Monday, February 2, 2015

We Love FREE Games! Don't You?

We Love FREE Games! Don't You?

If you aren't following us on Facebook, then perhaps you haven't read up on our most recent situation in the Mom 'N Pop Co-Op household. Let me, Mom, fill you in on the lovely episode that happened...

Our son, not even two years old yet, somehow managed to delete and reformat our entire Wii U system.He was only alone for a few minutes and by some evil miracle worked his way through multiple confirmation screens to wreak havoc on our day and life. 

Good bye Zelda progress.

We Love FREE Games! Don't You?

Goodbye happiness.

We Love FREE Games! Don't You?

It's okay though because Mom 'N Pop have plenty of other things to play in the meantime while we catch up with our Wii U titles. 

So we decided to play a game that will be free for Playstation Plus members this month called Transistor. To start, since we can't download it for free yet, we decided to play our PC copy. Let me tell you, this game is amazing. It is by the creators of Bastion, which is known for its artistic and musical prowess. 

Transistor is no different when it comes to a beautifully crafted game. Mixing strategy with hack & slash, it is no wonder why this game is so attractive.

Check out our first video in the series and if you want to see us play more once we get it through Plus, subscribe to our channel and like us on Facebook!

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