Friday, September 5, 2014

Will iPhone 6 Be The Only Device Released? No.

Courtesy of MacRumors
Will iPhone 6 Be The Only Device Released? No.

With Apple’s next event on the horizon, the rumors are flying. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about the iPhone 6 rumors and so far I still stick by those. However, this week new information was released. The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal both published articles about what to expect on September 9, and, much to most people’s surprise, the articles were almost identical. The big reveal in both articles: the iWatch.

Apple is a very secretive company, and there have been no iWatch leaks. However, Apple only does events at the Flint Center For Performing Arts when they want to make a splash. It’s the site of the original release of the Macintosh. The iMac was announced there in 1996. There is a giant building behind it that Apple built specifically for this event. All of this makes me believe that history is about to be made. Again. And by Apple. Again. This is also the first time that Tim Cook will be presenting a new product since Jobs passed away three years ago.

The iWatch will either bring wearable technology to the forefront with great design, great software, and great experience, or it will kill it. Many believe that if Apple can’t do it, no one can. If Apple can do it, a lot of knockoffs will appear. Think of the iPod, iPad, and iPhone. They all started complete electronics revolutions. With the iWatch, they won’t be creating a new market, but they will be changing it significantly.

Some features may include time, health tracking, different sizes, a lot of wireless capability, including payments, and a curved, sapphire glass screen. All of theses things will be awesome, if Apple can pull it off.

The only thing we can say for sure is that Apple has an event on September 9th, new products are on the horizon for Apple, and New Geek Protocol will have a complete write up.

Will you be buying the new iPhone or iWatch when they are released?

You stay classy, interwebs.


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