Thursday, July 17, 2014

Marvel Announces NEW Captain America

Marvel Announces NEW Captain America

A day after Marvel announced their plans to debut a new female version of their resident Norse God, Thor, they drop yet another bomb announcing Sam Wilson, The Falcon, will be taking the over the reigns of Captain America this Fall. 

Although Wilson is far from the first to take up the mantle of Ol' Winghead, it begs the question: Is this Marvel's take on creating a 'New 52' line-up? Or are similar plans also in the works for Iron Man, which would also conveniently complete the trio of solo movie properties entering Phase 3 after Avengers: Age of Ultron.

What will happen to Steve Rogers? Does Bucky still have a chance at redemption bearing the stars and stripes in the cinematic universe? 

More will most likely be revealed next week in San Diego. 

-Archangel EZE


  1. They also revealed that the new Thor is going to be a woman. I think they are both awesome decisions.

  2. I have a feeling some big news involving Iron Man won't be far behind. With the whole world incursion story lines Hickman currently has throughout his Avengers titles, it may not even be limited to the big three. Comic-Con can't come soon enough!
