Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pokémon TCG Coming To iOS

Pokémon TCG Coming To iOS

Okay, I can say that I have never really gotten into the Pokémon Trading Card Game back when it came out in the mid-90s. I collected the cards and traded them with my friends, but I regret never learning to play the actual game. When I heard that the Pokémon TCG was coming to iOS I was actually pretty excited, I finally found a chance to learn and play. I have recently gotten into the Warcraft themed TCG, Hearthstone, for iOS and I am hoping this will play similar to that because I really enjoy Hearthstone.

The Pokémon TCG is currently available to download as an open beta on PC and Mac at The Pokémon Company, I haven’t had the chance to play it yet, but I might dabble a little on my Mac to get use to the format and rules. I hope that The Pokémon Company offers the game like Hearthstone, free with in-app purchases, mainly to buy more card packs, but not necessary to enjoy the game. According to their website, "Many options for expanding your online collection, including code cards found in specially marked Pokémon TCG products, Trainer Tokens earned through online play, or Gems purchased on the website."

This is the first full game that The Pokémon Company is releasing for iOS, but I hope that they continue to release titles on the mobile platform. They could easily port any of the Nintendo handheld games over and I for one would be all over that. Although if The Pokémon Company were to do that, Nintendo’s handheld business would go right down the pipes.

At this time Pokémon TCG for iOS has no release date at this time, but has been confirmed by a The Pokémon Company representative.

What’s your take on this new venture for The Pokémon Company, success or failure? Should they bring their other Pokémon titles to mobile platforms? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and New Geek Protocol on Facebook.

Until next time, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Source: The Pokémon Company


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