Tuesday, July 29, 2014

San Diego Comic Con 2014 Recap

This year at SDCC all the fanboys were treated to wave after wave of huge announcements, mainly thanks to the houses of Marvel and DC taking their gloves off and throwing huge punches at each other. The big guns on display were, of course, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. There was a plethora of news but I'm going to go over the big stuff and what I felt was kind of a big deal.

Warcraft Movie Tease
Legendary and Universal brought not only the new Warcraft movie logo but also a couple props from the movie set (Doomhammer, Dragon Sword, and Lion Shield) which are looking pretty sweet.

Goosebumps Is Real!!!
Jack Black and the director Rob Letterman chatted with IGN about the panel where they revealed that the iconic "Slappy the Dummy" would make an appearance along with other classic Goosebumps characters.

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
All of the characters you love are back for this new game with the addition of few more (and by a few more I mean it's going to be hard to find a DC character that is NOT in this game). IN SPACE!!!

Star Wars: Rebels Footage
Disney showed off what is to be the follow up to the much loved Clone Wars series with new trailer, and it looks awesome.

Mockingjay Pt. 1 Teaser Trailer
Lionsgate finally showed of some on-screen footage of the new Hunger Games movie with its new teaser trailer. The Mockingjay lives!!!

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Story
WB showed that they not only have amazing gameplay, as they have with many trailers before, but also the epic story to make this game truly great. As a Lord of the Rings fan it is exciting to see that the story of this game will have strong roots in that universe with a couple characters showing up that we all know and love.

Godzilla 2
Although there was no media presented by Legendary there was a huge announcement for the follow up Godzilla movie. Monsters!!! Godzilla 2 will have the fabled kaiju facing off against Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah!

 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Thorin declares war in the final Hobbit movie that is set to release on December 17th. The new trailer is packed with strife for all the characters involved except for Smaug who will burninate the countryside.

Mad Max: Fury Road
With Tom Hardy set to take on the role of Max Rockatansky in the new post-apocalyptic George Miller adaptation, Warner Brothers gave us a look at a few of the 'splosions we'll see when it hits theatres May 15th 2015.

Ant-Man Panel
With quite a bit of controversy surrounding this film Marvel stepped up to "Wright" the wrongs of their upcoming movie. They announced that Evangeline Lilly will be joining the cast and playing Hank Pym's (Michael Douglas) daughter Hope Pym. Michael Douglas however, during the panel, referred to Lilly's character as Hope van Dyne at one point. This suggests that her mother is in fact Janet van Dyne a.k.a. The Wasp. Corey Stoll was also introduced during the panel as the main antagonist of the movie Yellowjacket. They talked about Yellowjacket's origin to villainy in that he was formerly Hank Pym's protege who, when given control of Hank's company, leads it down a more sinister path. The poster for the Ant-Man movie was also on display which showed the hero riding and leading a horde of flying ants.

Batman v. Superman Reveal
The Holy DC Trinity united for the first time onstage at SDCC. Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot made a brief appearance at the Warner Brothers panel. There was also a brief teaser shown off to the crowd as well. This is the play by play of that teaser straight from the source by Scott Collura over at ign.com: "It starts with thunder and rain, as a hand pulls a tarp off of something… it’s Ben Affleck’s Batman on a Gotham City rooftop, and he’s in the full bat-armor from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. His eyes are glowing white, and we see that what he’s pulled that tarp off of is the bat-signal. He turns the signal on and the famed bat symbol fills the sky… but then we see it’s aimed at something. At a man floating in the sky. A super-man! Cut to a close-up of Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel as his eyes start to glow with heat vision. Cut back to Batman whose eyes are still glowing white. It’s the stare down of all stare downs! Cut to the title screen: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." The movie itself sounds like it is coming together quite nicely and it is incredibly reassuring that it is influenced so strongly by Frank Miller's Dark Knight series. The last bit of info we got was the reveal of the new Wonder Woman outfit which looks really good.

Avenger: Age of Ultron Panel
Coming off the massive success that was the first Avengers movie there couldn't have been any more excitement in the room before the start of the Avengers: Age of Ultron panel. Most of the cast was on hand to give a glimpse into the new world and shed some light on what is to be a darker and more urgent sequel. There was footage of the movie shown that reveals how Ultron comes to be the big villain along with his eventual hordes of minions. Apparently one of Tony Stark's Iron Legion becomes self aware and decides that the Avengers are all killers and they need to be taken out to protect humanity. From there is shows glimpses of combat from all the main Avengers along with Quicksilver zipping around laying some smack down and Scarlet Witch doing her magic pew pew pew thing. We also got a small glimpse of Vision in a poster that was created for the movie. Originally released as individual character posters of each Avenger fighting the Ultron horde was later found out to be a huge promotional piece that fit them all together. In the upper left hand corner you can see Vision floating above the battlefield (picture shown below). The panel culminated with casting news that Josh Brolin will now be playing the ultimate villain Thanos in the upcoming Marvel movies. The actor took the stage wielding the toy Infinity Gauntlet and later took a jab at Robert Downey Jr. by accepting one of the roses he was handing out to the crowd and promptly beheading it with his teeth.

So that was San Diego Comic Con 2014 in a nutshell. It will go down as possibly the most epic of all time. With huge announcements and reveals I personally am very excited to see how DC and Marvel will throw down on the silver screen. What are you most excited about from the news explosion that was SDCC 2014? Shout it out in the comments and don't forget to follow us on twitter @NewGeekProtocol!



  1. Here's the Batman v. Superman teaser, poor quality, but we get the idea.

    Great post Demo,

