Friday, August 15, 2014

iPhone 6 and Apple Rundown: Read at Your Own Discretion

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iPhone 6 and Apple Rundown: Read at Your Own Discretion

For almost 30 years, I’ve been an Apple fanboy. Born into an Apple family just after the release of the first Macintosh, having a father that started one of the first Apple Specialist Dealers in Michigan, and being all about Apple since before Apple was cool gives me some major clout when it comes to Apple (in my opinion). We’ve now entered into one of my favorite times of year. I love fall in Michigan: the apples, orchards, hay rides and, most importantly, new Apple products.

It’s that time where speculation happens all day, every day, and no one really knows what going to happen. Years ago, when Steve Jobs was at the reigns, any leaks of any kind where grounds for death. Now, with Tim Cook running things, leaks happen all of the time and with little more than a nod from Cook saying that the leaks are ‘wrong’. Cook, in fact, keeps insisting that 2014 will be a great year of new products for Apple. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve seen nothing that says ‘Go Apple! Way to be back on top.’ Yes, I said that. Apple is no longer on top. They may never be again. They’ve had a good run. Steve Jobs took over in 1996 and ran a tight ship, firing people for being human and having no remorse, pushing people to great things, and, more than anything else, leading the way for what is now the smart phone. Without the iPhone, I believe that the smartphone would be completely different than it is today, but I digress. It’s almost fall and that means a new iPhone.

Here is what I think. The new iPhone will have a bigger screen. I received an email from a supplier last week already offering new iPhone covers. This is a supplier that I have ordered from in the past and trust. This means that I believe they have seen the new iPhone, or the specs, and are getting ahead of the game.  Apple will most likely release and iPhone that has a 4.7” and 5.5” screen. They will be big, amazing, preposterous displays. I love the current display size and think that getting larger is really a very dumb idea. If Jobs were still alive, this wouldn’t be happening. If Jobs were alive, the screen MIGHT get bigger, but not without the phone getting wider. Why? Because Jobs loved the Golden Ratio of 1.618. He believed that this was the perfect thing for all things Apple, whether it was MacBooks, iPhones, or iPads. If the screen gets bigger on the iPhone, the width better be there to. If not, the phone won’t feel right in your hand. I
personally hate large phones. I have friends and family with large Android phones, and I do not like how they feel. I have average size hands, and the phones feel so uncomfortable that the times I’ve used them, I would much rather throw them in the trash than actually put it up to my ear. They suck. Don’t belive me? Read about the Golden Ratio, then try a Samsung Note or Droid MAXX and tell me you like it. If you still do, you’re lying to yourself.
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Now, let’s move into the inside of the iPhone. I am expecting that the larger iPhone will have more power and more storage space, but with the same size battery. Well, maybe the same size battery. We’ll have to wait and see. Anyway, the larger one will probably be the only one that comes with 128GB of storage capacity. This will probably be the only one that comes with 2GB of RAM. The 4.7” model will only be available with 64GB of storage capacity and 1GB of RAM. If you need 128GB of storage space and 2GB of RAM, you should probably buy an iPad Air or a MacBook Air. Why the hell would any need that in a smartphone? They don’t. If you think you do, you're probably not thinking straight and have Apple Fever. More than likely, Apple will round the corners, much like the iPod Touch, which will probably be gone in 18 months anyway. Also, for the record, Apple will not do away with the headphones port quite yet, but with the acquisition of Beats and the new patents on sound ports, there is a possibility that Apple incorporates sound into the lightning (or other) port. We’ll have to wait and see.

The iPhone 6 will have a new A8 processor, which is expected to increase performance by 30%. We’ll have to wait and see about that. I believe that the phone will be faster and more efficient, but 30% is a big number and I believe it’ll be hard to hit that. Now, to contradict my former statement, there is a chance that this processor can only handle 1GB of RAM, but that seems crazy to me. Why increase the processor so much, but not be able to increase the RAM? It just doesn’t make sense.

The rest is pretty easy to figure out. Screen size and processor speed/RAM are the big ones, but there are just a few other things. For one, the camera will be either and 8 or 10 megapixel camera that will be phenomenal in low light and will have OIS (Optical Image Stabilization). The fingerprint security scanner will still be there and there will be an upgrade to the wireless, allowing 1 Gigabit transfer speeds over the 802.11ac protocol. I doubt NFC will be part of the phone, but the technology is gaining steam, and that means that Apple might debut NFC in the newest phone. However, Apple likes to solve problems and NFC doesn’t solve any problems, it only gives some convenience.

Last, and probably least, there will be an iPhone 6C, which is dumb. Steve Jobs probably hates you for having a colored iPhone. I’m not kidding. I’ve met him a few times before and after the iPhone release and he really liked the cleanliness of white and black, not gold, blue, red, or whatever else. If you want a colored iPhone, just buy a case or cover.

Anyway, that is my take on the new iPhone. It all may be a lie, but it all may be true. On September 9th Apple has an iPhone event, and you can bet your ass that there will a nice long post about the new phone, how amazing it is, and none of what is referenced here will be referenced in the rundown report.

I’m heading to get a new hat because this post has me sweating.

You stay classy, interwebs,



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