Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Teaser

So by now everyone has seen the teaser trailer for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, if not here it is in all of its awesomeness.

Everything looks great so far, but what’s up with that lightsaber? I think that this is the biggest complaint that the fanboys (and girls) have. There has definitely been a lot of spoofs for this clip, here are a few of my favorites:

And for some holiday spirit...

There was even a guy who got a tattoo of the little soccer ball droid within 10 hours of seeing the trailer, I'm not sure if that's dedication or stupidity.

Not bad...
At least it's better than this.
I cannot wait for the next trailer which has been said will be previewing with Avengers: Age of Ultron in the spring. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens comes out December 18, 2015 and let me say that it can’t come fast enough. I will be taking that day off of work and I’m hoping our local theater will do an all day event showing all previous six movies and ending it with TFA. Sorry I don’t have much for today, what I would like to see in the comments below is what you think the two spikes that come out of the villain’s lightsaber are?

As always May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman


  1. I think the Crossguatd lightsaber is exactly that - a primitive weapon for a more civilized age. It's all one beam diverted by a crystal (remember KOTOR?). Although rare, its not the first time we've seen this design. Jedi Roblio Dartè wields one very similar in the Rise of the Empire era.

  2. It's so he can light his death stick, just a fancy bic lighter... lol!
