Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The New Geek Protocol

Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters 2 (the sequel to best movie ever)
The age of the geek is at its climax. When TV shows like Game of Thrones are the shows to watch and video games like Grand Theft Auto V are selling 32.5 million copies, then you know something is in the water. Our society has pulled a complete 180 degrees on their perception of what it is to be a "geek". Typically used as a derogatory word on the playground has now become a word to endear anyone who has a large understanding of any particular topic. It's just that these people are totally obsessed with that topic and it's something they spend a lot of their day thinking about.

I admittedly am an extreme geek when it comes to the topics of Video Games, Movies, Comics, TV, and Tech. If getting into deep discussions about the latest RPG's inventory system or how you thought the director of that newest sci-fi movie should have added more live actors than CG characters then this is definitely the place for you. If you are blowing a gasket because the newest video game is offering some sick DLC on that other system that you don't own (and would never own because only noobs play on that system!) then this is your place to blow off that steam. Regardless of your geekdom I welcome you.

"If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0." -Some random dude's t-shirt 

This is indeed version 1.0 of New Geek Protocol and I hope you like it. I definitely want to get some new authors to write for this page to get some fresh perspectives on topics they are geeked about. Overall I want this to be a blog that unites all the clans of different geeks and together we can stand tall and shout to the world "BRING BACK FIREFLY ALREADY!!!" (or whatever geeky chant you feel like shouting at the world).
