Wednesday, February 11, 2015

5 Compelling Reasons Why We Need Tobey Maguire To Return As Spider-Man

To keep the Spidey talk going, I found this article today by Jon Negroni.

Tobey Maguire for Spider-Man

I think that he makes some good points even though Spider-Man 3 wasn't that great. What do you think? Tell us in the comments below.

May the Force Be With You

- Da_Fettman


  1. Nooooooooooooo! For there to be the greatest amount of success out of a new Spider-Man franchise they have to look forward, not back.

  2. Yes, you have a point there, but what if we get another Andrew Garfield? Were you that disappointed with Tobey Maguire? He still looks young.

  3. Garfield was definitely the best out of the two. Spider-Man has a cocky/devil-may-care attitude. Almost in line with Deadpool but not as twisted (which is why it's so amazing when those two meet up). Whoever they cast has to be able to pull that attitude off and someone who you could totally see clicking with Ryan Reynolds (even though that cinematic meet-up would probably never happen).

  4. I agree with Demo. I prefer Garfield over Maguire, but I feel Marvel Studios has had a great track record with casting thus far (with the exception of Terrance Howard) and I'm excited to see who they feel is the best fit for the role! The question also remains, will Peter Parker be the Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man? Odds are yes, but other options are available ...
