Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movie Heroines

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movie Heroines
With a lot of talk going on in the gaming community about how the divide between men and women is now split right down the middle, I would like to explore the strongest examples of women in media. Not the ones with maximum amounts cleavage, but the ones who really are badass and know how to hold their own. With that said, here is my list for the top 10 sci-fi heroines.


Trinity - The Matrix - 1999
She's not only is an infamous hacker and computer programmer, but can also do the crane midair, kick you in the face, and send you flying clear across the room and through the drywall. She is also one of the only characters in the movie not named Neo to take out an agent (a task that is almost impossible to the regular person hacking into the Matrix). “Dodge this!”


Dejah Thoris - John Carter - 2012
Dejah is a princess of Mars and the leading scientist of that red planet. In my eyes this is an incredibly underrated sci-fi epic mainly because her character is so overlooked. How many women, who happen to be royalty on an alien planet, can also go back to back with the hero, sword in hand, and kick some alien ass.


Leeloo - The Fifth Element - 1997
She technically isn't human per se, but she is made into that form. In one of the best scenes in the movie she throws down with a room full of dog faced goons set to some upbeat operatic tunes. She manages to steal the show and charms with her alien accent and ability to convey a large amount of emotion despite not knowing any language but her own. “Moooltipass.”


Cassandra Anderson - Dredd - 2012
She is a cadet trying to become a judge in a town that is a hotbed of crime. Getting thrown right into the thick of it, taking her final test in an apartment building filled with drug dealers, she unleashes her psychic powers on the inhabitants. Although she isn't up for the task to begin with, over the course of the movie she becomes a legitimate badass and goes shot for shot with our hero Judge Dredd.


Black Widow - The Avengers - 2012
Can you do a flip off of Cap’s shield onto a Chitauri cruiser and outrun Loki all while taking out your fair share of alien scum? No? Well this Avenger can and her combat and infiltration skills are second to none. Hopefully the rumors are true and we will get to see more of her in her own solo Marvel movie.


Princess Leia - Star Wars - 1977
Sure she may have kissed her own brother. Sure she got captured and forced into that slave outfit complete with neck chain. However, this woman can hold her own because what did she do with that neck chain? She went and killed the crap out of that bulbous piece of slime with that very chain. “Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder.”


Sarah Connor - Terminator - 1984
She is the mother of the man who, in the future, will raise an army and destroy the robot overlords Skynet. She begins the series as a mild mannered, if not timid, woman but as she realizes and comes to terms with the gravity of the situation she becomes the mother of The Resistance. “...men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death…”


Gamora - Guardians of the Galaxy - 2014
Soldier. Assassin. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist. Wait, that’s not right. While the first two are definitely true this ‘last of her kind’ alien was trained by Thanos himself and is considered the deadliest woman in the whole galaxy. She even bests her adopted sister Nebula, who is a certified cyborg badass in her own right.


Katniss - The Hunger Games - 2012
“I volunteer as tribute!” Not only does she wield the bow with mastered skill but is also brave as they come when her loved ones are in danger. She not only becomes the hero during The Hunger Games but she transcends that to become the symbol of resistance against the capitol.


Ripley - 1979 - Alien
This woman is a survivor. While her crew mates are getting murdered left and right by aliens, she is the only one with enough determination to jump into a power suit and go round for round against the alien queen. All she had to say was “Get away from her bitch!” and we all knew it was gonna be lights out for any aliens dumb enough to stick their second set of teeth out at Ripley.

So that's my top 10 sci-fi movie heroines. What does yours look like? Shout out in the comments below. For a super comprehensive list of the best sci-fi movies visit imdb.com.



  1. Black Widow, Trinity, and Leia are definitely higher up on my list.

  2. I agree!! Trinity should be at least in top 5!! But overall I agree with everyone on it! Girl power :)

  3. (semi quoting Brandon and his Home Alone quote.)

    A, The Hunger Games is barely Sci-Fi. Two, Katniss is totally lame and the only worse than her acting is the stories plot. And D, I think everyone knows Ripley with a flamethrower, grenade launcher, and hydraulic loader takes the cake!

  4. From someone who grew up with super women heroes that were added for sex appeal and a romantic love interest for the "true" hero, these ladies are all fabulous! I particularly like Leeloo, although Fifth Element was one of my favorite movies! Good article!
