Thursday, July 24, 2014

Star Wars: Episode VII – Rumor Report

Star Wars: Episode VII – Rumor Report

More than a year from release, Star Wars: Episode VII is generating a vast amount of rumors ranging from character cameos to planet locations. Earlier in the week, Bad Ass Digest reported that they had uncovered the plot details for the highly anticipated 2015 film.

Please note that major potential spoilers may be listed below. However, as a die hard fan of the series, the outline seems a bit far-fetched for me considering the talent involved with the film and the historic secrecy of JJ Abrams productions (the man kept his casting under wraps for 9 months)! In my personal opinion, this rumor is the “Blue Harvest” of our generation, throwing a piece of meat to the media to keep them off the trail. If you do choose to continue, I highly suggest taking the rumor with a grain of salt and just have fun with the outrageous speculation.   

In just 17 short months, imagine yourself settling into your local theatre for the premiere of Episode VII. The crowd is hyped, and you can feel the excitement gathering in the room as the hour draws near. When the lights lower, the crowd errupts as the iconic John Williams theme fills the theatre alongside the classic Star Wars opening crawl making it's way across the silver screen. When the camera finally pans up to the stars, the familiar rumblings of a space cruiser are nowhere to be heard – but instead replaced by …. the severed hand of Luke Skywalker, still gripping the lightsaber originally owned and severed by his own father, Darth Vader, during the duel on Cloud City.

I can already hear the collective sobbing fanboy's cry, “NO! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!”

Questions and contradictions aside (How did the hand leave the Bespin atmosphere? Are we sure Luke's hand was still gripping the blade?), the story continues …

Luke's hand is eventually pulled into the gravatational field of a desert planet, and discovered by our two new leading protagnoists protrayed by Daisy Ridley (Mr. Selfridge) and John Boyega (Attack The Block). Our heroes recoginze the lightsaber as an ancient Jedi weapon, and set out a quest to return the blade to it's rightful owner. The duo's journey is set to take them off world and across the galaxy, where they cross path's with a pair of familiar smugglers (where's Leia?) who recogize the weapon, but haven't seen it's owner in over thirty years (okay …). Thus beginning the journey to seek out what has become of the lost Jedi Master.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy … an old enemy is building a new super weapon, 1000x more devastating than the Death Star(s), capable of destroying not only planets but entire solar systems.

So what are the odds that there is any truth behind theses rumors? Slim to none. I can buy into the notion that the film may centre around the search for Luke Skywalker, but that’s about it. I think it’s great fun to speculate and entertain the rumors, but like I mentioned perviously, Abrams likes to keep things close to the chest and this particular plot outline is far to similar to that of A New Hope to have any real stake in what’s to come. In my personal opinion, I think the new rumors surrounding Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones) portraying an Imperial Officer, or possibly a Sith, hunting down Boyega’s AWOL character seem more likely, and as a fan, a far more fresh and exciting addition to the story. Only time will tell. 
