Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Anberlin - Lowborn

Rock is a music form on life support. It's true, at least in my world. While the juggernauts of the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's continue to tour and entertain the masses, many of the bands from the 2000's and beyond find themselves lost in a sea of boy bands, auto tuning, twerking, and garbage hip hop.

It saddens me. It angers me. It makes me wonder what is wrong with people's hearing.

With a small handful of bands popular enough to last more than a few records, the rock world needs all the help it can get. And sadly, it's about to lose another band that produces quality music with talented musicians and songwriters.

Lowborn. The final album from Anberlin.

Since the release of their first record in 2002, "Blueprints for the Black Market", Anberlin has brought a unique rock sound to the scene. While sometimes classified as a Christian rock band, they don't push their faith through their sound. They're just a band which happens to be made up of Christians. Anyone that knows me knows I'm nowhere near religions, so that should say something about their sound. I do like them not needing to be vulgar, extreme, or put forth an "image" to sell records. They wrote songs with meaning and played them with a purpose. Six albums and 12 years later, we've reached their finale. Their swan song. Their final record before calling it a day and hanging up their instruments as Anberlin.

Releasing on July 22nd, Lowborn is the perfect way to go out. From the opener, "We Are Destroyer", they bring the hard rock sound and clean vocals of Stephen Christian and they bring it hard. Fans familiar with Anberlin will appreciate the band sticking to their roots and not diverting their sound for their last record.

"Armageddon" is a slow, methodical track about destroying everything you with no one else to blame. Facing your mistakes and being your own armageddon. The hook is hypnotic. I find myself listening to it multiple times. And while the song is slow, it works for the theme the song aims for. It gets it's point across.

"Losing It All" features a message just as one would expect. Realizing that having someone special is all you need and nothing else should matter. "It's not losing it all / if we have each other / in the end it's all / in the end it's that matters". The drums stand out in this track. Extremely catchy. I find myself tapping my feet to the beat without realizing it.

There are other tracks that stand out, from the singles "Hearing Voices" and "Stranger Ways" to "Atonement" and "Birds of Prey". This is a 10 track masterpiece that can be listened to cover to cover multiple times. Each time, I hear a new lyric that stands out. A new message or meaning I missed the last time around.

As I completed my first play-through, I found myself excited and saddened at the same time. Excited for everyone to hear this record and hopefully, if not having heard Anberlin before, going through their backlog of outstanding music. And saddened because this is the end. I won't get to look forward to a new record announcement. The anticipation of a new single or tour. After seeing them on July 18th at Warped Tour, it's over. And I hate when it's over.

On the positive side, they'll leave with seven fantastic records. They walk away on their own terms and do so with their strongest release. As a fan, I guess I can't ask for much more.

Lowborn by Anberlin. Rock music is fortunate to have had them around and this album should show rock fans why they should miss them when they're gone.



  1. I saw them in concert and they rocked my face off.

  2. Seeing them Friday. I have a vinyl copy of "Vital" I'm going to get signed. Even if I have to beg, borrow, or steal, it IS getting signed.
