Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fantasy Sports Are Awesome!

It's August, and most notably that means you should be getting ready for your fantasy football draft. If your not familiar with what I'm talking about, then you have failed as a human. Ok, maybe not quite so much but fantasy sports are awesome. Fantasy Football, in my most awesome supreme opinion, being the best of all.

It’s always exciting to watch your favorite sports team. The thrill of a victory and the agony of defeat are part of the competitive sports world for athletes and fans alike. Many of us have had grand dreams of playing professional sports, or thought how great it would be to become a coach, manager, or even an owner. The reality is that few of us will ever enter a professional sports arena as more than just a ticket holder. However, there are alternatives for the most die-hard, loyal of fans that wish to expand their existing enjoyment of sports. Fantasy sports. 

The basic concept of a fantasy sport is a game in which participants act as an owner/manager to assemble a team that competes against other fantasy teams based on statistics generated by the real individual players or teams of a professional sport. Statistical performance is usually converted into points, then compiled and totaled according to the roster selected by the owner. The idea is to simulate being an actual owner/manager as closely as possible. Just as in real sports, owners of a fantasy team have the ability to draft, sign, trade, and cut players.

We know that fantasy sport plays a major role in our gaming communities and we know that there are millions of participants. But why do they play?

Among the top reasons are; it makes the sport or games more interesting to watch, the thrill of competition, a new way to get more involved with a sport they already enjoy, or simply a way to interact with friends and family socially. If you are looking for a good reference point to better understand the communal benefits of fantasy sports, I strongly suggest watching The League on FX. 

Remember, it's okay to like sports. It's just another awesome thing to geek out on. Plus you can talk smack and act like you were the one scoring all those points. 

~ Colonel


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