dredd.


Black Widow - The Avengers - 2012
Can you do a flip off of Cap’s shield onto a Chitauri cruiser and outrun Loki all while taking out your fair share of alien scum? No? Well this Avenger can and her combat and infiltration skills are second to none. Hopefully the rumors are true and we will get to see more of her in her own solo Marvel movie.


Princess Leia - Star Wars - 1977
Sure she may have kissed her own brother. Sure she got captured and forced into that slave outfit complete with neck chain. However, this woman can hold her own because what did she do with that neck chain? She went and killed the crap out of that bulbous piece of slime with that very chain. “Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder.”


Sarah Connor - Terminator - 1984
She is the mother of the man who, in the future, will raise an army and destroy the robot overlords Skynet. She begins the series as a mild mannered, if not timid, woman but as she realizes and comes to terms with the gravity of the situation she becomes the mother of The Resistance. “ like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death…”


Gamora - Guardians of the Galaxy - 2014
Soldier. Assassin. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist. Wait, that’s not right. While the first two are definitely true this ‘last of her kind’ alien was trained by Thanos himself and is considered the deadliest woman in the whole galaxy. She even bests her adopted sister Nebula, who is a certified cyborg badass in her own right.


Katniss - The Hunger Games - 2012
“I volunteer as tribute!” Not only does she wield the bow with mastered skill but is also brave as they come when her loved ones are in danger. She not only becomes the hero during The Hunger Games but she transcends that to become the symbol of resistance against the capitol.


Ripley - 1979 - Alien
This woman is a survivor. While her crew mates are getting murdered left and right by aliens, she is the only one with enough determination to jump into a power suit and go round for round against the alien queen. All she had to say was “Get away from her bitch!” and we all knew it was gonna be lights out for any aliens dumb enough to stick their second set of teeth out at Ripley.

So that's my top 10 sci-fi movie heroines. What does yours look like? Shout out in the comments below. For a super comprehensive list of the best sci-fi movies visit


Monday, August 25, 2014

The Weekly Pull : You Don’t Know Dick

The Weekly Pull : You Don’t Know Dick

If you’ve been following my posts here on New Geek Protocol, it’s probably no surprise to you that I’m a Marvel fanboy through and through. I’ll dabble in the DC Universe from time to time when something really strikes my interest, such as the recent Forever Evil mini-series and story arcs featured in Justice League, or in today’s case, a very clever marketing ploy I felt was worth my hard earned $2.99.

Within the events of Forever Evil, former side-kick, Robin, turned independent hero, Nightwing, Dick Grayson, was publicly unmasked by the Crime Syndicate, thus ending his tenure as the vigilante. With his secret identity ousted, the character takes a drastic turn as the Nightwing series comes to an end, and Grayson, a secret agent counterintelligence spy-thriller begins set out to prove one thing : You might think you know Nightwing - but you don’t know Dick.

Intrigued by the new concept, I picked up the first two issues of the series …

The Weekly Pull : You Don’t Know Dick

The first issue begins as any good spy-thriller should. On a train. But that’s about as much of a positive for this first issue that I could find. The Who, Where and When questions are all answered in the opening panels of the book, but the reader is quickly thrown into a conflict between Grayson and his target without any explanation as to What is going on, Why he’s operating as an unmasked spy or How he came to possess this particular skill set. Luckily, I had enough personal background knowledge on the character to begin assembling some of the bits and pieces as I read on, but from the perspective of a new reader and a jumping on point (as a #1 issue should be), the flow of the story didn’t re-introduce or explain the character or his current situation. I’ve read time/space continuum displacement stories that can cover more ground in 32 pages,and can only hope that writes Tim Seeley and Tom King, along with artist Mikel Jane, can pull things together.

The second issue of Grayson is a huge improvement over the first. Although I still have some minor issues with the title, Seeley and company have started to lay the ground work for a Bourne Identity-esque story, that is jam packed with action and shrouded in mystery (in the appropriate places). The Dark Knight himself even makes an appearance to help shed some light on the Grayson's current place in the DC Universe, which contributes to a far more solid and well paced story. However, the final page of the book alludes to a five year "flash forward" Future's End story for Issue #3, which feels far to early for a newly developed character and makes me question the titles chance of survival.

Although the concept and marketing behind Grayson is fantastic, it's not an introduction to the character or the DC Universe by any means. Current fans of Nightwing and other Batman Incorporated titles should enjoy the unique take and direction the series has to offer, but as for me, Issue #2 is the end of the line. Give me Nightwing any day, I could care less about Dick.

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,
