Wednesday, September 10, 2014

No Plans For Iron Man 4

Stop in the name of love...
No Plans For Iron Man 4

As a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fan and especially the Iron Man movies, I was pretty bummed to hear that there won’t be a fourth installment of the series. Variety received this answer when they asked Robert Downey Jr. about a fourth movie at the Toronto Film Festival.

“There isn’t one in the pipe,” Downey said. “No, there’s no plan for a fourth ‘Iron Man.'”

Nothing has been confirmed by Marvel/Disney yet, so who knows we still might see Tony Stark in another standalone.

RDJ has been confirmed (signed on) for two more movies as the man behind the armor, two Avengers sequels. Avengers: Age of Ultron is set to hit theaters next summer and the other Avengers title (yet to be named) will be in 2018.

What does this mean for Iron Man?

What does Marvel have planned for Iron Man? Do you think they will reboot the series after the third Avengers sequel? Do you think anyone else can portray the playboy billionaire as well as Robert Downey Jr.?

Tell us what you think in the comments below and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Until next time, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman

Photo courtesy of Marvel


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