Sunday, February 8, 2015

If You Love The Walking Dead, Play This Game (Mature Content)

If You Love The Walking Dead, Play This Game (Mature Content)

With the anticipated return of The Walking Dead for the mid-season premiere, Pop and I decided to sink our teeth, so to speak, into one of the newest games for next-gen, Dying Light. I have mentioned before that I, Mom, generally do not play any type of scary games, including anything with zombies. Zombies intrigue me for sure, which is why I enjoy watching and reading The Walking Dead. Yet for some reason, I just can't grasp the concept of confronting walkers in video game format.

I frighten easily.

After watching Pop work through the first bit of Dying Light, we have come to the conclusion that this is the game that Dead Island should have been. To read NGP's full review by Demo Destroyer click here.

It really is a perfect mixture of Mirror's Edge, Dead Island, and Skyrim (only because of the lock picking). Just so you know, in future episodes, I do take the reigns and kill some zombies. Man is it satisfying! 

Please don't miss out on this rare opportunity to watch an amazing game with funny commentary. We work hard to show you the game without the fluff and plenty of adult humor. If you haven't liked us on Facebook please do! The links are below. Without further ado, I give you Dying Light with Mom 'N Pop Co-Op.

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