Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Obi-Wan Trilogy? Uh, Yes Please!

For months now we have been hearing rumors about spin-off, stand alone Star Wars movies like: Boba Fett (I really hope so), Han Solo, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. I for one would love to see a series of Obi-Wan movies. From what I’ve read on the rumor sites, the movies would take place between episodes III and IV, but aren’t part of the story arc. I would like to see some stories carried out that have some questions. What ever happened to Darth Maul after he was shamed by the Emperor in the Clone Wars, does he track down Kenobi for a final duel? What type of training did Qui-Gon give him from the other side? Why does Owen Lars dislike Obi-Wan so much? (Okay maybe not that one, but you get the point.) These are just some of the ideas that could be going through the creative minds over at LucasFilm.

I would like to see how this battle ends in live action.

If they do create an Obi-Wan trilogy, I would also like to see Ewan McGregor play Obi-Wan again. I think he did an incredible job despite the acting of some of his fellow Star Wars costars.

Hopefully more like this.
Not like this.

For more on this story, check out the post on

What story line(s) would you like to see with Obi-Wan being the feature character? Please list them in the comments below we would love to hear from you.

May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman


  1. I would love to see an Obi-Wan trilogy, especially if Mcgregor and Neeson are involved. I think that would be a much stronger option than Han in my opinion. I'm a big stickler for actor continuity.
