Thursday, August 7, 2014

Disney's Plans For Star Wars

Cue the Imperial March.

It was only a matter of time before Disney went all out for Star Wars fans. Earlier this week Disney Chairman & CEO Bob Iger told investors, “We’re also developing ideas and designs for a far greater Star Wars presence in our parks and we expect to provide details about this sometime next year.”

I'm hoping for something like this.

This is nothing but exciting! Disney already has attractions like Star Tours and the Jedi Training Academy. They also host annual events like Star Wars Weekends and Star Wars Celebration (not on Disney property, yet, but nearby). Disney is also picking up on the collectibles line with more Vinylmations, Trading Pins, and their Pixar Cars die cast cars in a Star Wars theme.

If Disney adds more Star Wars themed attractions to their parks or even create an exclusive Star Wars theme park Star Wars fans around the world will say, “I love you!”

Disney will respond with, “We know.”

Definitely exciting times with the new movie coming out December 18, 2015 and the new animated series, Rebels, debuting this fall. The New Geek Protocol will continue to bring you the latest Star Wars news.

Until next time, May the Force Be With You!

- Da_Fettman


  1. This is awesome. I love the diagram of the park and hope that it something like that too.

  2. If Disney does decide to dedicate a new park, it will be interesting to see what they come up with in terms of a castle. Would it be the Jedi Training Academy that we know from Yavin? The Taris Academy (Jedi Temple) from Coruscant? Or something different ...

    1. I think the Taris Academy would be suitable, I can't really think of another building unless they did a giant Death Star like Spaceship Earth at Epcot. That would be an awesome walk through.
