Monday, September 1, 2014

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Man 2099 Makes His Return To The 616

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Man 2099 Makes His Return To The 616

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Man 2099 Makes His Return To The 616

In the fall of 1992, Marvel Comics made a bold attempt to re-image some of their most popular characters (Doctor Doom, X-Men, Fantastic Four, etc.) by exploring a possible future of the Marvel Universe set roughly one hundred years in the future, dubbed Marvel 2099. The most popular title by a landslide was Peter David and Rick Leonardi's Spider-Man 2099. The title focused on a brilliant geneticist named Miguel O'Hara, who in an attempt to recreate the original Spider-Man's abilities for an employer, alters his own DNA in a lab related accident becoming the alter ego of the futuristic hero.

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Man 2099 Makes His Return To The 616
Spider-Man 2099, Issue #1 - 1992

Despite selling over 100,000 copies per issue, the series (and entire Marvel 2099 line) ended with issue #46 in early 1996 following a slew of controversial firings and creative team changes over at Marvel. O'Hara was seen again in 1998 in a one-shot title, 2009 Manifest Destiny, which served as closure to the 2099 line and it's unresolved story lines. However, in the fall of 2013, Spider-Man 2099 not only returned to mainstream comics, but found himself stranded in the 616 (the name used to identify primary Marvel continuity) after attempting to repair numerous time distortios cause by Wolverine during the Age of Ultron.

Naturally, Marvel recently launched a second series for Spider-Man 2099, with original scribe, Peter David, returning as writer for the series with interior art by a Will Sliney. 

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Man 2099 Makes His Return To The 616
Spider-Man 2099, Issue #2 - 2014
If you followed my post last week about DC Comics reimagining their Nightwing character, you'll know that one of my biggest gripes with the title focused on the fact that there were no explanations in place regarding how Dick Grayson came to be in his current situation of former costumed vigilante turned super-spy. Marvel does an exceptional job here, as upon opening the cover to the book, there is a full recap page that brings the reader up to speed on the events which have led to this moment.

The Weekly Pull : Spider-Man 2099 Makes His Return To The 616
Spider-Man 2099 Recap Page - 2014
Spider-Man 2099 isn't the action packed fast moving story that it's counterpart The Amazing Spider-Man is, but there's a strong sense of intrigue for me surrounding the character as he attempts to navigate his way through the 21st century. One of the major plot points set to unfold in the series centers on the Alchemax corporation, which in 2099, harbors a vast amount of corrupt and deadly networks that range from biological weapons to organized crime. In current 2014 continum, Alchemax is just beginning, as the Allen Company merged with stocks from Oscorp and the last remaining properties of Horizon Labs under the leadership of Norman Osborn to in hopes to establish an empire for the Osborn (Gobiln) legacy.

Will Miguel O'Hara find a way to take Alchemax down in its infancy? And if so, how will the time stream and the Marvel Universe as a whole be affected? Find out in the monthly pages of Spider-Man 2099 on sale now!

Do you have a comic, graphic novel, comic event or storyline you’re itching to read or learn more about? Sound off in the comments below, find me on Twitter or let us know on the New Geek Protocol Facebook page!

Until next time True Believers,



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